US Elections (& Politics) :)

This is a tweet-thread that is a beautiful recap on shit the DNC wants everyone to forget happened....

Noticed the following in that thread ..

One Of The 2000 Mules CAUGHT By Project Veritas
Has Been ARRESTED, Facing 20 Years Of Prison For Election Fraud

A Texas woman named Rachel Rodriguez was arrested on 26 counts of election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot. Each charge constitutes a felony under the Texas Election Code. A Project Veritas video last fall exposed her as she engaged in vote harvesting leading up to the 2020 election.
The Election Fraud Division of the Office of the Attorney General reviewed dozens of hours of unedited, raw footage, which led to this arrest.

Huh.....I am beginning to see a trend here. 37% of Americans think Brandon is doing a bang-up job. What are the chances it's the exact same 37%??

POLL: 37% of Americans think they or family member will likely be killed in mass shooting

Huh.....I am beginning to see a trend here. 37% of Americans think Brandon is doing a bang-up job. What are the chances it's the exact same 37%??

POLL: 37% of Americans think they or family member will likely be killed in mass shooting

According to the NHTSA, distracted driving claimed 3,142 lives in 2020.
The average number of people killed by distracted driving in 1 year is 3,142.

According to the FBI, 884 people were killed in 277 incidents by active shooters between 2000 to 2018.
The average number of people killed by an active shooter in 1 year is 49.
Even if you figured all 884 occurred in 1 year then 3-1/2 times more people were killed in 1 year by distracted drivers than by active shooters.


Your choice would be to quit driving because people are NOT going to quit texting, reading, shaving, putting on makeup or God knows what else while driving. Or you could mask up, sit in your house and watch re-runs of Fauci on CNN and relive your life in days gone by before you were scared to go outdoors, scared of your own shadow, scared to live life.

And that's no life, IMO...not for me, anyway.
One Of The 2000 Mules CAUGHT By Project Veritas
Has Been ARRESTED, Facing 20 Years Of Prison For Election Fraud

A Texas woman named Rachel Rodriguez was arrested on 26 counts of election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot. Each charge constitutes a felony under the Texas Election Code. A Project Veritas video last fall exposed her as she engaged in vote harvesting leading up to the 2020 election.
The Election Fraud Division of the Office of the Attorney General reviewed dozens of hours of unedited, raw footage, which led to this arrest.

Have I mentioned how the lying, cheating, stealing Dimocraps use two main techniques:
a) deception - knowingly lying to you
b) projection - assigning their faults and problems to you

Here's both "deception" and "projection" for you:

View attachment 131371
Huh.....I am beginning to see a trend here. 37% of Americans think Brandon is doing a bang-up job. What are the chances it's the exact same 37%??

POLL: 37% of Americans think they or family member will likely be killed in mass shooting

These two items got hand in hand for the weak minded sheeple.
Therein lies the problem and is EXACTLY why we're facing the problems and issues we're facing now. If anyone out there thinks that not maintaining our status in the world order was not important, then you're a fool. Notice I said "was"....because of the events that have taken place and the policies enacted by POTUS and the WH Admin since Jan. 20th, 2021, our country is weak militarily, strategically, economically and politically. This nation is a "has been" in the eyes of the world. Our moronic president and his incompetent, woke administration has thrown the American public to the wolves. I am truly amazed how quickly Biden and his cronies have managed to bring Lady Liberty to her knees.
Sidney and team are finally getting pissed.
Or they're helping cue the patriots to action.
Either way, it's time to WAKE UP, AMERICA.


June 22, 2022
Laws do not apply to the left

Dear Patriots,
There are two Americas. Yes, as failed Presidential candidate John Edwards claimed years ago, there are two Americas.

However, it shakes out a little different than John Edwards meant.

Today, we see that there are completely different application of law for the violent, leftist, domestic terrorist versus anyone on the right who protests against anything; or even speaks at a school board meeting.

From violent threats and attempted murder of Supreme Court Justices, to far left Hollywood elites illegally roaming the Capitol, to the attacks on Pro-Life centers, there are glaring differences in how the law is administered.

