US Elections (& Politics) :)

Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX


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Southern California, USA


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Bwahahaha! Not The Bee...

Hmmm...I wonder what Candace Owens' take on that would be.....because essentially you're telling the blacks that they had to lower the standards because their race is not smart enough to compete with non-blacks. And we all know that's not true.

IIRC, Ms. Owens spoke out against those that said new voter laws in Georgia would work against blacks, saying essentially that her race isn't stupid, the blacks can get to the place where they can get a photo ID if that's what's needed.

She's right....and every time the left opens their collective mouths in an attempt to "create racial equity" they're are actually telling the black people that in order for them to compete in the workforce against non-blacks that they're going to lower the standards for qualification BECAUSE THE BLACK RACE CANNOT ACHIEVE ANYTHING ON THEIR OWN UNLESS WE BLOCK ANY AND ALL COMPETITION AGAINST THEM AND THAT THE NON-BLACKS ARE FAR SUPERIOR TO THEM AND THE BLACKS CAN'T DO IT ON THEIR OWN MERITS AND BY THEIR OWN DEVICES.

What saddens me the most is that the party that holds to the above belief, the party that nurtured slavery and the Jim Crow laws, is the same Democratic party of today......through handouts, benefits and entitlements they have successfully enslaved most of the blacks of this country again.....and those blacks don't even know it or if they do, they value the handouts more than they value their own race...or at least it appears so because the blacks keep putting the Dems in office!

Don't misunderstand me...I am NOT denigrating blacks or their intelligence, just the opposite. I am saying that they are perfectly capable of accomplishing their goals, obtaining jobs, governing, legislating, building, teaching, parenting you name it...anything that non-blacks can do the blacks can do. Just keep the playing field level; don't bring in ringers and put them on either side of the ball. That's a fair game....both sides have a chance.
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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When this is allowed, you have to wonder if all is not already lost.

View attachment 113216
Actually, I completely disagree .. 1st amendment so important - and if we do not want Christians banned / censored for posting videos critical of Islam / Muhammad, then we should be OK with this on public property.

for me .. this is a sign, that all is not lost ..

( having trouble finding a good youtube channel from a Christian who actually reads the Koran and points out criticism of it .. )

update: I found him .. David Wood .. just have not found his youtube channel .. wondering if he was cancelled ( not good if this is the case )

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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California

By contrast with Peggy Noonan, to take a prominent example, Gerard Baker provides an unillusioned assessment of President Biden and Vice President Harris in his Wall Street Journal column “Biden Emerges as Progressive Government’s Mr. Bad Example.” There is no false hope, no sentimentality, no uplift, no gush or mush in his evaluation:

It’s not too harsh a judgment to say that this is a man who has risen to the top of American public life without a trace of accomplishment. When you’ve been in national politics for almost 50 years, you ought to have achieved something, if only by accident. But this journeyman politician, when he wasn’t getting almost all the big issues wrong, was largely a bystander. He is now a husk of a leader, a dangerously debilitated figure, who oscillates between displays of vacuous incoherence and weird, angry outbursts, like a confused old man at the wrong bus stop.

Meanwhile, a heartbeat and a spine-chilling cackle away from the presidency, is another living rebuke to the idea that government is virtuous and wise. Vice President Kamala Harris has demonstrated, evidently to the alarm of much of her own staff, that she is simply another of Mr. Biden’s many mistakes—perhaps the biggest one yet. It is a dismaying state of affairs that we must all pray nightly for the continued health of an inept president to avert the calamity of a worse one.

That is a bullseye.

Biden in brief | Power Line (

Comment: Two paragraphs that capture exactly where we find ourselves as a nation. Failed, incompetent leadership. Elections have consequences, stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.


Getting comfortable
Oct 18, 2021
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Straight Outta Mayberry
Bwahahaha! Not The Bee...

And I'll say it here first.. This will also hit the medical community. How many will die because they don't know math.

I know it already happens but this will be the sheild they will hide behind as the malpractice lawsuits increases.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
Actually, I completely disagree .. 1st amendment so important - and if we do not want Christians banned / censored for posting videos critical of Islam / Muhammad, then we should be OK with this on public property.

for me .. this is a sign, that all is not lost ..

( having trouble finding a good youtube channel from a Christian who actually reads the Koran and points out criticism of it .. )

update: I found him .. David Wood .. just have not found his youtube channel .. wondering if he was cancelled ( not good if this is the case )

Actually, I'm completely Ok that we disagree.


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Actually, I'm completely Ok that we disagree.
This is how grown adults should act. Nobody is going to agree with everyone all of the time. It would truly be a boring world if they did. But we realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, we debate it a bit, go on with life and still crack jokes with each other an hour later. That's what makes this site great.

This is why I no longer frequent Gab. Everyone on it appears to be far, far right and they have no desire to even debate anything. It's either their way of thinking or else they call you a Nazi and a Jew and promptly block you.
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
That's a shame. I have never even heard of Gab. I use to really love Imgur, then it turned so toxic and anti-US. Yesterday I read some posts about how all Boomers are Nazi's, KKK, etc, etc. I can also remember when the beginning of the COVID shit started, there were many posts on there talking about what a good thing it was, as it mostly affected the elderly and we needed to get rid of as many boomers as possible.

Hate goes both directions, and that is very unfortunate.


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
That's a shame. I have never even heard of Gab. I use to really love Imgur, then it turned so toxic and anti-US. Yesterday I read some posts about how all Boomers are Nazi's, KKK, etc, etc. I can also remember when the beginning of the COVID shit started, there were many posts on there talking about what a good thing it was, as it mostly affected the elderly and we needed to get rid of as many boomers as possible.

Hate goes both directions, and that is very unfortunate.
I had joined Gab back in early 2018. It was a refreshing experience compared to farcebook because they advertised they were a freedom of speech social network. They wouldn't shadow ban you, put you in jail or censor your posts. They got some bad press from the left (surprise) after one of Gabs non-main stream users shot up a Jewish Synagogue. It was a rough ride for a while, as they got de-platformed from just about every service provider out there. Somehow, they managed to survive and it was a fun site to be on, kind of like IPCT.

When farcebook and twatter decided to do their massive purge of people late last year and early this year, everyone came to Gab in droves. Unfortunately, all of the conspiracy theory people (5g is Covid, the earth is flat, the Gov't is hiding UFO's from us), skin heads and other social rejected people were part of the big purge and mass influx of Gab. Things went to hell in a handbucket really quick within a week or two. The CEO of Gab thought it was absolutely great, as he was just concerned about numbers and how many new members there were, without any thought of the quality of the new members. A lot of the original Gabbers that had been there for years, left and went elsewhere.

So, you have never heard of Gab. From my perspective, you haven't missed anything.


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Heelsup Harris has been taking coaching lessons from Hillary on how to pull her lowest poll ratings in the history of polling out of the toilet. (Blind leading the blind) She thinks nobody letting her travel on the tax payers dime is the problem. She ignores the massive elephant in the room of: She is a Ho, she cackle's like AOC, she laughs and smirks at all the wrong times, she is abrasive, conceited and nobody likes her or wants to be around her. So, they keep her locked up in her office and give her crossword puzzles to do.....
