US Elections (& Politics) :)

We watch the local ABC station from Philly for our "local" news and weather. They are such a bunch of hacks it boggles the mind. According to them the President suspended the CCP Virus briefings because he suggested people inject Lysol or Clorox. Today they talked about the Mayor of Portland being tear gassed by Federal "troops" when it was local police that declared a riot and used tear gas. I have to retrain myself from throwing something through the nice, big, flat screen at times.

And we wonder why the general public is clueless and so poorly informed.
Defund Ted Wheelers security team and then see if he'd walk among that crowd. He is such a hypocrite. Guaranteed his security detail conceal carry.
and this should be the 28th ammendment (not my stuff, I'm simply repeating it because it SHOULD BE the case).:

“Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”
What's with the name-calling that happened earlier today between AOC and Rep Ted Yoho ?

Lets face it, the US is the biggest reality show on this planet

In other news,
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The Trump presidency - 'only the best people'. As long as they are corrupt enough. . .

LONDON (AP) — Allegations that President Donald Trump’s envoy to Britain made inappropriate remarks about women and minorities and may have violated federal ethics rules are roiling the U.S. Embassy in London.
Current and former U.S. officials say the charges against U.S. Ambassador to the Court of Saint James’s Robert “Woody” Johnson surfaced during a routine inspection of operations at the embassy and are to be addressed in a report by the State Department’s inspector general.
Those officials say Johnson is accused of making insensitive remarks that contravene department personnel guidelines. But, perhaps more seriously, Johnson’s former deputy has alleged the ambassador tried to intervene with British government officials at the president’s request to steer the British Open golf tournament to Trump’s Turnberry resort in Scotland.
Yep, the Obama administration was squeaky clean. .... Excpet for the entire Intelligence, State, and Justice Department staff...
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Wait 'till the NBA season resumes, it'll be a whole other ball game :rofl:
They will use NBA 2K20 as the backdrop for crowd noise, lol
Dammit MLB, not you too. Say it ain't so. Baseball and hockey are the only sports I watch(ed)
The Trump presidency - 'only the best people'. As long as they are corrupt enough. . .

LONDON (AP) — Allegations that President Donald Trump’s envoy to Britain made inappropriate remarks about women and minorities and may have violated federal ethics rules are roiling the U.S. Embassy in London.
Current and former U.S. officials say the charges against U.S. Ambassador to the Court of Saint James’s Robert “Woody” Johnson surfaced during a routine inspection of operations at the embassy and are to be addressed in a report by the State Department’s inspector general.
Those officials say Johnson is accused of making insensitive remarks that contravene department personnel guidelines. But, perhaps more seriously, Johnson’s former deputy has alleged the ambassador tried to intervene with British government officials at the president’s request to steer the British Open golf tournament to Trump’s Turnberry resort in Scotland.

You can always tell the corrupt ones, they only take questions from sycophants and only speak from teleprompters. President Trump is the opposite of that. Most all of the corruption exposed to date in the current administration has been from deep state and holdovers from Obama and Clinton. Oh yeah, and a big steaming pile of activist dem judges.
I worked as a middle school teacher for 14 years of my career in California. Within a month of starting back in '03, I pissed off the union leadership by asking why in the hell union money was going towards promoting liberal causes that have NOTHING to do with school or education at all...... They sent me a form to renounce my union membership if I don't like it. Funny thing-- my money would still be STOLEN FROM ME to pay the exact same amount as a "bargaining fee". It is a racket, and they don't give a shit about kids--- they have 2 missions: Keep teachers happy (unreasonably overpaid), and fund the promotion of a LIBERAL AGENDA. SonOfABitch I am glad I got the hell out of that shithole state!

You see that middle demand? It is their most important demand. It is illegals that keep school full and the money flowing in.
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Not big into lawsuits...but good for the sandmann! To me it seems "just" given all the non-sense from the liberal outlets.

Now I understand how he got elected!

That’s Bill Gates answering a question that he really shouldn’t need to, but considering 44% of Republicans in a recent poll said they believe the Microsoft MSFT, -0.20% co-founder is plotting to use a coronavirus vaccine to implant tracking devices on people, well...