US Elections (& Politics) :)

OH, sorry, thought you were talking about the right wing militia guy who killed 2 people last night

all nice cities you list. the education system? you mean the one the Republicans have been trying to defund for years?
Gender identify, does that offend you? don't look
BLM, they don't matter? like the the black man that was just shot 7 times in the back? by a cop?

Why was he fighting with the police? Why was he running away to get into his car?

Felon With knife Kenosha.png
OH, sorry, thought you were talking about the right wing militia guy who killed 2 people last night

all nice cities you list. the education system? you mean the one the Republicans have been trying to defund for years?
Gender identify, does that offend you? don't look
BLM, they don't matter? like the the black man that was just shot 7 times in the back? by a cop?

Why were the BLM people burning up all the cars in that dealership? Why were the BLM people looting and setting stores on fire?
OH, sorry, thought you were talking about the right wing militia guy who killed 2 people last night

The guy who got chased down by an armed mob trying to kill him? Not a right wing militia guy, a citizen trying to protect what the police won't.

What do you think is going to happen when the government refuses to protect the people from armed mobs? The people will do it, eventually. They won't sit on the sidelines forever watching their cities burn.
A Zogby poll no less. ;)

Trump pops to 52%: ‘Best job approval rating on record,’ up with blacks, even Democrats (Zogby)

Buoyed by blacks and independent voters, as well as urban dwellers shocked by the Black Lives Matter protest violence raging in some cities, President Trump’s approval rating has hit a new high, according to a survey heavy with minority voters.

The latest Zogby Analytics poll just shared with Secrets had Trump’s approval at 52%. “The president has recorded his best job approval rating on record,” said pollster Jonathan Zogby.

What’s more, his approval rating among minorities was solid and, in the case of African Americans, shockingly high. Zogby said 36% of blacks approve of the president, as do 37% of Hispanics and 35% of Asians.

Approval among independent voters is also up, to 44%. And “intriguingly,” said Zogby, 23% of Democrats approve of Trump.


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Mother of Jacob Blake unloads on violent rioters, apologizes to President Trump on CNN

'I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country'

Julia Jackson, the mother of Jacob Blake, harshly condemned the violence happening in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the shooting of her son during an interview Tuesday on CNN in which she also apologized to President Donald Trump.

Riots erupted in the southern Wisconsin city late Sunday just hours after Blake was shot seven times by Kenosha police, who were responding to a domestic incident. Businesses have been burned and looted, and two people were even killed late Tuesday as the riots entered their third consecutive night.

Jackson, speaking to CNN host Don Lemon, said she is "hurt" and "disgusted" by the community's response.

"My family and I are very hurt and quite frankly disgusted. And as his mother, please don't burn up property and cause havoc and tear your own homes down in my son's name," Jackson said.

"You shouldn't do it. People shouldn't do it anyway, but to use my child or any other mother or father's child — our tragedy — to react in that manner is just not acceptable. And it's not helping Jacob. It's not helping Jacob or any other of the men or women who has suffered in these areas," she continued.

When asked by Lemon whether she has a message for politicians, Jackson used the opportunity to apologize to the president for missing his personal phone call and for comments that another family member had made about him.

"For our president, Trump: First I want to say a family member and I don't know if it was heard or not said something that was not kind. She is hurting and I do apologize for that. Our outburst does not reflect our behavior. And then also, for President Trump: I'm sorry I missed your call because had I not missed your call, maybe the comments that you made would have been different," Jackson said.

She added, "I'm not mad at you at all. I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country. Like I said before and I'm not saying this to him directly: We should always get the details from the right source before we start throwing bricks."

Jacob Blake’s mom on violence in Kenosha: "My family and I are very hurt. And quite frankly disgusted. And as his m… — Tom Elliott (@Tom Elliott)1598432366.0 Anything else? Blake, who survived being shot seven times, is paralyzed as a result of his injuries, a family attorney said, adding that at least one bullet tore through his spinal cord. According to a CBS News report, the bullets left holes in Blake's stomach, caused damage to his kidney and liver, and required that "nearly his entire colon and small intestine" be removed.

