US Elections (& Politics) :)

For those who would support disarming the American population, think on it a bit more….

And I thought Woodrow Wilson and Obama were bad...holy shit, this guy takes being a cowardly POS to a new level! Now I will agree that the entire world is laughing at us.
Dont be ashamed Sir.
It’s an honor, even via the Interwebs, to know men like yourself.
Our leadership sold us out a long time ago I’m afraid. The country however, it’s ideals and principles, it’s people and way of life, are why you signed up and why we owe you and countless others like you our unwavering support and eternal thanks.

Thank you for what you do.
I must admit that at times, I see red and don’t think clearly; one of many downfalls. Typing that message should have been done when I was more calm and the shame portion should have been worded better. The uniform and the oath taken by members of the military are definitely not the issue with this debacle. Your post and the post by @JNDATHP hit the nail on the head; the source of anger and shame should be directed to the leadership (technically the lack thereof). It just an utter disgrace and tragedy to see all of the progress made, both foreign and domestic, be thrown into the trash and set on fire by the street bums and hookers that make up this administration and the brass of the military.
Anyone else smell BS?
Yeah, he put a lid on the rest of the day. No more questions from the press his allies.
No doubt, Biden's an asshole...a grade A , genuine asshole. He makes even Obama look good, IMO...and that's saying something, when you can make that prick look better. :headbang:
And this (highlighted) would have been fact..

But we have idiots in the white house administration. And for sure the fish stinks most at the head.

Biden in his briefing today tried to pin this on Trump of course. implying that he had to follow out an agreement set in place by Trump. There was nothing set in stone in that agreement as it was full of stipulations to be met.

But lame brain Biden had no backup plan to deal with the Taliban who have never proven to be trustworthy. This was on Bidens watch, not Trumps. Freakin idiot.
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The war on terror is far from over, this is bad

CNN reporter outside Kabul embassy:
“They’re just chanting ‘Death to America’ but they seem friendly at the same time.”

TonyR: "Then by all means, walk over there, extend your hand and tell them on behalf of Biden that you support their cause" ???? :idk:
Another Trump moron may face the music:

Samson Amore
Sun, August 15, 2021, 10:02 PM·


Editorial Board Calls for Giuliani’s National Disbarment: We’ve ‘Had Enough’ of His ‘Fake News’

Rudy Giuliani’s “false and misleading” claims about the 2020 election have already led to the suspension of his licenses to practice law in New York and Washington D.C., but an editorial board argued in a column Sunday that the blowback against Donald Trump’s lawyer shouldn’t stop there.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch suggested in an Aug. 15 op-ed that Giuliani should be disbarred in every state for spreading “fake news” and lying about the 2016 and 2020 elections. The editorial board pointed out that Giuliani recently admitted to federal agents that it was OK to “throw a fake” on television during the campaign and spread lies about political opponents like Hillary Clinton.
“Full disbarment remains a hopeful possibility. The legal profession and the nation has had enough of this man’s fake news,” the Post-Dispatch editorial board wrote.

“After his election antics last year, it should be beyond serious debate that Rudy Giuliani is a liar,” the Post-Dispatch editorial board wrote. “Even so, it’s startling to read how casually former President Donald Trump’s lawyer admitted to federal agents that he lied to the public during Trump’s earlier election campaign of 2016.”
The Washington Post reported Aug. 11 that Giuliani admitted to spreading fake news during a Feb. 2018 interview with agents for the Justice Department inspector general. His partner Marc Mukasey, who was present at the time, added, “You’re under no obligation to tell the truth” to voters.