US Elections (& Politics) :)

Not big into lawsuits...but good for the sandmann! To me it seems "just" given all the non-sense from the liberal outlets.

Nice. CNN and WaPo down. Get them all. Its like a pin prick to them, though. It won't change anything unfortunately. Soros, Bezos, etc have deep pockets.
Wouldn't be surprised, nano technology is a reality, implant a tracking device through our bloodstream? Sure, that sounds like a realistic idea, definitely not imagination

Now I understand how he got elected!

That’s Bill Gates answering a question that he really shouldn’t need to, but considering 44% of Republicans in a recent poll said they believe the Microsoft MSFT, -0.20% co-founder is plotting to use a coronavirus vaccine to implant tracking devices on people, well...
I took a knee on almost all sports teams already. Pro sports are all pretty much a sad joke any more...
They can virtue signal all they want, they no longer get my attention or money. Havent for years.
Dammit MLB, not you too. Say it ain't so. Baseball and hockey are the only sports I watch(ed)
FWIW, I'm done with NFL, MLB, NBA...all of 'em. I watch NASCAR, they have an invocation, prayer, Pledge of Allegiance with hats off and hearts covered and a military flyover. The only kneeling going on is during the race in the pits when a tire is changed. I think if you pulled any crap you'd find yourself mysteriously flying in the air over the fence and onto the track.

If any of that changes for the bad at NASCAR I'll be done with that, too. In the meantime, those aforementioned teams and their kneelers/BLM thugs will begin to see less revenue as fans and sponsors dry up.....I can hardly wait. No fans, no tickets, no sponsors, no multi-million dollar contracts for playing a game and endorsing shoes made in China by enslaved children. Talk about hypocrisy.

If we're gonna tear down statues of Columbus, Washington, Jackson and similar ad naseum, why stop there? The cancel culture needs to throw some light on Nike, NBC and Disney's interest in China.

Meanwhile, looking forward to some college football.
Oh yeah, even the college cheerleaders :winktongue: We can't forget that as well

FWIW, I'm done with NFL, MLB, NBA...all of 'em. I watch NASCAR, they have an invocation, prayer, Pledge of Allegiance with hats off and hearts covered and a military flyover. The only kneeling going on is during the race in the pits when a tire is changed. I think if you pulled any crap you'd find yourself mysteriously flying in the air over the fence and onto the track.

If any of that changes for the bad at NASCAR I'll be done with that, too. In the meantime, those aforementioned teams and their kneelers/BLM thugs will begin to see less revenue as fans and sponsors dry up.....I can hardly wait. No fans, no tickets, no sponsors, no multi-million dollar contracts for playing a game and endorsing shoes made in China by enslaved children. Talk about hypocrisy.

If we're gonna tear down statues of Columbus, Washington, Jackson and similar ad naseum, why stop there? The cancel culture needs to throw some light on Nike, NBC and Disney's interest in China.

Meanwhile, looking forward to some college football.
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Now I understand how he got elected!

That’s Bill Gates answering a question that he really shouldn’t need to, but considering 44% of Republicans in a recent poll said they believe the Microsoft MSFT, -0.20% co-founder is plotting to use a coronavirus vaccine to implant tracking devices on people, well...
Did you even read the opinion/'news' article? At the bottom:

The Yahoo News survey was conducted by YouGov using a nationally representative sample of 1,640 U.S. adult residents interviewed online between May 20 and 21, 2020.

This is about as valid as a Facebook pole. SMH
Now I understand how he got elected!

That’s Bill Gates answering a question that he really shouldn’t need to, but considering 44% of Republicans in a recent poll said they believe the Microsoft MSFT, -0.20% co-founder is plotting to use a coronavirus vaccine to implant tracking devices on people, well...

I have a hard time believing that that many people knew enough about it to even have an opinion.

But it isn't that far fetched. Bill Gates has talked about digital certificates and tattoos to identify who has been vaccinated and backs ID2020 for world-wide digital IDs.
There are no more professional sports, only professional "virtue" signalling. I've been a Yankees fan for my entire life. Now, they can go play in Moscow or Beijing and find what they're kneeling for over there.
It feels good to be back. May the force be with you :)
I think they should fill all of the NFL stadiums with mannequins. With camera feeds in their eye sockets so that we can be login to them and watch from any seat.

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