US Elections (& Politics) :)

I listened to Mark Levin last night who unequivocally said that he didn’t receive any memo and that the reporter making the statement hadn’t contacted him. He went on to say that he was being libeled and was “keeping a close eye on it”.

So, the Cumulus story was pure fiction per Levin.

I beleive Levin, so will consider it bad at this point. I posted it as it was carried across many many sources including both left and Right leaning. Perhaps it was all fabricated by the Washington Post? Not sure what they hoped to acheive if so..
THIS just cracks me up...

View attachment 79496
Might as well say congratulate kamala. Old fart is too far gone to know where he’s at. Won’t be in that position long is my guess.
I can’t muster up the words congratulations but I will say kiss my rear end to the old fart and the industrial vacuum cleaner.
"Welcome"? More like FU! If there ever has been an illegitimately elected President and Vice President these two are it without question!

We are in a very bad place and it's spiraling down faster and faster. We have to keep our powder dry but be ready for just about anything imaginable. These Fascist Marxocrats have very active imaginations. Unless and until Conservatives can get better control of the education system and the media, plus grow some brass gonads for a change, nothing will improve let alone revert.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told members of his GOP conference on a call Monday that the riot at the Capitol was not caused by antifa, urging lawmakers not to further spread misinformation about the pro-Trump mob that stormed the House and Senate last week.
“McCarthy told all members on the call that he has been receiving FBI briefings and it is clear that antifa was not behind this,” one source familiar with the call said. “That it was in fact right-wing extremists and QAnon adherents, and he urged members to stop spreading false information to the contrary.”
PBS Principal Counsel Lays Out Violent Radical Agenda; Says Americans Are ‘F*cking Dumb’ … ‘Go to White House & Throw Molotovs’ … ‘Put [Children] into Re-Education Camps…Watch PBS All Day’ … ‘COVID Spiking in Red States…[Red State Voters] Are Sick & Dying’

  • Michael Beller, PBS principal counsel: “We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away…we’ll put them into the re-education camps.”
  • Beller: “Enlightenment camps. They’re nice, they have Sesame Street characters in the classrooms, and they watch PBS all day.”
  • Beller: “Americans are so f*cking dumb. You know, most people are dumb. It’s good to live in a place [Washington, D.C.] where people are educated and know stuff. Could you imagine if you lived in one of these other towns or cities where everybody's just stupid?”
  • Beller: “What’s great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states right now. So that’s great…a lot of them [red state voters] are sick and dying.”
  • PBS is a non-profit institution receiving millions of dollars per year from the federal government
Partisan Broadcast Service. They got what 80 million in one of the stimulus packages?
It is astonishing the ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT that is flowing from every Demontard/Liberal/Socialist's mouth right now.

Has anyone checked? Did every one of them get the vaccine??? Maybe they're all drinking Brawndo??? Just asking in case... :p
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told members of his GOP conference on a call Monday that the riot at the Capitol was not caused by antifa, urging lawmakers not to further spread misinformation about the pro-Trump mob that stormed the House and Senate last week.
“McCarthy told all members on the call that he has been receiving FBI briefings and it is clear that antifa was not behind this,” one source familiar with the call said. “That it was in fact right-wing extremists and QAnon adherents, and he urged members to stop spreading false information to the contrary.”

I have to wonder who leaked that? The same person that leaked the President saying he was "partially to blame"? That one has already been debunked by, no less than, the President himself.
This shows up as an ad for me on this site LOL...

You need to switch to the "Brave" browser or get Ublock on your existing browser!
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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told members of his GOP conference on a call Monday that the riot at the Capitol was not caused by antifa, urging lawmakers not to further spread misinformation about the pro-Trump mob that stormed the House and Senate last week.
“McCarthy told all members on the call that he has been receiving FBI briefings and it is clear that antifa was not behind this,” one source familiar with the call said. “That it was in fact right-wing extremists and QAnon adherents, and he urged members to stop spreading false information to the contrary.”

Ah.. good to see you back, I think you missed this question...

They are not what the leftist portray. I’ve looked into it some. It’s basically people who believe in a Deep State. Just as the Proud Boys are men that are proud to be men.


Hi @dartworth

This regarding the Proud Boys?

If so, please tell me what you think the Proud Boys group represents?
WaPo’s Robinson: Trump Supporters ‘Need to Be Deprogrammed’

Tuesday, Washington Post columnist and MSNBC contributor Eugene Robinson referred to President Donald Trump’s supporters as “members of a cult” that he says need to be “reprogrammed.”
Robinson, on “Morning Joe,” asked New York Times writer and 1619 Project” creator Nikole Hannah-Jones how to start and complete the “process” of deprogramming the Trump supporters.

WaPo's Robinson: Trump Supporters 'Need to Be Deprogrammed' (

My comment: I see this as another term for "reeducation" camps. This is not the first time I have seen this lately.
meanwhile.. Cuomo messes up the Vaccine roll out in NY and.. the blame goes to the T...

Ross Barkan: Cuomo’s DISASTROUS Vaccine Rollout Puts Elderly At Risk
Sitting here reading the news and it just makes my heart sink further and further. I didn't think we could fall this fast, this quickly. It is astonishing the ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT that is flowing from every Demontard/Liberal/Socialist's mouth right now. Even many 'Republicans' have lost their damn minds as well. It is heart breaking to see all of this and to say it is overwhelming, isn't even close. God help our country, and guide us thru these dark days. I fear the worst is yet to a big way. God be with us all.

It has to slow down....if it doesn't I just don't know what is going to happen. YES it is that bad. And you would think the incoming administration would be trying to bring us all together...NOPE. Just stoking the flames....bad things are going to happen soon. I hope not, but hope is fading...
Just keep in mind as they are taking names, so should we, what I mean, know who is for and against you, what side they are on...Those against you will be the one's turning you in...Sad but could be friends or family...This is a very common theme in Communism...Watch out for wolves in sheep clothing, like what happen at the Capitol. I am not saying live in fear, I am saying live in Wisdom...

The wife and I have already came up with our answers to Any questioning. We will be pointing to a Bible, "Your answer is in The Bible", period, no more words will come out of our mouths...If you want to know where we stand, our beliefs, what side we are on, "The Bible". period. The Left loves to summit huge Bills with many pages, wasn't the last one like 5000 pages, well then our 1200 page Bible will be easy for them to read. :)