US Elections (& Politics) :)

And here I thought the Dem mantra was, "riots bad"...

Caravan on its way to America.
No social distancing.
No masks.
No quarantine.
Is the global pandemic a hoax to the Biden administration?
How on Earth does this make any sense?
Where are the medical experts and their outrage?

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It's a SUPER SPREAD HER to add to our already trafficing's issues...
Not my words, but OH SO TRUE...


If you have been a conservative for a while you should already understand a few things. First, you can never be wrong. One mistake, one misunderstanding, one time trusting the bad source will make everything you ever said before into a lie.

The people who oppose you have long a long memory of every error you say, at the same time have a single month short term memory of Leftists lies. Bigger the lie the faster they forget it.

That is why we need to never take anyone's word without a long history of being correct. Even then you should check for unreported facts.
" what do those people who need money now — when do they get their green jobs?”"

Psaki’s response? "Joe Biden has a plan to roll out a plan about his plan."

And in California.
If only this were a meme....
a zoom-forum : "...for school counselors to process and heal from the current events of social and political unrest."

Holy shit.....:wtf:

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"........POS “celebs” were supposed to move out of the country the first time Trump won. But alas, just like the rest of their bs preaching about tolerance and unity, they never followed through."
Yeah, I offered to take Samuel L. Jackson to the airport back in 2016 but I never heard from most of the Hollowhead elitists he loves to hear himself talk, thinks everyone else does too....
Let's see, they break the law by entering our Country illegally, which they should be deported for in the first place, then break more laws, "minor" ones, like rape, assault, DUI and drug related, we catch them and we let them stay. What could possibly go wrong with that kind of plan?