US Elections (& Politics) :)

When the highest law enforcement official in the country is in on the scam, you have to start thinking just maybe we really are a banana Republic.

A traitor and a coward.
The same media that scrutinized every single word that Trump said or tweeted works overtimes explaining what Biden really meant every single time Biden stutters something stupid and embarrassing. Yesterday, Biden clearly called for regime change in Russia. Today, the media and his handlers are trying to tell us he didn't.

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In a time when it seems nearly impossible to combat the insanity of the marxist...

When the highest law enforcement official in the country is in on the scam, you have to start thinking just maybe we really are a banana Republic.

A traitor and a coward.
When public officials act as a ruling judge, it bypasses all that America stands for.
Barr recounts in his book that he felt it was unacceptable for Trump to attempt to drag his presidential election opponent into the Russiagate scandal and that Barr felt that it was incumbent upon him to make a public statement.
Once again, MIND BLOWN. The Demontards have done such a bad job, but the Republicans still only have a 2% lead over them? WOW. And 33% say they APPROVE of the 'Idiots' performance? 33%? WTF?



So Biology DOES define a Woman or Man, not someone's demented view of what Gender is...hmmm
So Biology DOES define a Woman or Man, not someone's demented view of what Gender is...hmmm
And we learned in school MANY years ago about the X and Y chromosomes.....if you have a Y, then you're a male......end of discussion.
To quote Lilly of AT&T (again)..."It's not complicated." :headbang:
And we learned in school MANY years ago about the X and Y chromosomes.....if you have a Y, then you're a male......end of discussion.
To quote Lilly of AT&T (again)..."It's not complicated." :headbang:
To add; since I became a Christian I heard a preacher explain why a Male has both X and Y chromosomes and a Female only has X. Females were made from a Male. Adam's rib.

Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. Genesis 2:22 NIV