US Elections (& Politics) :)

I bet, rehabilitation and construction of the new tunnel will not start until the second to last day when Biden leaves office :rofl:

Very typical....Very typical
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Only feeble minded liberal “progressive” Democrat idiots believe MSNBC and the “Russian Collusion” fable.

Democrats and their media lapdogs, along with the Federal Bureau of Incompetence, are a clear and present danger to our society. We should round them up and put them in concentration camps.
What the holy hell is wrong with her? I think what ever Brandon has is contagious. Must be something in the air duct system in DC.

Watch starting @ 1:13:20

Oh, yeah...remember the 1976 Philadelphia Legionnaires' disease outbreak at their convention? That was the first time the bacteria was identified and then termed "Legionnaires' disease."

A similar disease has been spread for many years in the HVAC system there but it affects mainly demoncrats, particularly anyone (like Pelosi) that has been there since God created rocks. Her disease is caused by the bacterium from tons of bat guano in the the water-chill cooling towers on the roof of the building, which has driven her....wait for it...






More on that from Dennis Miller on YT, believe it or not, 11 years ago! Now she has NO bulbs lit in her chandelier!

I miss The Dennis Miller Show :(
You know what would solve a whole lot of federal political problems in the US? If we, the people, moved the capitol to say: Barnard Missouri. Leave the White House and it's resident, move congress and the senate to BFE in the middle of some cornfield with a generic steel barn structure that can hold enough steel folding chairs for each member to sit in, no offices and a generic cafeteria that serves everything out of a can, like they do for our kids at schools. Lower their wages to what the wages are of the people who live in the town, make them pay for their own health insurance, they get no pension, no pay raises and they are elected for only 2 years, with no capability to be re-elected. They get no guaranteed payment for life. When the 2 years are up, they leave and go get another job. Make them live in a unfurnished one bedroom per unit, compound on-site and put a massive wall around the whole damn thing. If they pass any bill that causes the federal debt ceiling to rise, they have to pay the overages out of their own pay checks. They will have set goals at the beginning of their employment contract to reduce the federal debt by 5% per year. Failure to reduce the debt will result in cancelation of the remaining of their contract and any future payments. It would be like: A right to work state. They can quit or we, the employers can fire them for no reason.
I understand doing good for humanity is good for all, but this goes across the line :( What about veterans? What about taxpayer withholdings? What about student debt? What about the unemployed? What about us, we the people? I understand moral obligation, but who is accountable for separating parents and children to begin with?

That path to idiocracy starts with Microsoft and tailored advertising :rofl:

Scary, when the Tech companies which now dominate the info flow and censorship are being run by neo-communists / CRTs , we are in trouble.
I understand doing good for humanity is good for all, but this goes across the line :( What about veterans? What about taxpayer withholdings? What about student debt? What about the unemployed? What about us, we the people? I understand moral obligation, but who is accountable for separating parents and children to begin with?

People make their own choices. They knew the risks of coming to the US and illegally entering long before they hopped on a bus and got let off at the border. They knew what the chances were of kids getting separated from their families if caught. They made a choice. Now, they have to live with it. Why should the US citizens bankroll the rest of the world? Because some liberal politician thinks we should? Good. Then they need to donate their entire paycheck and future pensions all to the very people they want the citizens to pay for. It was their idea to begin with. They should fund it themselves.

My Dad had dementia for 8 years before he died. I know the symptoms very, very well. Brandon, there, has advanced dementia. His handlers are not there to stop him or pull him off the stage when he has a outburst and embarrasses himself. Any medication for dementia is only experimental. (kind of like covid) You can't cure it and it is really debatable if you can even slow it down. Pull his ass out of the whitehouse now, send him home with a bucket of ice cream and a box of depends. One of those items makes him happy and the other one makes his caretakers happy.
I understand doing good for humanity is good for all, but this goes across the line :( What about veterans? What about taxpayer withholdings? What about student debt? What about the unemployed? What about us, we the people? I understand moral obligation, but who is accountable for separating parents and children to begin with?

Only 10 months occupying the White House and he has allowed OVER 2.5 MILLION illegal aliens into the country.
That path to idiocracy starts with Microsoft and tailored advertising :rofl:

So...what pronoun do you go by? He/Him, She/Her, She/He, Me See, Whoopi! :rofl:

I'll respond to you if you wave at me and say "Dinner is Ready". (That's a universal language everybody understands and no one is offended by it if they are hungry) Anything else you say to me or address me as is a crap shoot if I'll respond or not. Deafness does have it's advantages....:thumb: