US Elections (& Politics) :)


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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I guess this judge is a 'liberal dupe'. Image, he needed to see evidence???

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A federal judge issued a scathing order Saturday dismissing the Trump campaign’s futile effort to block the certification of votes in Pennsylvania, shooting down claims of widespread irregularities with mail-in ballots.

The case was always a long shot to stop President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, but it was President Donald Trump’s best hope to affect the election results through the courts, mostly because of the number of electoral votes, 20, at stake in Pennsylvania. His personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, stepped into a courtroom for the first time in decades to argue the case this past week.

U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Brann wrote in his order that Trump had asked the court to disenfranchise almost 7 million voters.

“One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption,” Brann wrote, so much that the court would have no option but to stop the certification even though it would impact so many people. “That has not happened.”


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
The Founders didn't prepare for a president who refuses to step down, historians say

More propaganda originating at the big money fake news liberal left Washington Post, wanting to stir up their brainless sheep to expect that Trump will refuse to step down. I fully expect that if Biden is selected by the electoral college and none of the legal challenges say otherwise, that Trump will step aside. It's the democrats who have the long history of ignoring the law, yet they continue to be able to brainwash their voters into believing the opposite. Sometimes I have a hard time coping with these corrupt media outlets and their brainless followers. If they had even a small tidbit of integrity, they'd educate their readers that the actual presidential election hasn't happened yet, there are pending legal challenges that need to run their course, and we just have to wait and see how it comes out. Then if they wanted to be partisan, they could report as opinion that they think Biden will be elected and the legal challenges will fail. Instead, they report their opinions as facts combined with totally false accusations, get the brainless followers stirred up, and blame it on somebody else.

Just venting. I realize most of you know all of this already.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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The Founders didn't prepare for a president who refuses to step down, historians say

More propaganda originating at the big money fake news liberal left Washington Post, wanting to stir up their brainless sheep to expect that Trump will refuse to step down. I fully expect that if Biden is selected by the electoral college and none of the legal challenges say otherwise, that Trump will step aside. It's the democrats who have the long history of ignoring the law, yet they continue to be able to brainwash their voters into believing the opposite. Sometimes I have a hard time coping with these corrupt media outlets and their brainless followers. If they had even a small tidbit of integrity, they'd educate their readers that the actual presidential election hasn't happened yet, there are pending legal challenges that need to run their course, and we just have to wait and see how it comes out. Then if they wanted to be partisan, they could report as opinion that they think Biden will be elected and the legal challenges will fail. Instead, they report their opinions as facts combined with totally false accusations, get the brainless followers stirred up, and blame it on somebody else.

Just venting. I realize most of you know all of this already.

"The Founders didn't prepare for a president who refuses to step down, historians say"

actually the Founders DID prepare.. it is called the Bill of Rights... 1st, 2nd,...

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Meanwhile in America...
Opps spoke too soon, just watched the second video. When I said I am lifted up, it was with the Business owner escorting the SYSTEM :), off their property...

You know what this reminds me of, the Romans going house to house looking for Christians back when Jesus walked this earth...

I have FULL respect for the Police, in no way is this a statement against them!!! It is the SYSTEM that I am against...


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Our "esteemed" Governor has been caught without a mask. The list of hypocrites just keeps growing. Also Gavin Nuisance is under "self quarantine" because he, or a family member, has been exposed. Wonder if that exposure happened at the party he threw?

(caution: strong language )

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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