US Elections (& Politics) :)

So open the borders wide open. No immigration laws, no border security? Mebbe let them all vote too? Give them all Medicare, SS, unemployment, child tax credits? No restrictions. Come one come all right?

We’ll double the population in record time.

You gonna pay my share of the needed tax increase?
So open the borders wide open. No immigration laws, no border security? Mebbe let them all vote too? Give them all Medicare, SS, unemployment, child tax credits? No restrictions. Come one come all right?

We’ll double the population in record time.

You gonna pay my share of the needed tax increase?
Where did I say that? We already have citizenship laws, and I wouldn't be opposed to seeing birthright citizenship challenged in the courts again. I wouldn't give immigrants Medicare, SS, unemployment, or anything else because I don't think the government should be in the business of giving those things to anyone, even US citizens. Want to come over here to live/work? Fine. Are you scared they're going to "steal your job"?
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LOL I’m sure a few could, but no that’s not even a small concern.

So you don’t want to give them Federal or State benefits. Should they pay income tax?
LOL I’m sure a few could, but no that’s not even a small concern.

So you don’t want to give them Federal or State benefits. Should they pay income tax?
No, they don't get any benefits. I'd like to see the government operate on a budget that doesn't require anyone to pay federal taxes. Man, I'm such a leftist!
No, they don't get any benefits. I'd like to see the government operate on a budget that doesn't require anyone to pay federal taxes. Man, I'm such a leftist!

Leftist maybe not, but reality seems to be an issue…
We already have immigration laws too
Look, every objection you have against immigrants coming to the US to live or work is based on some government law/concern. You're worried about them getting tax dollars, you're worried about them voting, you're worried about ____. But none of the arguments are against the people who just want to come work. So rather than rallying against the people, go against the massive government that breaks everything it gets involved with.
Leftist maybe not, but reality seems to be an issue…
Really? Up until about 2012, the government could have eliminated the federal income tax and not run a bigger deficit than it already had if they would have also cut spending to late 1990s levels. We're talking about not even 2 trillion dollars a year in spending cuts, and then EVERYONE keeps 100% of their paycheck.

Now look at what the government has done recently just printing trillions and trillions of dollars, but you really think they need your and my money too? They don't care about the national debt, they have no intentions of slowing the deficit spending, much less stopping it. Why do we have to give them 30% of our paychecks? It's about control, not necessity.

But thanks for showing your true "conservative" colors, suggesting that we can't get rid of the income tax. Cut spending, let me keep my money. We can do it quite easily.
All for people legally immigrating to work and live and abide by the same laws I have to regardless of race or religion.

You’ll find I’m not a fan of our government in its current state, or it’s economic policies, but I have lived long enough to know that the absence of rules and laws doesnt usually work out well.

You see I agree with you on a number of points, but I don’t take it to extremes like the complete elimination of tax or totally open borders. Some kind of tax or revenue sharing is required , as that’s what pays for the services we desire. We can argue about how the tax is raised. Like Fire/EMS/LE indigent health care, food, workplace and product safety, and many good things government does for a population. Are we taxed to high? Probably, and agree that’s largely due to out of control spending.

Add another 50-100 million people or so and you think we’ll all just get along, no crime, no indigent sick, no need for taxes to support a government, everyone will work and pay for what they consume/use? I mean do we need government at all?

That’s called utopia.
Look, every objection you have against immigrants coming to the US to live or work is based on some government law/concern. You're worried about them getting tax dollars, you're worried about them voting, you're worried about ____. But none of the arguments are against the people who just want to come work. So rather than rallying against the people, go against the massive government that breaks everything it gets involved with.

Most people do not have an issue with immigration, what the issue is everyone that comes here in illegally.

I have skin in this game. I take issue with letting people just walking over the boarder to come here. Why .. I have put my money where my mouth is. I have sponsored someone to be come an American citizen. Being a sponsor comes with strings... What are these strings you ask. Being a sponsor for someone to become a U.S citizen, is you are financially on the hook if for ANY reason your person takes ANY kind of public assistance hand outs for 10 years ! They get food stamps, you pay for these stamps. They get assisted living, you pay for their housing... etc.

