Thankfully I have you guys in this forum and these threads. I can get really depressed thinking we are totally screwed, then I see someone like this woman and it makes me want to stand up and cheer knowing there have to be millions more out there who still have some common sense and love this country. I heard an audio of Mark Robinson in NC that affected me the same way, he was on fire.
Judge rules school board action unconstitutional, teacher reinstated!
Dear David,
Last week, we asked you to support Loudoun County Public School teacher Byron "Tanner" Cross after the school board placed him on leave for saying he would refuse to recognize and sanction transgenderism by using pronouns that don't fit the biological make-up of students.
The Leesburg Elementary teacher addressed the regular LCPS monthly school board meeting about the district's pro-transgender policy. He told the board, "I serve God first and I will not affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it's against my religion. It’s lying to a child, it's abuse to a child, and it's sinning against our God."
Two days after telling the school board he would refuse to "lie to [students] regardless of the consequences," the school announced Cross had been put on immediate leave from his duties as a physical education teacher.
Cross immediately filed a lawsuit against the school board and today, the Virginia 20th Judicial Circuit Court ruled that Cross' First Amendment rights were violated by the school.
The court said, "Upholding constitutional rights serves the public interest. Affirming the unconstitutional action taken against [Cross] which has silenced others from speaking publicly on this issue, serves the public interest. The public's knowledge that [Tanner's] speech was permissible, is encouraged and is free from governmental oppression serves the public interest. Governmental bodies being held in check for violating a citizen's constitutional rights, serves the public interest." Read the ruling here.
This is great news, as the court has once again ruled a Christian's right to express their view, although unpopular with liberal-led factions, is a protected right under the First Amendment.
We thought you'd like to join us in thanking God for this great victory.
Please continue to pray for Mr. Cross and the many other Christian teachers who face these types of adverse conditions in public schools all across our nation.
You have heard me comment recently on Trumps “fine people on both sides” comment and how MSM purposely twisted it out of context. Well here is the Divider in Chief Obama, who knows exactly the true meaning of Trumps statement…
As I have said numerous times, and IMO, ALL OF THE SHIT STIRRING started during Obama's 2nd term. HE is to blame for all of this crap. All of it. He was truly the Divider In Chief!
When Fulton County, Ga., poll manager Suzi Voyles sorted through a large stack of mail-in ballots last November, she noticed an alarmingly odd pattern of uniformity in the markings for Joseph R.
When Fulton County, Ga., poll manager Suzi Voyles sorted through a large stack of mail-in ballots last November, she noticed an alarmingly odd pattern of uniformity in the markings for Joseph R.
Man I hope something comes from these people finally questioning the elections, it just seems like we have had one disappointment after another. My next door neighbors are even flying their "An Appeal to Heaven" flag.
NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson took the podium in Greenville NC for the annual NC Republican Party Convention and gave what is being lauded as an absolutely unforgettable speech.