I saw somewhere, yesterday, that Parler has signed with another provider and registered the domain name. The provider hosts generally Conservative sites so maybe it'll hold this time.
After banning President Donald Trump from their social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter have seen their combined market value plummet by $51.2 billion over the last two trading sessions. The news was first reported by Business Insider. Following the Capitol upheaval...
Replying to @SpeakerPelosi
If the democrats had stood behind this president and put hatred aside , it's unimaginable where America would be today , even the fight against covid-19, but the Dems did all in their power to see that this president failed and is hated
The House of Representatives has voted to impeach Donald Trump on a count of incitement of insurrection, accusing him of whipping up a crowd of supporters to invade and wreak havoc upon the U.S. Capitol last week as lawmakers were counting Electoral College votes in the...
It boggles the mind. Technically, you can't impeach a president that isn't in office yet Congress, even slower than molasses in January, managed to do this in three
"business" days at a cost well into the millions, I'm sure. What a bunch of morons busy signaling their own "virtue".
It boggles the mind. Technically, you can't impeach a president that isn't in office yet Congress, even slower than molasses in January, managed to do this on three
business" days at a cost well into the millions, I'm sure. What a bunch of morons busy signaling their own "virtue".
and yet.. they took forever to deal with the Pandemic which started 1 year ago... should have shutdown air traffic from Wuhan and China PRC quickly, yet failed...
".. on an ongoing basis, Airbnb has removed people from the platform associated with violent hate groups in advance of specific events, including taking action ahead of the horrific attack on Congress, by cancelling reservations and removing accounts associated with hate group members, including Proud Boys. .. "
I saw something else today. The "insurrection" at the Capitol building started 20 minutes before President Trump finished his speech to his supporters. Exactly how did that happen if they were all spurred on by President Trump?
Love it!! So glad I voted for her. She, unlike the rest of the pricks, will represent Georgia in an outstanding manner. More backbone than 95% of the clowns calling themselves repubs.