US Elections (& Politics) :)

She is such a jackass, just like her boss. Ole senile got up at a graduation (believe Coast Guard) and tried to quote something from one of President Reagan’s speeches. When the audience did not applaud, he then proceeded to insult them.
Turn wind and solar power to combat energy??? What a flipping moron. Next thing you know, Greta POS Thinberg will be designing eco friendly combat plans.
It’s a scary thought to think these two morons and their puppet masters are in charge of cleaning out chicken houses, much less the military, economy, jobs, etc. The whole world is sitting back laughing.
Ignorant buffoons, unaware of the extent of their ignorance, and incapable of perceiving that extent.
report is out, PRC CCP China is pressuring Western Companies to Kowtow ...


COVID comes to Taiwan: Two words kill BioNTech deal | DW News

Taiwan's health minister has revealed that two words scuppered a deal for millions of COVID 19 vaccines with Germany's BioNTech. Chen Shih-Chung says the company requested Taiwan drop the words 'our country' from a joint press release set for January the 8th. He said his government agreed to change the wording to just 'Taiwan' the same day. But a week later, BioNTech put the agreement on hold due to a 're-evaluation of global vaccine supply and adjusted timelines.'


The Hill's take on this...

".. it showed us on a conceptual level in some ways the Chinese have achieved total victory they are able to control the very speech that comes out of the powerful people in America's mouths.. "

The Hill
Saagar Enjeti explains how the Chinese government is able to control the speech of American elite including LeBron James and John Cena
Wonder if this will show up in the Marxist news. Probably not because he's a Marxocrat and they can do absolutely no wrong -

The Hill's take on this...

".. it showed us on a conceptual level in some ways the Chinese have achieved total victory they are able to control the very speech that comes out of the powerful people in America's mouths.. "

The Hill
Saagar Enjeti explains how the Chinese government is able to control the speech of American elite including LeBron James and John Cena

But will the ccp accept his apology? I think he should do it again but this time get naked bend over and spread his ass cheeks.