US Elections (& Politics) :)

By “extreme competition”, does he mean allowing them to plant technology into the power grid, bow down to their influx of steel and aluminum, manipulating the currency, or just simply making sure that Hunter is placed on a Chinese energy board for double the Ukraine funds?
What a joke. It’s funny when Trump made a positive comment on Putin’s strong leadership, he was crucified in the town square. Yet this clown can compliment the leader of a commie country that purposefully let loose a virus so they could emerge as a leader all the while compromising the election.
THIS is why 2A (note that I have a little nagging doubt the footage could possibly not be true. It still exemplifies how it evens out the odds)...

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Hey! I mean, C'mon Man! He's Bruce Springsteen already! If he says we have to come together now, then we have to come together now (even though 4 years ago he said we needed to be the resistance)!!! Bwahahahahaha, yeah right. Typical "legend in their own mind" kind of person...

"MAGA Terrorism" - CNN's Jake Tapper Says Trump Supporters Who Question 2020 Election Results Need to be 'Held Accountable' (VIDEO)

This is CNN.

CNN’s “State of the Union” anchor Jake Tapper labeled Trump supporters ‘terrorists’ and said people who question the 2020 election results must be held accountable

“MAGA Terrorism” – CNN’s Jake Tapper Says Trump Supporters Who Question 2020 Election Results Need to be ‘Held Accountable’ (VIDEO)

Come see me, .. Jake you spineless piece of shit. I'm easy to find.
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I'll never touch the great Mr Ssayer, but here's my take on the game (Not watching it, but I understand Tampa Bay is in it this year)


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Dude--- you are on FIRE! Where the hell are you getting all of these??? LOL!! Bravo sir!!!:headbang::clap::clap::clap:

Hah! So that I can make my own judgement on things, I hit left, center (<- not many of these any more), and right sites. Plus, Gab has probably been good for over 50% of them lately...

Not my words, but something for thought...

A lot of people have described what's happening right now as similar to a combination of Orwell's 1984 and 1980-1991 before the Berlin Wall fell and Communism in Europe ended.

I think it's time we admit it has gone a significant way beyond that.

Communists in the USSR couldn't have dreamed of having the Surveillance and Censorship powers that a single Big-Tech Oligarch in Silicon Valley has. Europe would still be partially, if not completely, Communist if they did.

We have to admit to ourselves that what is happening now, far be it from being "like" the USSR, is so much worse.

This "Vaccine ID" systems that will without a doubt be used in virtually every country within 2 years will mean there is no escape. Wherever you go - if you go against the government, not any government but the only one as it will be a global organization effectively, you are done.

Blacklisted everywhere.

Keep your mouth shut or else, there is no more fleeing to Mexico (If you are American) or Spain (If you are British / European).

Globalist - Marxist - Hell. And in case you didn't notice, White people are the scapegoat this time. Painted as inherently evil by almost every Main-Stream Media Organization on Earth, from Al Jazeera to CNN.

And if you don't think majorities can be massacred or purged from society, look up the Rwandan Genocide or Stalin's 5 year Plans or China's "Great Leap Forward". That is all from the last century or so and it barely scratches the surface.

Tens of Millions. Because people let it gradually happen, just like it is happening now.

If you ever read about a Genocide you would know that the signs in hindsight seem obvious. "Why didn't they do something? Clearly they were about to be persecuted, perhaps even killed, why did they stay there? Why didn't they do more?".

Because it happens slowly, just as it is now. Although after Covid, they have even given up going slowly. It's clear now what is happening - we are preparing for a Genocide.

Our Genocide.

If you think that sounds extreme then bring up the homepage of your latest news channel and ask: who is this entire website dedicated to making look evil.

And Why?
Thats ok, I'm sure our liberal "progressive" Democrat members here will take them into their homes and be responsible for them...