US Elections (& Politics) :)


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Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
How on earth is this not an impeachable charge? Anyone here have any doubt now that this SOB isn't out to destroy us? Maybe he IS the Manchurian Candidate? With what is going on, I just don't see how this was allowed to happen.

View attachment 132876
LOL, freakin RINO's wont do anything. Democrats impeached president Trump for calling out the biden corruption in Ukraine. Freakin' impeached him, with full on mainstream media melt down for months on end calling off the biden corruption.

Nothing will happen. They, the RINO's are spineless.
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Jan 5, 2016
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Aug 3, 2015
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July 8, 2022
Good News Friday

Dear Patriots,

It is all about winning battles inside the states and we are winning battles every day. They won't make much news but, it all adds up!
Keep praying and do not despair.

1- State by state we win this conflict against private money infused into our elections.

Just The News

20 states are using legislation to ban 'Zuck Bucks' from elections

QUOTE: Capital Research Center, a Washington, D.C.-based conservative nonprofit think tank, has been keeping tabs on states' disparate responses to private funding to assist with elections operations – a scenario that gained steam in the 2020 presidential election at the height of the pandemic.

"The chief culprit was Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who poured $350 million into one sleepy nonprofit, the Center for Technology and Civic Life," Lee and Ludwig wrote. "CTCL then distributed grants to hundreds of county and city elections officials in 47 states and the District of Columbia."

Alabama one of the latest enacting legislation to ban the infusion of private funding into elections.

This spring, the Alabama Legislature passed House Bill 194. The legislation prohibits public officials overseeing elections "from soliciting, accepting or using certain donations from an individual or nongovernmental entity for the purpose of funding certain election-related expenses."

Republican Gov. Kay Ivey, who signed HB194 into law in April, said she believes it will ensure Alabama continues to have free and safe elections.

2- We laughed when we saw this tone-deaf attempt by Gavin Newsom to entice Americans to move to his state of disrepair. This is the reason we love federalism. It offers Americans a choice on how they are governed.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is advertising in Florida with claims that "Freedom is under attack in your state." Newsom accuses Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis of banning books, voter suppression, and abortion crackdowns. "Don't let them take your freedom."

"We're as different," Newsom told reporters in explaining the ad, "as daylight and darkness."

That is an understatement!

Newsom has brought the once amazing state of California to a dark and depressing place with the highest poverty rate in the nation, a soaring crime rate, fleeing businesses, falling population, and utility brownouts.


Newsom Trolls Florida

QUOTE: Under Gavin Newsom's leadership, California has become a disaster area: the highest poverty rate in the nation, population dropping, major cities turned into battle zones, businesses fleeing, utilities unable to keep the lights on.

The ad is paid for by Newsom's re-election campaign, but more pertinently, Newsom is trolling Ron DeSantis with an eye toward the 2024 presidential election. Newsom is viewed as one of the favorites for the Democratic nomination–goodness knows why–while DeSantis is a likely GOP nominee.

So let's make the 2024 presidential election a referendum on blue state vs. red state policies. We know how that election would turn out. All we have to do is look at how Americans are already voting with their feet.

3- The great laboratories of the states are displaying real comparative science showing clearly what works economically and what does not.

The Federalist Papers

Red States Winning the Post-Pandemic Economy Over Blue States and It's Not Even Close

Turns out Republican run "red states" are leading the way in the post pandemic economy, gaining jobs since March of 2020 whereas Democrat run "blue states" are still 1.3 million jobs short.

Via the Wall Street Journal:

"By many measures, red states—those that lean Republican—have recovered faster economically than Democratic-leaning blue ones, with workers and employers moving from the coasts to the middle of the country and Florida.

Since February 2020, the month before the pandemic began, the share of all U.S. jobs located in red states has grown by more than half a percentage point, according to an analysis of Labor Department data by the Brookings Institution think tank. Red states have added 341,000 jobs over that time, while blue states were still short 1.3 million jobs as of May.

Several major companies have recently announced moves of their headquarters from blue to red states. Hedge-fund company Citadel said recently it would move its headquarters from Chicago to Miami, and Caterpillar Inc. plans to move from Illinois to Texas."

4- People are becoming informed consumers and buying guns in record numbers as they can no longer count on any government to protect them.

Washington Examiner

Gun sales pass 1 million for 35th consecutive month

QUOTE: Gun sales in the United States have passed the 1 million mark each month for nearly three straight years, a record being driven by people who seek to arm themselves for protection against criminals, according to new data.

"These figures are a strong reminder of the values and freedoms for which our nation stands, including the right of individuals to keep and bear arms for Americans of all walks of life," said Mark Oliva of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a gun industry trade group.

