US Elections (& Politics) :)

So I saw the Bruce Springsteen commercial. Preaching about unitity and coming together as Americans. What a genuine piece of shit hypocrite. Wasn't he the one that threatened to move to Canada if Trump won in 16, then threatened to move to Australia if Trump won in 20? Where was the unity then, Bruce? Mr Born in the USA. Now your guy is in, all is good. Got it.

What a fake POS
I went to school with that piece of dog crap Springstein and I am ashamed to admit that.
Yep, I missed it...

I haven't watched the super bowl in a VERY LONG TIME (actually any sports). Don't care about a bunch of over paid idiots throwing a ball and getting paid millions for doing it. I do however like how they are finally demonstrating exactly how low their IQ's are. Wonderful. Kneel on THIS you bunch of POS's!
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I haven't watched the super bowl in a VERY LONG TIME (actually any sports). Don't care about a bunch of over paid idiots throwing a ball and getting paid millions for doing it. I do however like how they are finally demonstrating exactly how low their IQ's are. Wonderful. Kneel on THIS you bunch of POS's!
I had no desire watching that show bc I did not want to witness bs like that or sprigtwat, or a bunch of millionaires protesting and basically spitting on the flag. Screw them. When are people going to wake up and realize that if you quit watching their crap and drive the money away, they’ll eventually drop the broadcasting off their ideals? Yet I can guarantee that there were probably a lot of conservatives that tuned in and will be online the next day purchasing jerseys, championship shirts and hats, etc of their winning team. Doing nothing but feeding the beast.
Ok, I had it pointed out to me in a PM that (with all of them that I've posted) one of the memes that I posted was using a pic from 2019 to make it's point. I was also given a link to the Google for help. Heh, Google? First... I absolutely refuse to use Google. It is a blatantly liberal biased search engine. Secondly, the meme was making a point about how most of the incoming migrants will be overwhelming our care system (which WE pay for!). I guess I'm supposed to be sorry for not fact checking a pic in a meme?? Ok, after a quick look, and I know this is only a night time shot, but... is this better? Point made? People, with some carrying disease, no money, in need of food, lodging, etc. Go back and make YOUR country great again. Thank you...

Hondurans a.jpg
Our government would never attempt to harm us with this vaccination stuff (or any other way), right?