US Elections (& Politics) :)

This does not surprise us, we know Fox will fully flip Left one day...

I know this guy is now former FBI but how many more still active think like this facsist?

Based on his own words, if accurate, me thinks Frank Figliuzzi is a POS and a traitor to his country.

Have you noticed when there’s a video of a crazy woman, chances are it’s a teacher?

Sidney Powell and Defending the Republic present this week's good news you'll never hear from the drive-by lame stream media.

June 11, 2021
Good News Friday !!

Dear Patriots,

It is all too easy to run across"bad news" especially if you rely upon The Left's Drive By Media.

We will give you The Good News to take you into a summer weekend.
Whether it be on the election fraud/audit front, or the Covid-CCP lies, or just in general, there is plenty of Good News to be found.

It is important to share this
as the Left wishes to make you feel isolated and hopeless, which is why these stories do not get much attention in the Drive By Media. Here are some quick hits with links provided if you need to read more.

Election Audits
1. Many more states are sending delegations to Arizona to observe how they are proceeding with the audit in Maricopa County. All have come away impressed. It is anticipated that more states will do similar audits of the 2020 election. Nine more states are sending delegations this week.
2. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill that bans the often used Democrat tactic of ballot harvesting.

Citizens strike back
1.We have seen several examples this week of citizens pushing back on local school boards over the Critical Race Theory curriculum. These are brave people who are good examples of how to fight back.
2. Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis is working hard to fight back on CRT.

1. It seems that we have had not only the prevention for Covid-CCP but also the cure from the very beginning.
2. The Trump Administration had 60 million HCQ tablets that Dr. Fauci refused to let the American people use. Several Democrat Governors even banned the drug in their states.
3. In Florida, at the largest concert held since the panic on the pandemic started, Gov. DeSantis was called to the stage. The 22,000 people went nuts!
4- States that did not shut down are seeing their economies soar past pre-Covid-CCP levels.

General Media Lying Debunked
So much of the narrative pushed by the Left's Drive By Media is being proven to be made up lies. These are not mistakes. They are made up lies.

Other News
President Trump's speech to the North Carolina Republican Convention last Saturday drew more than 1.8 million viewers to Newsmax as the network beat Fox News in a key demo rating.
A shocking victory in McAllen, Texas where 85% of the population is Hispanic. They elected a Republican Mayor!

The Supreme Court has ruled 9-0 on numerous cases this week. Some think these 9-0 rulings are a subtle message to the Democrats to not attempt to pack the court.

Be hopeful and keep praying for our country. Many are working to save it.

Hold Fast ...This is not over.
Sidney & Team Kraken

Follow Our Progress:
This is such BS. Claims that the money will go back to the military. Even if it does, I would wager this action will trigger a cut in the defense budget. This is nothing more than a face-value move to make it seem as though they care about the military. Won't be long before we are back to stripping parts out of a boneyard.

This is such BS. Claims that the money will go back to the military. Even if it does, I would wager this action will trigger a cut in the defense budget. This is nothing more than a face-value move to make it seem as though they care about the military. Won't be long before we are back to stripping parts out of a boneyard.

They like to claim a LOT of things. But you know what they say is NEVER what they do, and quite often the exact opposite. They worship the master of all lies, and they tell lies in his dark service. The more lies they spread, the greater they believe will be their reward.
This is such BS. Claims that the money will go back to the military. Even if it does, I would wager this action will trigger a cut in the defense budget. This is nothing more than a face-value move to make it seem as though they care about the military. Won't be long before we are back to stripping parts out of a boneyard.

A new laptop for Hunter will probably be included in there.
Sidney Powell and Defending the Republic present this week's good news you'll never hear from the drive-by lame stream media.

June 11, 2021
Good News Friday !!

Dear Patriots,

It is all too easy to run across"bad news" especially if you rely upon The Left's Drive By Media.

We will give you The Good News to take you into a summer weekend.
Whether it be on the election fraud/audit front, or the Covid-CCP lies, or just in general, there is plenty of Good News to be found.

It is important to share this
as the Left wishes to make you feel isolated and hopeless, which is why these stories do not get much attention in the Drive By Media. Here are some quick hits with links provided if you need to read more.

Election Audits
1. Many more states are sending delegations to Arizona to observe how they are proceeding with the audit in Maricopa County. All have come away impressed. It is anticipated that more states will do similar audits of the 2020 election. Nine more states are sending delegations this week.
2. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill that bans the often used Democrat tactic of ballot harvesting.

Citizens strike back
1.We have seen several examples this week of citizens pushing back on local school boards over the Critical Race Theory curriculum. These are brave people who are good examples of how to fight back.
2. Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis is working hard to fight back on CRT.

1. It seems that we have had not only the prevention for Covid-CCP but also the cure from the very beginning.
2. The Trump Administration had 60 million HCQ tablets that Dr. Fauci refused to let the American people use. Several Democrat Governors even banned the drug in their states.
3. In Florida, at the largest concert held since the panic on the pandemic started, Gov. DeSantis was called to the stage. The 22,000 people went nuts!
4- States that did not shut down are seeing their economies soar past pre-Covid-CCP levels.

General Media Lying Debunked
So much of the narrative pushed by the Left's Drive By Media is being proven to be made up lies. These are not mistakes. They are made up lies.

Other News
President Trump's speech to the North Carolina Republican Convention last Saturday drew more than 1.8 million viewers to Newsmax as the network beat Fox News in a key demo rating.
A shocking victory in McAllen, Texas where 85% of the population is Hispanic. They elected a Republican Mayor!

The Supreme Court has ruled 9-0 on numerous cases this week. Some think these 9-0 rulings are a subtle message to the Democrats to not attempt to pack the court.

Be hopeful and keep praying for our country. Many are working to save it.

Hold Fast ...This is not over.
Sidney & Team Kraken

Follow Our Progress:
Post of the week!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Providing due punishment to White Supremacists... (Or at least that is the mindset the left has ushered in)

Friggin punk. Excuse me, I meant to say thug and lowlife scum. Bet he feels like a big man picking on an elderly gentleman. Nothing but a flat out wuss sucker punching someone.
Friggin punk. Excuse me, I meant to say thug and lowlife scum. Bet he feels like a big man picking on an elderly gentleman. Nothing but a flat out wuss sucker punching someone.

Singapore has canning.. perhaps we can "right shore" the incarceration of this thug
Public caning, just like paddling in school, is a strong deterrent to many to not do wrong. But we would still have some that it wouldn't phase. But the government could PPV it and make money LOL.

Gonna need a lot of canning to get funds for the deficit ...
Providing due punishment to White Supremacists... (Or at least that is the mindset the left has ushered in)

Try that in Texas and the sentence for Elderly Abuse/Assault is, if it has not changed, an automatic Felony Charge, and many times it gets enhanced, depending on injury.

What a weak cowardly Punk...
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Friggin punk. Excuse me, I meant to say thug and lowlife scum. Bet he feels like a big man picking on an elderly gentleman. Nothing but a flat out wuss sucker punching someone.
We never had this stuff till the Left started its fake news marxist narrative of White Supremacy. Prior to Obama a study was taken that race relations were 69% positive. In 2016 Obamas last year that changed to 67% negative. Divider in Chief.
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You would think the Gov't would thank him instead of trying to charge him for a crime.