So if anyone thinks it's O.K to have them cross the boarder to work in the U.S, then do us a favor and help sponsor them to help take the burden off the Federal Government and help lower the costs to the taxpayers. Sadly most won't have the balls or the money to make this commitment. Also the costs in legal fees to the person that wants to come to this country legally is around $10K to 15K out of their pockets.

I welcome anyone that wants to come to America though the front door. Those that come through the back door, we just take it in the rear.
Most people do not have an issue with immigration, what the issue is everyone that comes here in illegally.

I have skin in this game. I take issue with letting people just walking over the boarder to come here. Why .. I have put my money where my mouth is. I have sponsored someone to be come an American citizen. Being a sponsor comes with strings... What are these strings you ask. Being a sponsor for someone to become a U.S citizen, is you are financially on the hook if for ANY reason your person takes ANY kind of public assistance hand outs for 10 years ! They get food stamps, you pay for these stamps. They get assisted living, you pay for their housing... etc.

So if anyone thinks it's O.K to have them cross the boarder to work in the U.S, then do us a favor and help sponsor them to help take the burden off the Federal Government and help lower the costs to the taxpayers. Sadly most won't have the balls or the money to make this commitment. Also the costs in legal fees to the person that wants to come to this country legally is around $10K to 15K out of their pockets.

I welcome anyone that wants to come to America though the front door. Those that come through the back door, we just take it in the rear.
You welcome anyone that wants to come here through the front door, but you want more and more regulations that make it more difficult and expensive for them to do that? The reason people come here illegally is because the government has made it so difficult and expensive to do it "the right way". Yet again, government screws up EVERYTHING it touches. Remove government control over it, everything sorts itself out. Y'all believe in the free market, right? Sure doesn't seem like it sometimes.
How Joe Biden has presided over RECORD levels of migration, deaths and rescues at the southern border

Migrant crossings, rescues and deaths along the southern border have hit record levels under the leadership of President Joe Biden.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is on pace to record more than 2 million arrests this year as hundreds of thousands of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. travel from South and Central America up through Mexico.

Migrant crossing levels have been on the rise since Biden took office with Border Patrol having tallied a record 1.73 million arrests at the border in 2021.

How Joe Biden has presided over RECORD levels of migration, deaths and rescues at the border | Daily Mail Online
What "stopped it" was that he LOST the Election (as he admitted privately it turns out). This was also "another" "Great Disappointment" for a large portion of his religious base, who thought prior to 2020 that although most didn't like Trump at all, thought he was "Gods Tool" (he was a Tool all right..) and that he would be re-elected, and then The Rapture" would follow in four more years. He liked that too, for anybody who thinks that would believe anything he said...
I'll work on the "policy list", unlike most here, I don't rely on "Q" (are you guys getting more "Q-Tips"...ha, ha, ha,) or any other contrived magnified Village Gossip (A.K.A. "Social Media) so may take a bit....
There must not have much harm Trump policies done if he has to think about it to come up with a few things. It's not like he was asked to list the good things that Biden has done. Is there a Democrat version of Q, maybe that's who he has to seek his answers from? Maybe having to watch reruns of The View or Morning Joe.
Biden’s Handlers Allow Members of a Foreign Terrorist Organization to Enter the U.S.-What could possibly go wrong?

Fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught. And now Old Joe Biden’s handlers have opened up a new way for terrorists to get into the United States: Iran International English reported late Friday that “the Biden admin has decided to lift a controversial ban on the entry into US of Iranian men who’d been conscripted into IRGC, a Foreign Terrorist Organization, as part of their compulsory military service, as they don’t ‘pose a national security or public safety risk.’” The IRGC is Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which the Trump administration designated a terrorist organization in 2019. In their avidity to roll back every last thing that Trump did, Biden’s handlers are once again actively endangering Americans.

This decision to allow certain IRGC members into the country is a compromise move designed to get the Iran nuclear deal negotiations moving again. Those negotiations were galloping forward, with the Biden team bent on appeasement and the Iranians getting all they wanted and then some. But then the Iranians, dizzy with success, got a little greedy and demanded that as a condition of the deal, the United States remove the Foreign Terrorist Organization designation from the IRGC. In a stunning and inexplicable development after an unbroken record of appeasement, the Biden team balked, and the negotiations stalled. Now, the United States is trying to get them going by allowing low-level IRGC members into the country while maintaining the terrorist designation.

