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True History. Well done Ben…
I don’t mean to keep crowding your posts sir, so please forgive me. When are people going to understand that this crap does nothing more than create and build upon racism??The Ministers of Propaganda are hard at work here....GLAD there are many opposing it!
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True History. Well done Ben…
Great Video, a lot of History there...Ben talks so fast, fast for me that is.
Sure smells Fishy, and anyone who knows fish, if it smells fishy it means the fish is not fresh and starting to decay much like the Left's narrative on this subject...I had some time on my hands this morning thanks to incompetent hospital policies and personnel so I caught up on Dan Bongino's podcasts. If you have some time watch the three or four episodes about Fauci and the CCP Virus. Turns out there is an "anomaly" in the gene of the virus that, so far, has only appeared if it has been inserted by scientists, the Chinese scientist involved in developing a vaccine for the virus has died, and that vaccine was developed prior to January 2020. I'm not a math major, but that all adds up to engineered to me and possibly escaped or released, deliberately, as a bioweapon. It's three hours of podcasts, but well worth the time. He backs up every statement with evidence and it is a damning indictment of Fauci, WHO, and the whole crowd. Well worth the time for information you won't find elsewhere and assembled in an easy to follow, logical form.
I had some time on my hands this morning thanks to incompetent hospital policies and personnel so I caught up on Dan Bongino's podcasts. If you have some time watch the three or four episodes about Fauci and the CCP Virus. Turns out there is an "anomaly" in the gene of the virus that, so far, has only appeared if it has been inserted by scientists, the Chinese scientist involved in developing a vaccine for the virus has died, and that vaccine was developed prior to January 2020. I'm not a math major, but that all adds up to engineered to me and possibly escaped or released, deliberately, as a bioweapon. It's three hours of podcasts, but well worth the time. He backs up every statement with evidence and it is a damning indictment of Fauci, WHO, and the whole crowd. Well worth the time for information you won't find elsewhere and assembled in an easy to follow, logical form.
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SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals
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You didn't have to, some idiot did it for you, LOL I did not get too far past the White people have an appetite part, Wow, how Stupid can one be...I don't think I could even make up shit that ridiculous.