Do your best to explain it. Perhaps there's a 5th-grader around who can help if you're not very good at big words?I am at a loss for words at your stupidity.
Do your best to explain it. Perhaps there's a 5th-grader around who can help if you're not very good at big words?I am at a loss for words at your stupidity.
Thank you for pointing out the difference. To sum up: The GOP and Trump did NOT act like some tin-hat banana-republic fucks. Dems today? Not so much.I'm absolutely loving the irony of seeing the "LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!" crowd lose their minds over this. Like, y'all see the double standard, right? Hillary was investigated for years, went through congressional hearings, had her electronics "raided", etc, etc. Y'all loved that and demanded more. Now when Trump gets a warrant served against him, it's the end of the Republic as we know it? GTFOH.
Thank you for pointing out the difference. To sum up: The GOP and Trump did NOT act like some tin-hat banana-republic fucks. Dems today? Not so much.
Carry on.
Hey, if Trump has nothing to hide, he has no reason to worry right? Thin Blue Line! Support our LEOs! Isn't that how it goes?
Anyways, all you patriots are very upset about this "raid" on Trump's home. Is this the part where you get your guns and stand up against tyranny? Or do you just go buy more "Don't Tread on Me" flags and talk about how you're going to stand up against tyranny one day soon? LOL, this is already so much fun to watch.
How is it tyranny? Be specific, cite definitions, case law, etc.You are witnessing tyranny first hand and you cannot see it. Are you so blind that you cannot see what is going on and the big picture???
How is it tyranny? Be specific, cite definitions, case law, etc.
Just because I want to see both parties fail miserably doesn't mean I don't stand for anything. I just don't jump on the "my team is better than your team" train. Republicans were desperate to see Hillary prosecuted. You're desperate to see Biden and his son prosecuted. But when your guy gets a warrant served, you call it tyranny. It's hilarious.He doesnt stand for anything, he merely provokes. Pure troll
Okay, I'll help you out by narrowing it down to a specific question. How is this warrant being served against trump different from warrants being served against Hillary? How is this tyranny but not in Hillary's case?I see you are continuing your troll tactics.
How is it tyranny? Be specific, cite definitions, case law, etc.
FBI investigating Hillary or Hunter Biden? Good FBI!I just read a report that the FBI office in Washington carried this whole thing out. The office in Florida was given 3 minutes notice.
Sorry, must disagree. Their credibility has increased among all of the all of the low intelligence TDS sufferers, and brainless democrat voters.The FBI is toast now. They have no more credibility in this country."