US Elections (& Politics) :)


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2017
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Some really good info regarding the shooting by the 17 year old in Kenosha. Several video clips where they break down what actually happened. For example, when Rittenhouse falls to the ground and shoots two of the people who were chasing him and tried to take his rifle, one of them is clearly holding a handgun...



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
As Kenosha Burns, CNN Continues "Mostly Peaceful" Riots Propaganda

Nothing to see here, move along. CNN caught stupidly lying again.. I have to wonder about the low information types that actually watch the CNN comedy show... do they REALLY believe this stuff? Is it possible to be THAT gullible?

CNN panned for on-air graphic reading 'fiery but mostly peaceful protest' in front of Kenosha fire

View attachment 69388
The fire was merely to keep them warm at night. Bwahahahahahaha


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California

I’m guessing the Democrats’ internal polling on the current rioting and protesting is looking really bad, because the New York Times this morning declares a five-alarm fire with this new story (I’ve bolded some revealing bits of the reportage):
How Chaos in Kenosha Is Already Swaying Some Voters in Wisconsin
Don Biehn, 62, owner of a flooring company, was standing in line at a gun store on Tuesday afternoon. He said that he had never bought a pistol before, but that he had a business to protect. A former county board supervisor, Mr. Biehn said he had been calling county and state officials for days, trying to explain how grave the situation was. . .
He added: “It’s chaos — everybody is afraid.” Mr. Trump, he said, “was not my man,” but now he is grateful he is president. He said he seemed to understand in a way that other politicians did not. “There’s nobody fighting back,” he said. “Nobody is paying attention to what’s going on.” . . .
Priscella Gazda, a waitress at a pizza restaurant in Kenosha, . . . said she had voted only once in her life — for Mr. Obama in 2008.
“I’m not the one who would ever vote,” she said. But after the chaos in her town, this year is different. “I am going to vote for Trump,” she said. “He seems to be more about the American people and what we need.”
I’m guessing this story has ruined a lot of breakfasts today for Times readers, and will cause a lot of canceled subscriptions. The Times isn’t supposed to bring its readers unpleasant news like this.



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
The Men Shot In Kenosha Were Convicted Criminals Who Were Shot While Acting Like Criminals

Tuesday night, the free-for-all of looting and general criminality visited upon Kenosha, WI, by Antifa street thugs came to an abrupt halt as a violent confrontation between a single “militia” member attempting to prevent property damage ended with three Antifa shot, two fatally. (clip)
What struck me as particularly strange was the total absence of information forthcoming on the identities of the dead and wounded men who had been recorded on video chasing down 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, beating him in the street and, in one case, brandishing a pistol at him. (clip)
And by “protect others,” they, of course, mean “chase an armed man down the street and beat him with your skateboard.”
Now more information has emerged, and it pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the kind of people who take to the street to commit mindless acts of arson, vandalism, and violence.
First up, Joseph Rosenbaum, a registered sex offender with some obvious anger issues. He’s the guy who threw what, on video, looked like a Molotov cocktail at Rittenhouse but which seems to have “only” been a brick in a plastic bag.

Next is Anthony Huber, aka “Skateboard Guy.” He’s the one caught on video beating a prostrate Rittenhouse with a skateboard. I also think he’s the same one caught delivering a roundhouse kick to Rittenhouse while he was down.
True to form, he was a convicted felon with a history of violence.

Finally, we have Gaige “Lefty” Grosskreutz. Grosskreutz has a pistol in his hand during the confrontation and was shot in the arm. Ironically, he was LARPing as a medic. He was a convicted felon (burglary) — some of the terror sympathizers are claiming his convictions for burglary was merely a misdemeanor, but that remains to be seen — and is not allowed to possess any weapon but appears to have been carrying a concealed semiautomatic pistol. He’s also a member of the anarchist group “People’s Revolution Movement.”

A lot more at the link including pictures and video. The Men Shot In Kenosha Were Convicted Criminals Who Were Shot While Acting Like Criminals


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Who’da thunk...
No wonder there is silence from the main stream media in regards to the background of these thugs. The background of these clowns does not fit their narrative. Of course the people defending property are the villains'. The looters, rioters and arsonist are the "peaceful" protesters in the narrative they are trying to push.
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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California


BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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I’m guessing the Democrats’ internal polling on the current rioting and protesting is looking really bad, because the New York Times this morning declares a five-alarm fire with this new story (I’ve bolded some revealing bits of the reportage):
How Chaos in Kenosha Is Already Swaying Some Voters in Wisconsin
Don Biehn, 62, owner of a flooring company, was standing in line at a gun store on Tuesday afternoon. He said that he had never bought a pistol before, but that he had a business to protect. A former county board supervisor, Mr. Biehn said he had been calling county and state officials for days, trying to explain how grave the situation was. . .
He added: “It’s chaos — everybody is afraid.” Mr. Trump, he said, “was not my man,” but now he is grateful he is president. He said he seemed to understand in a way that other politicians did not. “There’s nobody fighting back,” he said. “Nobody is paying attention to what’s going on.” . . .
Priscella Gazda, a waitress at a pizza restaurant in Kenosha, . . . said she had voted only once in her life — for Mr. Obama in 2008.
“I’m not the one who would ever vote,” she said. But after the chaos in her town, this year is different. “I am going to vote for Trump,” she said. “He seems to be more about the American people and what we need.”
I’m guessing this story has ruined a lot of breakfasts today for Times readers, and will cause a lot of canceled subscriptions. The Times isn’t supposed to bring its readers unpleasant news like this.

I have recently had a lot of people ask me to show them how to use a gun and ask me for info on possibly buying a gun, since I am their "gun guy friend" who can legally shoot on their land. Many of these are Democrats, which makes me happy. I try not to be over pushy, but I casually mention to them to try to buy one as soon as you can because some people are trying to make it harder for you to own one.

It's hard to explain to them why they can't buy one right now because of the current situation, unless they want to get price gouged.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Zogby: Trump pops to 52%: ‘Best job approval rating on record,’ up with blacks, even Democrats

Buoyed by blacks and independent voters, as well as urban dwellers shocked by the Black Lives Matter protest violence raging in some cities, President Trump’s approval rating has hit a new high, according to a survey heavy with minority voters.

The latest Zogby Analytics poll just shared with Secrets had Trump’s approval at 52%. “The president has recorded his best job approval rating on record,” said pollster Jonathan Zogby.

What’s more, his approval rating among minorities was solid and, in the case of African Americans, shockingly high. Zogby said 36% of blacks approve of the president, as do 37% of Hispanics and 35% of Asians.



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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LOL, seems the players Agents and Accountants must have been speed dialing last night..

One Day After Mass Boycott, NBA Players Agree To Resume Playoffs

Agent: You're WHAT? you realize "boycotting games means you dont get paid and they;ll come and take your new BMW right?
Player: uh, oh. So maybe that whole social justice thing can wait till after the season


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
LOL, seems the players Agents and Accountants must have been speed dialing last night..

One Day After Mass Boycott, NBA Players Agree To Resume Playoffs

Agent: You're WHAT? you realize "boycotting games means you dont get paid and they;ll come and take your new BMW right?
Player: uh, oh. So maybe that whole social justice thing can wait till after the season
I guess they did not get the public support that they thought they would. This is just hilarious. Bwahahahahahaha


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2017
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Police released the video of the guy who killed himself which allegedly triggered the riots in Minneapolis. Clearly self inflicted, but why let that stop a chance to riot/burn/loot?
