US Elections (& Politics) :)

^^ What judge gave them a warrant? This is so wrong on so many levels.
I wonder if the validity of the Warrant was proven to the issuing judge with the same level of truthfulness as when some agents presented a "dossier" as proof of the need to spy on a campaign.

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A comment on the ZH thread….

“In the longer view, this raid (third world travesty that it is) is probably a good thing.

A whole lot of people will abandon their "proud to be an american" and "we can fix this if we vote hard enough" delusions and finally accept reality.”
The Democrats and FBI worked very hard to bring about January 6, it appears they are trying to provoke another one…
Bidet had to have signed off on this, or more appropriately his handlers told him to sign off on it.

They’re scared and desperate, and they may have just started a fire they will not be able to contain.
Do not forget that the Democrats have the full support of the Assistant Democrats AKA RINOs. This includes the Cheney's, Bush's and their ilk.

Edit, I hope this opens the eyes of a lot of people.
Those Fucking RINOS need to wake the fuck up and pick the Constitution, or the banana republic DemoFascists. They do not get to ride the damn fence any longer.
There may be justice for the "destroyer of democracy" yet. One can only hope!

The FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s Florida resort and home, Mar-A-Lago, he said Monday night.

“These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents,” Trump said in a statement. “Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before.”
I'm absolutely loving the irony of seeing the "LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!" crowd lose their minds over this. Like, y'all see the double standard, right? Hillary was investigated for years, went through congressional hearings, had her electronics "raided", etc, etc. Y'all loved that and demanded more. Now when Trump gets a warrant served against him, it's the end of the Republic as we know it? GTFOH.
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I'm absolutely loving the irony of seeing the "LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!" crowd lose their minds over this. Like, y'all see the double standard, right? Hillary was investigated for years, went through congressional hearings, had her electronics "raided", etc, etc. Y'all loved that and demanded more. Now when Trump gets a warrant served against him, it's the end of the Republic as we know it? GTFOH.

I am at a loss for words at your stupidity.
Bidet had to have signed off on this, or more appropriately his handlers told him to sign off on it.

They’re scared and desperate, and they may have just started a fire they will not be able to contain.

I would guess that the January 6th hearing is not going as planned. Now they have switched gears and IMHO have jumped the shark.