So my wife have talked to several who have fled from Communistic countries who she works with, clients/customers. Of course Chinese as well as Cubans. They were all Trump supporters because they know the devastation of Communism. They are educating everyone they meet she was told, sharing all their experiences and informing everyone what the Democracks here are doing is Definitely the same that was started in their countries. What some have told her is, as history shows, when it first came to their countries it was the same as here, it sounded right and good to many, their government was going to take care of their people right?I heard most of Trumps speech and all of the other speakers. When trump started detailing the fraud state by state, item by item I left and headed to the capital. It was a very big crowd at the ellipse, but the video of the crowd from the helicopters shown on the news were from early in the morning about 9 AM, Trump spoke at about 12 noon.
Some people did break windows to get into the capital. I stayed outside, Climbing stuff is way outside my current skill level. Plus i am a lawing abiding guy.
The number of Asian that were there was way more than I expected. At the ellipse I spoke to a Chinese young lady that has been in the US for 8 years and her father who has been here 3 year both from the main land. They have lived with socialism and communism they are worried about the direction the country is heading. Also meet a number of Miami Cubans, they have been there and done that.
The ethnic mix of the crowd was amazing, they were from all over the USA.
Funny that you are still here, not sure why someone from the Left (the minority) would still be lingering here, but I would say stick around, you may learn something. LOL or just continue with your one liners, it only adds to our laughter...Thank YouStill in the minority...even smaller after the display yesterday.
Ok this is so amazing to hear...Very, Very Interesting!!!DNI Radcliffe has released his report to submit to POTUS on foreign interference on the 2020 Election
Ep. 2372b-Shot Heard Around The World,It Had To Be This Way,The Crime Of Treason Has Been Completed
Reach Your New Year's Resolutions With The Help of Keto! ➡️ Get 51% OFF By Clicking The Link Above ^^^ The patriots needed to wait until the crime was committed. On live TV
On a positive note, at least there were some photos of the antifa scum that infiltrated. However, on another note, most of the pics were of the true, peaceful protestors. At least from what I could see, I couldn’t really zoom in on the pics.And WHY was this effort not given to the rioters, the arsonists, the looters, when they destroyed their cities and private property? BECAUSE POLITICIANS PROTECT THEIR OWN! POWER CORRUPTS!
New FBI wanted posters in Capitol riot manhunt
New FBI wanted posters in Capitol riot manhunt
The FBI has released four posters showing dozens of people wanted for storming Capitol Hill earlier this week in an unprecedented attack on the nation’s
Basement Joe mumbled that BLM protestors would have been treated worse than the Capitol "thugs". Nice, Creepy Joe. Way to bring race into a situation that has nothing to do with race. He couldn't even wait till his Inauguration to start driving a stake between the races. So much for your promise to bring us together, eh? Typical. Obama 2.0.