Folks, I know it’s a little off topic, but requesting prayer for my parents. My dad is doing a little better, but my mother is declining. All she wants to do is sleep, and is not hydrating. I forced fluids and pedialyte last night and seemed to do better. She got up this morning, ate some oatmeal and dry toast. Forced half cup of water with some pedialyte down her again and she drank a small cup of ginger ale. Went to store to pickup more pedialyte and pedialyte popsicles as well as some zero sugar ginger ale. She’s diabetic, so having hard time balancing all of this sweet stuff. She doesn’t want to go to clinic for IV; I don’t care if she sleeps but she needs to hydrate. Being belligerent, and refusing everything. I feel as though I’ve aged 10 years in the last 2 days. I feel that I am going downhill myself, so I may have caught it. All this to say please please pray for her and our situation. I don’t believe I will be posting for a while. Just had to get this out here bc I’m lost at this point and broken.