This is, unsurprisingly, unwise. The IRGC was designated a terrorist organization with good reason. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid issued a joint statement on March 18, declaring that the IRGC is “a terrorist organization that has murdered thousands of people, including Americans. We refuse to believe that the United States would remove its designation as a terrorist organization.” You refuse to believe that the United States would do such a thing? Gentlemen, Joe Biden is in the Oval Office.

Biden’s Handlers Allow Members of a Foreign Terrorist Organization to Enter the U.S. | FrontpageMag
California budget includes expanding Medi-Cal for undocumented residents

A portion of California's budget will go toward funding a health insurance expansion for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants in the state.

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a budget deal Sunday that includes funding to expand Medi-Cal – California’s state-subsidized health insurance – for low-income, undocumented residents ages 26 to 49. It is expected to impact roughly 700,000 people across the state. The program is expected to start by Jan. 1, 2024.

California budget will expand Medi-Cal for undocumented residents (
How Joe Biden has presided over RECORD levels of migration, deaths and rescues at the southern border

Migrant crossings, rescues and deaths along the southern border have hit record levels under the leadership of President Joe Biden.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is on pace to record more than 2 million arrests this year as hundreds of thousands of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. travel from South and Central America up through Mexico.

Migrant crossing levels have been on the rise since Biden took office with Border Patrol having tallied a record 1.73 million arrests at the border in 2021.

How Joe Biden has presided over RECORD levels of migration, deaths and rescues at the border | Daily Mail Online
Ya know, for a POTUS who supposedly opened the borders to anyone who wants to come in, his administration sure is arresting a lot of folks coming across...
California budget includes expanding Medi-Cal for undocumented residents

A portion of California's budget will go toward funding a health insurance expansion for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants in the state.

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a budget deal Sunday that includes funding to expand Medi-Cal – California’s state-subsidized health insurance – for low-income, undocumented residents ages 26 to 49. It is expected to impact roughly 700,000 people across the state. The program is expected to start by Jan. 1, 2024.

California budget will expand Medi-Cal for undocumented residents (
Yay "state's rights", right? That seems to be the mantra coming from repubs recently...
Look, every objection you have against immigrants coming to the US to live or work is based on some government law/concern. You're worried about them getting tax dollars, you're worried about them voting, you're worried about ____. But none of the arguments are against the people who just want to come work. So rather than rallying against the people, go against the massive government that breaks everything it gets involved with.
I own a service business. I was born in the USA so I have a SSN (I'm in the system) and I paid ALL my taxes. So now come along the illegal who goes into said service industry doing the same thing as me, or one of the many others, but under the radar. People will hire them because they are much cheaper. They don't pay taxes. And as self-employed business owner, how exactly does that benefit the legal American business owner who pays all his taxes and abides by all the rules and gets undercut by these workers? Look around these days, what race do you see in the trades, and be honest. And yes, there are many business owners that hire illegals and pay them under the table. I'm not one of them.

Now their children are also going to schools that I pay for, I could go on and on, like they are driving on streets that I pay for, etc. etc.

What is so wrong with legal immigration?

As you can see the Left does not care about those that are here legally and pay taxes. Why are they not getting the Black American population into the trades, if they really wanted to do good for them? No they would rather tell them they are victims, why do you think that is?
Ya know, for a POTUS who supposedly opened the borders to anyone who wants to come in, his administration sure is arresting a lot of folks coming across...

The numbers of those who make it through are way up. Drugs are flowing across the border in record numbers. There are stories out there that the cartels now control the Southern border.
Arizona AG Says That “Cartels“ Control The Southern Border | Congressional Post

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R-AZ) blames President Joe Biden for the southern border crisis, making him yet another government official that’s itching to hold Biden and his Administration responsible.

The southern border crisis is Biden’s fault. Biden put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the border. So far, she has completely failed at making any difference in the swarm of illegal aliens crossing into the country. That makes Harris just as responsible as Biden for the failure.

Brnovich said, “Just when you think we’ve reached rock bottom, something else happens. This year has seen a record number of migrants enter the country. Just last week, our agency was engaged in the seizure of a record amount of fentanyl. Americans are perishing. Our cities are becoming more unsafe due to the failed policies of the Biden Administration.”

Arizona AG Says That “Cartels“ Control The Southern Border | Congressional Post

My comment: Numerous stories out on this with other people making the same comment.