The left is being allowed to break federal and state laws without consequences. All the while there are hundreds of people still jailed for peacefully walking into the Capitol on January 6.
And more every day, including an amazing heroic doctor and lawyer Simone Gold who was just sentenced to 60 days in prison for simply being inside the Capitol and speaking. Count this among the countless outrages of the Obiden regime.

1- A Democrat staffer has been harassing Representative Marjorie Taylor Green for months. He has defaced property in the Capitol building and was caught on video tape doing so. The Capitol police have asked that he be arrested but federal prosecutors have failed to do so.

Just The News

Democrat congressman's staffer caught defacing posters in Capitol complex, but DOJ won't prosecute

QUOTE: Capitol Police caught Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Jake Auchincloss's chief of staff defacing posters outside the Capitol complex office of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and referred him for criminal charges, but the same U.S. Attorney's office that pursued the Jan. 6 defendants declined to approve an arrest warrant, according to police documents and interviews.

Police and Auchincloss also confirmed Monday that the congressman's office was involved in allowing comedian Steven Colbert's production team into the Capitol complex last week in an incident that led to security concerns and the arrest of seven members of Colbert's team.

Capitol Police asked federal prosecutors back in March for an arrest warrant for Timothy Hysom, 51, a longtime Democrat congressional staffer who worked for Rep. Adam Schiff before rising to be Auchincloss's top aide, after capturing Hysom on hidden camera security footage defacing Greene's posters with stickers with religious messages, according to copy of the arrest warrant obtained by Just the News.

Police said they believed Hysom may have been involved in seven defacing of posters outside Greene's office in the Longworth House Office Building between January and March and that he declined to be interviewed when confronted. Hysom was offered a "non-custodial interview and he declined and retained counsel," the report states.


2- While we have seen endless video loops and massive Congressional outrage over Trump supporters breaking into the Capitol building, there is almost a news blackout on the Hollywood people who were arrested for doing the same thing.


CBS Buries Arrest of Colbert Staffers By Capitol Police

QUOTE: Seven staffers of far-left Late Show host Stephen Colbert were arrested last week at the Capitol for unlawful entry as they likely attempted to harass Republicans. Since the news broke late on Friday, an embarrassed CBS has allowed just 65 seconds total. All of it on CBS Saturday Morning. The network didn't return to the incident over the weekend or on Monday.

CBS Morning hosts Gayle King, Tony Dokoupil and Nate Burleson love to play clips of Colbert, but they allowed no recap on Monday. ABC allowed similarly skimpy coverage. Just 25 seconds on Saturday's Good Morning America. NBC has ignored it.


3- Good to see that a few Republicans are trying to get to the bottom of this breach on the Capitol.

Washington Examiner

Republicans demand security footage of Colbert team arrests

QUOTE: House Republicans are demanding security footage of the arrests of production team members associated with Stephen Colbert's late-night comedy show on Capitol grounds last Thursday evening.

Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Rodney Davis (R-IL) sent a letter Monday to U.S. Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger seeking information on the seven individuals they say "were not authorized" to be present in the Longworth House Office Building.

They have two particular demands: "All reports, witness statements, and other material related to the arrest of individuals associated with The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on June 16, 2022;" and "All security footage and still photographs related to the arrest of individuals associated with The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on June 16, 2022."

The Capitol Police acknowledged charges in a statement obtained by the Washington Examiner last week.


4- Over 20 pregnancy resource centers and been vandalized by violent pro-abortion zealots.


Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul Calls Pro-Lifers 'Neanderthals' After 20-Plus Violent Attacks On Pro-Life Centers

QUOTE: Following a slew of violent attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers, New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) is inexplicably amping up the rhetoric against pro-lifers, calling them "neanderthals."Hochul on Monday signed legislation to boost abortion "rights" and "empower" abortion providers in the Empire State.