"The medical diagnosis right now is that he is paralyzed and because those bullets severed his spinal cord and shattered some of his vertebrae… it is going to take a miracle for Jacob Blake Jr. to ever walk again," family attorney Benjamin Crump said, CBS News reported.

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all nice cities you list. the education system? you mean the one the Republicans have been trying to defund for years?
You got anything to back that up? I can say as a fact for Portland that Republicans could have done nothing more that talk, because for a bunch of years the school funding at the city, county, and state level has been 100% controlled by Democrats, and in reality has increased every year. The situation is the same in Chicago. There aren't any Republicans with any influence to blame it on.
OH, sorry, thought you were talking about the right wing militia guy who killed 2 people last night

all nice cities you list. the education system? you mean the one the Republicans have been trying to defund for years?
Gender identify, does that offend you? don't look
BLM, they don't matter? like the the black man that was just shot 7 times in the back? by a cop?

all nice cities you list. -
Apparently your CNN isnt showing you the destruction encouraged by Democrat Politicians and being done by liberals. There aint no Conservatives in that crowd

the education system? you mean the one the Republicans have been trying to defund for years? -
You go ahead and send your kids to the liberal/socialist indoctrination camps, I'd prefer mine went to charter or home schools where the parents have a voice

Gender identify, does that offend you?-
Not particularly Mary, I think its absurd and dont want sick stupid shit taught to grade school kids thats its right

BLM, they don't matter? like the the black man that was just shot 7 times in the back? by a cop?-
Sure ALL lives matter. And if it turns out that was a bad shoot, there should be repercussions. Thats what the legal system is for., not rioting and burning down cities. But the facts and statistics of the fake BLM cop killing epidemic narrative are against you, they've been posted here ad naseum, turn off CNN
Wheres your outrage about the daily killing of black men in Chicago?, by other black men?
"Mostly peaceful" protests turning into riots and looting.

A certain segment of the population will always take advantage of a situation. In this case, people that want/desire to do harm, to grab things that they did not work for, to cause havoc to spread their twisted view of the world, are using these protests to loot, burn, cause pain and suffering, kill, and maim, other people. This violence has nothing to do with peaceful protesting. It has nothing to do with race equality. These people can go out every night, wear face masks and gloves to obscure their identities, wear clothing that is marked with "Security" or "Press" to confuse those around them, and have their fun. Make no mistake about it, they are having fun doing this.
It's really ironic, and hypocritical, in my mind, that the Democrats are so hung on gender identity. They are the ones screaming "follow the science" with everything. Science says there are two, count them, one, two, genders. No more, no less. If a male wants to dress, and "present", as a female or a female wants to dress and "present" as a male that does not change the basic science. THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS! Surgery, even drastic cosmetic surgery, cannot change that fact either, there are STILL ONLY TWO GENDERS.
It's really ironic, and hypocritical, in my mind, that the Democrats are so hung on gender identity. They are the ones screaming "follow the science" with everything. Science says there are two, count them, one, two, genders. No more, no less. If a male wants to dress, and "present", as a female or a female wants to dress and "present" as a male that does not change the basic science. THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS! Surgery, even drastic cosmetic surgery, cannot change that fact either, there are STILL ONLY TWO GENDERS.

Good point.
The virus came from China and landed in Seattle, Washington (Patient Zero landed in Washington).

But at 30:00, Cuomo continues to stress that the virus came from Europe

Why is this all being twisted around. The west coast got their virus from China and the east coast got their virus from Europe? Sounds political
This person is 17 years old. But, I thought you had to be 18 to buy or possess a rifle. I guess the gun laws did not work again. Strange. Let's make them even stricter then. Let's make it 30 years old for a gun. Then this surely would not happen again.

Fox news just showed video where this kid feel down and a peaceful protester tried to bash his head in with a skateboard. The kid then opened fire and in my opinion it was self defense from the peaceful protesters looking at the video.
OH, sorry, thought you were talking about the right wing militia guy who killed 2 people last night

That was a 17 year old kid who was trying to protect his town from the "peaceful protestors" who were destroying it. Calling him part of a right wing militia really pisses me off after watching the video on Tucker Carlson's show. :angry: You are just exposing your own biases.