I'm no automotive expert so if a person that's been fixing car engines for 25 years tells me a certain oil or fuel additive is NOT good for my engine, I'll listen.
When a hospital-based doctor or nurse doesn't want to get a certain vax because they've seen the results and weighed the advantages/disadvantages....I think I should pay attention to their correctly qualified and accurately informed judgement!
My wife has been a nurse for 20 years at our local hospital. She had alot of respect from her coworkers and the drs. This past fall the hospital said they were going to roll out the mandate, but would accept exemptions.
She said there is no way she will take it from what she has already been seeing.
She also said she would not work for a organization that mandated a experimental drug. She walked and got alot of flak from her boss. She went right to HR to report the harassment and the next day they were begging her to stay and literally throwing everything at her to get her to stay.
She instantly had another offer at our family’s drs office. She took a drastic pay cut in all aspects of pay, benefits, vacation etc, but she’s happier than ever. It’s a small Christian based office and a majority of the staff have not taken the clot shot and they are all very vocal amongst each other that they won’t. And non of the drs there push it nor even talk about it unless the patient brings it up.
Like you, I trust nurses like my wife who have seen the issues first handed and have seen the “numbers” in real time in all regards over the past 2 years vs the “numbers” reported on the local news sources.