^^^ No, you sound pretty rational to this lunatic
I still say the major point of yesterday is being missed and dismissed by the talking heads, media and politicians. There WAS a fraudulent election. Multiple States totally disregarded the Constitution in various ways in the days leading up to the election by changing rules by fiat, not by legislation as is required of their Legislatures. If Congress, the final arbiter of Electoral College votes, can or won't do anything about a blatantly fraudulent election, what are we, the citizens and voters left with? Nothing! Congress, IMHO, killed our Constitution and Democracy in the late night hours of this morning. RIP.
I agree. As I said earlier, there is a reason this happened. Keep blowing off your voters....don't do what you promised to do, keep going AGAINST what your voters demand...and this will happen again, and next time it will be much worse.
I just hope some Conservatives grow a fucking pair between now and then....
Say what you want, THEY have their shit together....