"While President Biden and gun control advocates demanded strict gun control legislation, Americans voted with their wallets that the Second Amendment is a right they are choosing to exercise by the millions every month," Justin Anderson, the marketing director of Hyatt Guns in Charlotte, North Carolina, one of the nation's largest sellers added.

"In our store, we're meeting many new gun buyers, with an emphasis on African American and women buyers. People are becoming more and more informed at just how inept and unwilling government agencies are to protect them, and in some extreme cases, may threaten them. Along with that, our training classes are filling up quickly at our new shooting complex just east of Charlotte. It remains an exciting time to be in the gun business!" he added.

Sales to women and minorities have grown with the rise in crime and easing up of concealed carry laws in about half the country.

5- Another loss for Democrats in federal court.

Conservative Brief

Federal Judge Upholds Georgia's Voter Integrity Law

QUOTE: Judge J.P. Boulee of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia upheld the parts of Georgia's Election Integrity Law challenged by an organization that sends prospective voters prefilled absentee ballot applications.

VoteAmerica sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to strike down portions of the bill that added requirements for organizations or individuals that mail prefilled absentee ballot applications to potential voters.

The bill, Georgia SB 202, was signed into law in May 2021 by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp. It includes three provisions that apply additional restrictions to such ballot applications.

The court sided with Raffensperger and the RNC, holding that the plaintiff's First Amendment rights were not violated, and they did not meet the standard to obtain an injunction striking down the law.

Lawsuits similar to this one are popping up all over the country just months before November's crucial midterm elections.

6- This leftist meltdown was meaningless!

Daily Wire

Aging Rockers Quietly Crawl Back To Spotify After Short-Lived Joe Rogan Protest

QUOTE: Crosby, Stills & Nash have ended the protest they began against Spotify five months ago over the streaming service's deal with podcast king Joe Rogan.

The aging harmony rockers' music returned to Spotify July 2, according to Billboard. They had pulled their catalog in solidarity with erstwhile member Neil Young, who was upset at Rogan's penchant for interviewing guests with different points of view on COVID.

"They can have Rogan or Young. Not both," Young wrote in a letter to his record company's parent, Warner Records.

That prompted Crosby, Stills and Nash, who recorded albums as a trio and also with Young as a fourth member, to join the effort.

But Rogan's still on Spotify, and now mouldering Crosby, Stills and Nash hits like "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes," "Our House" and "Teach Your Children" are back, too.

7- Extreme Leftist Congresswoman Ilham Omar was booed off the stage at a Twin City festival by 18-30 year old Somali residents.

Power Line

She who gets booed

QUOTE: The huge Somali community in the Twin Cities is celebrating Somali Week (presented by Amazon, with UnitedHealthCare designated the week's official healthcare partner). The week runs from July 2 through July 17. One of my Somali friends alerts me to the unexpected highlight of last night's concert. It was not the appearance of Somalia singer Suldaan Seeraar. Rather, it was the booing of Ilhan Omar.

8- A wonderful historical piece and perfect to read as we end our 2022 Independence Day week.

PJ Media

The Unstoppable Force of Liberty

QUOTE: Everyone yearns to be free. Freedom of choice — free agency — is a divine gift we each receive at birth. It is part of our human nature and it is our ever-present desire. As Thomas Jefferson put it, "the God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time."

Liberty is indispensable to each person's self-fulfillment and progress. Nowhere but here was a government instituted to the end that the individual's rights and sovereignty — liberty — would be guaranteed against, and protected from, the state. Government was to be our servant. Liberty was to be the very definition of America, its heart and soul.

QUOTE: The tour was Lafayette's last visit to America, but before he left, he made it a point to visit his dear friend, the Declaration's author. Both knew the meeting would be the last they would have in this mortal life. Departing from his carriage upon arriving at Monticello, Lafayette saw the aged frame of Jefferson standing in the portico. "Ah, Jefferson!" said Lafayette as he embraced him. "Ah, Lafayette!" said Jefferson as he hugged his loyal compatriot. The two men shed tears. They had sacrificed so much to make America free.

Americans have been richly blessed with liberty and have much for which to be grateful. President Reagan reminded us that as a free people, we control our destiny and must assiduously defend liberty, or we will lose it. At the bicentennial observance of the British surrender at Yorktown, he said:

Let us remember our forebears 200 years ago, the price they were willing to pay for liberty, and rededicate ourselves to the principles of our Revolution. Let the struggle that took place [at Yorktown] remind us all: the freedom we enjoy today has not always existed and carries no guarantee. We can look to our past with pride, and our future can be whatever we make it. We only have to act worthy of ourselves. God Bless America.

Pray. Know. Share.

Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic

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