US Elections (& Politics) :)

The MSM is actually pointing fingers at Biden now, Wow :eek:



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Biden is speaking live right now. Blames it on Trump who wanted to get out of Afghanistan prior to May 1st of this year. But this goes way back before the Trump administration. What doesn't make sense is why funnel billions if not trillions of dollars in Afghanistan to begin with. How could the international community be oblivious to what was to come. The US stopped giving financial support to Pakistan, they should have done the same with Afghanistan as well. Again, you just can't just deal with terrorists. Clearly, the unfolding situation in Afghanistan was pre-planned all along. This was their ultimate destiny.

You can see Biden squinting and reading the teleprompter; the everyday citizen is not a fool. Always creating a mess for the next incoming administration. I see a pattern here
You know the two pictures of President Bozo in the Situation Room at Camp David that were released over the weekend are either Photo Shopped, not from this weekend or the staff at Camp David is derelict as well (which is extremely unlikely to say the least). The clocks above the monitor are wrong and show a time difference between London and Moscow of two hours which it is during "standard" time. During "savings" time it's three hours because London observes "savings" time and Moscow doesn't. More and more BS from this alleged Administration.
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You can't seriously believe that President Bozo can handle the difference between GMT and what his watch says :rofl: Incidentally, those clock show local time to my knowledge, not based on Military time at all. If they were Military time based the change wouldn't happen, but it does in other photos.
If they were Military time based the change wouldn't happen, but it does in other photos.
For those who like to see for themselves, somebody finding and posting one of those photos would settle it. Also, the room in the pictures showing the clocks has a vaulted ceiling, while all the other situation room photos I found (that show the ceiling) show a flat ceiling. So are these "situation room" photos actually of the situation room?
I don't watch MSM. I wonder how they are painting the narrative for their beloved Joe. You know they will do what they can to paint a picture to redeem him from all of this.

I think some will report just the bare minimum and leave out items that would hurt Biden. Others will try to spin it and put the blame on President Trump.
I haven’t been able to sign in for a while due to pressing issues, but I would love to weigh in on this BS foreign policy of this illegitimate and worthless administration.
I can’t watch the news or open the apps on my phone currently. I am physically sick from what I have seen. The last image I saw was people trying to chase down a C17 as it was departing; people lifting up their children. Now the f@@@@@@@ taliban has taken over everything. Going door to door, dragging people out and murdering them. God help those that were interpreters. People have no idea how many lives those interpreters saved over the years. Now being forgotten about as that region sinks into another Saigon.
I cannot believe what I am seeing. Well, I say that, but what other way could it be? This f@@@@@@@ useless administration and their old Depends wearing, dementia-ridden, sorry sack of s@@t puppet have sank to a néw low. And that SOB wants to act like he stands by his action and that he has experience because he visited that region. Big f$$$$$& deal; you were under heavy protection and your trip lasted maybe a few hours.
Was he there before Bagram got established? Did he experience the late night corkscrew approaches into that area because of the mountains and small arms fire? Did he know what it was like spending the night under a helicopter with rotating turns of guard duty, knowing you were totally exposed? Did he know what it was like going into the upper mountains of Bamyan and living like dogs; where the air is so thin you could barely breathe? Did he experience the necessity of relying on an interpreter to keep you safe? Did he live the God-awful experience of watching a bird filled with personnel, some of them close friends take a hit from an RPG and small arms fire and go down? Did he experience having to secure that site and pick up remains of those soldiers?? Of course he didn’t; he or none of the f&&&&&&& scumbag socialist and communist pigs that are now in control of this nation. And until they or anyone else even come close to experiencing that sh$$, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear the opinion that this foreign policy is correct and they stand by it. Do me a favor, go strap it on and serve multiple tours and tell me you won’t come back a changed person with changed ideas.
It severely hurts what is going on. I cannot believe that all of that work, all of the lives laid down, everything seems to have been in vain. It is hard to watch the very animals that were on the run upon the military’s arrival is now running amuck. This is f&&&&@& as bad as ISIS; Biden or who ever controls him used the same book as obama when they pulled out which helped create ISIS. Of course can’t blame it all on obama; Bush should have never gone into Iraq; Hussein (Iraq’s Hussein, not ours) kept that s&&& in check.
The blood of those people are on his hands. Of course he’s too f&&&&&&& stupid and out of it to realize, and the whore is too busy sucking off everyone under the table. I am sorry for the long post. Had a lot to vent and a lot to get out. Never thought I would say this in a million years, but I am ashamed of this uniform. Made it through 44, but 46 has topped it all and has already driven a lot of soldiers to think the same. Great f&&&&&& leadership.
Please don’t be ashamed of your uniform, although I hear and feel your pain. Let’s direct our anger and other similar feelings to those who are responsible: the President, top military brass including Gen Milley and the U.S. intelligence community.

