US Elections (& Politics) :)

True of course and I’m not making excuses for the Bear.

Yes it’s a good strategic move, seeing eastern Ukrain falling, but I think we’re playing with fire that could end up burning out of control. It may not stay contained like Afshitistan
Something is definitely wrong in lib land when this guy starts making sense…

View attachment 131200

Actually, not at all.

This is a perfect illustration as to how far the left has moved. Bill is a classical liberal; he has been left behind by the progressives, who continue their hard, fast move off the end of the spectrum. By their standards, he is a conservative.
Only this senile, inept old putz would say this....he might even actually believe it...

Wait, wait, I've now seen the light! Why just this morning, a lady showed up at the door and said she was was representing the "Orange Handmaden's EvanJellicals (whatever the hell that is, but she was cute so I let her talk...). She said it was so simple. All I had to do was "Vote Orange" for the next six years and then the Baby Geebus was gonna' show up and everything would be fine. Now all I need to know is the exact date and time, so I can stock up on beer and pizza to witness this great Rapturous event.
Enjoy your "Great Disappointment" (what version is it up to anyway, hard to keep up over the last few thousand years...).
This is Ripley, signing off...
The Jester in Chief just spoke, I mean babbled once again! Basically, IDGAF if you can't afford gas!

"All of the last 879 pages of this forum - :screwy:. Completely one-sided. You are welcome to your views, as I am mine. I read these mainly for the entertainment value; can't get any worthwhile information out of any of the discussions."

The feeling is mutual. You can go back to MSLSD and enjoy the lies there.
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All of the last 879 pages of this forum - :screwy:. Completely one-sided. You are welcome to your views, as I am mine. I read these mainly for the entertainment value; can't get any worthwhile information out of any of the discussions.

Nice first post! Well, its a free country...still. You are welcome to continue to read or leave, that's the great thing about it. Welcome btw.
Today's BIG LIE from the White House:

The largest single driver of US inflation is FUEL COSTS, due to the Biden Administration's closing of multiple crude oil pipelines.

Oh, I finally found the laundry list of his bone-headed energy actions:
On his first day in office, Biden cancelled completion of the Keystone XL pipeline,
In the same Executive Order on Day 1, Biden placed a "temporary" ban on drilling in ANWR which would have increased the use of the Alaskan pipeline.
He also halted energy development on federal land and shut down the 80 million acre oil lease sale putting the Louisiana oil and gas industry in danger.

But do go on, Mr. Potato Head, keep telling us the big bad Putin and his mean old Russian bear caused US inflation.
Don't bother explaining it in any coherent or logical or especially factual fashion.
Just accuse Putin/Russia, because, you know, "Russia, Russia, Russia".
This is my surprised face :blankstare:

While there is growing speculation that federal agents and Capitol Police were involved in instigating acts of violence during the Jan. 6, 2021 protests and recording responses for the purposes of entrapment, evidence now proves that “plainclothes” members of a special Electronic Surveillance Unit (ESU) were embedded among the protesters for the purposes of conducting video surveillance.Evidence also points to a day of security deficiencies and police provocation for the purpose of entrapment.

He passes out weapons, sledgehammers, poles, mace. Some of those things come in contact with some of the other protesters who have subsequently been charged with possessing dangerous weapons and are using dangerous weapons at the Capitol. That is clearly entrapment.
That is clearly the government creating conditions of dangerousness and entrapping members of the crowd to possess weapons and possibly use them for reasons that we cannot comprehend.”

On Jan. 13, 2021, J. Michael Waller, senior analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy, published a first-hand account of his observations. Waller is also President of Georgetown Research, a political risk and private intelligence company in Washington, D.C.; and was founding editorial board member of NATO’s peer-reviewed Defence Strategic Communications journal (2015–2018), and a senior analyst with Wikistrat. He is convinced people were embedded in the crowd to execute “an organized operation planned well in advance of the January 6 joint session of Congress.”

According to Waller, a “covert cadre” of people were scattered throughout the crowd to encourage people toward the Capitol, including “fake Trump protesters” he suspected were ANTIFA “wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards.”