US Elections (& Politics) :)


Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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Yeah, at least he's not S.O.S. as he was for Obummer; if so, he'd somehow throw a wrench in the Historic Peace Agreement Between Israel and Sudan
brokered by Trump.
That is true. Not to mention going back to that crap Iran deal. Then you’d see 5 planes of cash heading over, all paid for by us.
No matter who is SOS, I would almost bet that they will turn the cold shoulder to Israel. Just like at how administration 44 treated them (just can’t bring myself to type the name).


Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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Well, it was nice living in a free country while we had the chance. I cannot believe this piece-of-crap state. I’d love to move out of here and got to FL or TN, but I’m sure the housing market and economy will tank before too long. Even if it doesn’t, everything I make will be handed over to a bunch of socialized douchers. Thanks again Kemp for all you have done here.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Well, it was nice living in a free country while we had the chance. I cannot believe this piece-of-crap state. I’d love to move out of here and got to FL or TN, but I’m sure the housing market and economy will tank before too long. Even if it doesn’t, everything I make will be handed over to a bunch of socialized douchers. Thanks again Kemp for all you have done here.
Just give the Dems that are leaving CA and NY like rats abandoning a sinking ship, heading for TX and elsewhere, a little time...they'll turn their newly adopted cities and states into the same steaming cesspool that they left. They're so damn stupid they couldn't find their collective butts with both hands, let alone learn anything from their experience promoting their party, a party obsessed at the moment with revamping our language and it's gender references...yeah, that's what's really important right now...frickin' idiots. My $%&@ dogs have more sense that these brain-dead zombies. :poop::angry:


Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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Just give the Dems that are leaving CA and NY like rats abandoning a sinking ship, heading for TX and elsewhere, a little time...they'll turn their newly adopted cities and states into the same steaming cesspool that they left. They're so damn stupid they couldn't find their collective butts with both hands, let alone learn anything from their experience promoting their party, a party obsessed at the moment with revamping our language and it's gender references...yeah, that's what's really important right now...frickin' idiots. My $%&@ dogs have more sense that these brain-dead zombies. :poop::angry:
Yep that’s the problem. See, tax breaks were given to those big companies to entice them to move. The states wanted to see an increase in revenue. The problem is, they did not think about the politics the companies would bring with them. We see it all over the country. I see it here in Georgia with kemp giving breaks to Hollywood to come and film here. Atlanta and surrounding counties have turned into a mini hollywood (and no, I refuse to capitalize that city name).
Now, I not only have to fear for my kids, now I fear for my parents. They’re up in years, and with biden coming in with a fresh set of commies, they’ll be able to push obamacare back into full swing and deny healthcare for seniors. Don’t believe me? Go look at Canada and their socialized medicine, and then Venezuela, China, etc. I can see it now; wholesale abortions increased (maybe even mandatory if you have more than 2 kids), church closings, lockdowns, police defunding, military defunded. Man it’s going to be like the movie Red Dawn but without a military invasion; it all happened within.
Sorry, had to vent.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Just give the Dems that are leaving CA and NY like rats abandoning a sinking ship, heading for TX and elsewhere, a little time...they'll turn their newly adopted cities and states into the same steaming cesspool that they left. They're so damn stupid they couldn't find their collective butts with both hands, let alone learn anything from their experience promoting their party, a party obsessed at the moment with revamping our language and it's gender references...yeah, that's what's really important right now...frickin' idiots. My $%&@ dogs have more sense that these brain-dead zombies. :poop::angry:
They are already here in Texas...Housing Market is getting ridiculous here, way over priced...Pricing on almost everything has been increasing...Our big cities have already been voting the Dem ticket since Obama...Who has an Island for sale, cheap? :)

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Yep that’s the problem. See, tax breaks were given to those big companies to entice them to move. The states wanted to see an increase in revenue. The problem is, they did not think about the politics the companies would bring with them. We see it all over the country. I see it here in Georgia with kemp giving breaks to Hollywood to come and film here. Atlanta and surrounding counties have turned into a mini hollywood (and no, I refuse to capitalize that city name).
Now, I not only have to fear for my kids, now I fear for my parents. They’re up in years, and with biden coming in with a fresh set of commies, they’ll be able to push obamacare back into full swing and deny healthcare for seniors. Don’t believe me? Go look at Canada and their socialized medicine, and then Venezuela, China, etc. I can see it now; wholesale abortions increased (maybe even mandatory if you have more than 2 kids), church closings, lockdowns, police defunding, military defunded. Man it’s going to be like the movie Red Dawn but without a military invasion; it all happened within.
Sorry, had to vent.
I hear yeah Brother...Welcome to the Divided States of (China/Russia) America :banghead:


Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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They are already here in Texas...Housing Market is getting ridiculous here, way over priced...Pricing on almost everything has been increasing...Our big cities have already been voting the Dem ticket since Obama...Who has an Island for sale, cheap? :)
Boy it would be nice to have a personal island. Unfortunately, the dem party would sense your happiness and somehow justify taking it over and redistributing to others who “are deserving”.
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
I do not like term 'hate'. MOF, it is not allowed to be used in our house. However, and I am ashamed to say so, I truly do HATE liberals, which now means Demoncrats. I cannot open my heart to them, as they WILL KNOWINGLY destroy our country from within. Biden will NEVER be my President, I will never listen to a SINGLE freak'n demoncrat or liberal! I think this needs to be my new motto: 'Joe ain't my president....I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.'

I cannot think of anything more appropriate and sad at the moment. I feel like exploding right now....thank you, you free shit crowd, POS's for advancing the destruction of our country....

I am done...for now....time to simmer.....and hopefully cool off. But I doubt it....

If I had a flag mounted outside, I would hang it upside down. Our country, our way of life is TRULY UNDER DISTRESS!!!!