We are so angry about this debacle and our hearts go out to the Afghanis who are being slaughtered and raped. Disgusting what our President did!
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This is the article that lead to that post. There is a picture in it but it's not close enough to read the clocks. I did see another one, somewhere else, where the clocks were zoomed and could be read and they were, indeed, two hours, not three hours, different between London and Moscow.

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So are these "situation room" photos actually of the situation room?
I found the answer to my own question. The now-famous "clock room" looks to be the Camp David Laurel Lodge Conference Room. Lots of always factual media are calling it the situation room, and with the photo being released by "The White House", it's pretty easy to think it's of the real situation room.
I haven’t been able to sign in for a while due to pressing issues, but I would love to weigh in on this BS foreign policy of this illegitimate and worthless administration.
I can’t watch the news or open the apps on my phone currently. I am physically sick from what I have seen. The last image I saw was people trying to chase down a C17 as it was departing; people lifting up their children. Now the f@@@@@@@ taliban has taken over everything. Going door to door, dragging people out and murdering them. God help those that were interpreters. People have no idea how many lives those interpreters saved over the years. Now being forgotten about as that region sinks into another Saigon.
I cannot believe what I am seeing. Well, I say that, but what other way could it be? This f@@@@@@@ useless administration and their old Depends wearing, dementia-ridden, sorry sack of s@@t puppet have sank to a néw low. And that SOB wants to act like he stands by his action and that he has experience because he visited that region. Big f$$$$$& deal; you were under heavy protection and your trip lasted maybe a few hours.
Was he there before Bagram got established? Did he experience the late night corkscrew approaches into that area because of the mountains and small arms fire? Did he know what it was like spending the night under a helicopter with rotating turns of guard duty, knowing you were totally exposed? Did he know what it was like going into the upper mountains of Bamyan and living like dogs; where the air is so thin you could barely breathe? Did he experience the necessity of relying on an interpreter to keep you safe? Did he live the God-awful experience of watching a bird filled with personnel, some of them close friends take a hit from an RPG and small arms fire and go down? Did he experience having to secure that site and pick up remains of those soldiers?? Of course he didn’t; he or none of the f&&&&&&& scumbag socialist and communist pigs that are now in control of this nation. And until they or anyone else even come close to experiencing that sh$$, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear the opinion that this foreign policy is correct and they stand by it. Do me a favor, go strap it on and serve multiple tours and tell me you won’t come back a changed person with changed ideas.
It severely hurts what is going on. I cannot believe that all of that work, all of the lives laid down, everything seems to have been in vain. It is hard to watch the very animals that were on the run upon the military’s arrival is now running amuck. This is f&&&&@& as bad as ISIS; Biden or who ever controls him used the same book as obama when they pulled out which helped create ISIS. Of course can’t blame it all on obama; Bush should have never gone into Iraq; Hussein (Iraq’s Hussein, not ours) kept that s&&& in check.
The blood of those people are on his hands. Of course he’s too f&&&&&&& stupid and out of it to realize, and the whore is too busy sucking off everyone under the table. I am sorry for the long post. Had a lot to vent and a lot to get out. Never thought I would say this in a million years, but I am ashamed of this uniform. Made it through 44, but 46 has topped it all and has already driven a lot of soldiers to think the same. Great f&&&&&& leadership.

Dont be ashamed Sir.
It’s an honor, even via the Interwebs, to know men like yourself.
Our leadership sold us out a long time ago I’m afraid. The country however, it’s ideals and principles, it’s people and way of life, are why you signed up and why we owe you and countless others like you our unwavering support and eternal thanks.

Thank you for what you do.