I am following dumb-ass and his actions toward illegal aliens very closely. Sometimes its the comment section that has the best response/answer to an article.
Angel mom slams Biden immigration order as 'spitting on the faces of every legal immigrant'
Anges Gibboney's son Ronald da Silva was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant in 2002
We may be a nation of immigrants, but the requirements for legal immigration have always been the standard. Remember Ellis Island? Yup, immigrants have been checked for communicable diseases, non-criminal backgrounds, etc. since the beginning. It's not okay to give illegal immigrants a free pass as their first experience of this country. We certainly don't give a murderer a get out of jail card for the first time he kills. Economic, social, governmental problems exist in every country. They are not reasonable rationales to let someone in without filling the legal requirements. The media is reporting over 7,000 people are travelling in caravans, starting from Honduras, aiming to enter this country at this very moment. Why isn't anyone having a melt down over the imminent invasion? If they can't get jobs in their own country, how are they going to find jobs here with a language barrier and minimal skills? Are Americans enslaved to pay for their subsistence?