Earlier this month, a pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo called CompassCare was firebombed; windows were broken, the structure's medical office was set ablaze, and the vandals added graffiti that said "Jane Was Here," a phrase used by a pro-abortion group called Jane's Revenge.

"They broke glass in the middle of the night, under the cover of darkness, to keep us from doing the work of the Lord, from being the light of the world," CompassCare CEO Jim Harden said following the attack. "And we're not gonna stop."

Unfortunately, CompassCare is not the only pro-life center to be targeted by extremists. According to Catholic Vote, more than 20 pregnancy resource centers and offices of pro-life groups have been attacked or vandalized since a leak of a draft opinion regarding Roe v. Wade in May.

"Refusal to equally enforce the law on behalf of those whose ideology differs from that of the political elite, turns people like pro-lifers into second-class citizens," he said. "Either all of us are equal under the law, without qualification, including preborn boys and girls, or equality is just a word politicians use to manipulate the masses."


5- We now live in a country that is divided by the governed and THE government. It will be up to us to vote en masse to change this.


A country its leaders do not live in

QUOTE: Congress now has had more prime time committee hearings on the January 6th protest than it did on 9/11. I am not sure just what the purpose of the January 6th hearings are. Americans have turned their attention to inflation and recession.

But in Washington, where no one ever gets laid off and no one has to go to work if it snows, the show is the talk of the town. The rest of the country has to work today. DC closed for Juneteenth.

The great divide in America is not between lefties and righties. The divide is between the governed and the government. Our politicians are just money men out of touch with the nation they would lead. Which brings me back to the January 6 obsession in Washington.

Food inflation is in the double-digits. It costs $100 now to fill up a pickup truck. Baby formula and tampons are in short supply. The stock market is tanking. Poverty is just around the corner. Miles of homeless people in pup tents line the streets along the West Coast. Drug overdose deaths now top 100,000 a year. Millions of terrorists, gangbangers and other illegal aliens have flooded in under Biden.

But Congress hired a former ABC executive to put together a TV extravaganza on J6 featuring some guy in a buffalo hat grinning inside the Capitol. We put Liz Cheney and the rest in charge. They may soon learn we can replace them.

There is an election on November 8. Chickens won't be coming home to roost. Eagles will arrive, talons up.

Newt Gingrich sees 75 House seats flipping Republican -- which would be his party's best showing in 128 years.

This only works if you flush about half those 200 or so sitting Republican congressmen down the commode with their Democrat pals. We found that out in 2010 when Republicans threw away their Tea Party victory like Biden threw away Afghanistan.

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Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic

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Fed Chair Jerome Powell Shoots Down Biden Administration’s ‘Putin’s Price Hikes’ Inflation Spin

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is not the primary driver of inflation.

In a Senate Banking Committee hearing Wednesday morning, Sen Bill Hagerty (R-TN) pointed out that inflation rose from 1.4 percent in January of 2021 to seven percent by the end of the year, months before Russia invaded Ukraine. It has since risen another 1.6 percentage points.

“Given how inflation has escalated over the past 18 months, would you say the war in Ukraine is the primary driver of inflation?” Hagerty asked.

“No,” Powell responded. “Inflation was high. Certainly, was high before the war in Ukraine broke out.”

The Fed chair’s statement puts him at odds with resident Joe Biden, who has repeatedly sought to blame the war for high prices.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell Shoots Down Biden Administration's 'Putin's Price Hikes' Inflation Spin (
Welcome to the real world. 'Her wife' That's just great. Second, our jail system is really just an elaborate adult baby-sitting business..out to make MONEY. They get tablets, video visits, watching movies in their cells, on and on and on. It isn't punishment any longer...or even much of a deterrent. And she thinks that a foreign prison is going to have the same rights and freedoms that our criminals do? Why? Because she is a carpet cleaner? Because she is black? Because she is famous in the lgbtabc world? The Russians don't give a f**k about that. Welcome to the real world.

And please, you don't like this country, great. GTFO now. Go join your 'significant other'.

Just think, for what she got busted for, in the USA it probably wouldn't even be jail time.

Now Russia extended her "stay"
