I feel ya Brother. But don't let them steal your joy, the Adversary is very good at this. I really feel much the same as you do but I refuse to become one of them, full of Hate, total disrespect and no value for human life, they only see people by their skin color and group them as such, totally dependent on the Gov't (Zero Independence), spoiled, clueless, self centered, ok, ok, hahaha, I need to stop here...I could fill this post with a hundred more...I do not like term 'hate'. MOF, it is not allowed to be used in our house. However, and I am ashamed to say so, I truly do HATE liberals, which now means Demoncrats. I cannot open my heart to them, as they WILL KNOWINGLY destroy our country from within. Biden will NEVER be my President, I will never listen to a SINGLE freak'n demoncrat or liberal! I think this needs to be my new motto: 'Joe ain't my president....I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.'
I cannot think of anything more appropriate and sad at the moment. I feel like exploding right now....thank you, you free shit crowd, POS's for advancing the destruction of our country....
I am done...for now....time to simmer.....and hopefully cool off. But I doubt it....
If I had a flag mounted outside, I would hang it upside down. Our country, our way of life is TRULY UNDER DISTRESS!!!!
In my book they lost, we no longer watch TV (News), Social Media lost our business/time, many businesses who support them lost our money, all of this has actually got us closer to God, our Bibles are now back open...Our prayer life has increased, thank your Democracks

You are in our prayers, actually everyone here is, even CT

God Bless America, ALWAYS!!!