US Elections (& Politics) :)

Now thats what I am talking about.

I know there are other Candidates that are worthy of a vote, BUT, Trump is the Only One that has the will power and guts to fight the Deep State (Drain the Swamp), IMO. Can he succeed? Who knows, he has MANY enemies, probably as many as Israel has :) But his resilience is off the charts.
White House brags about inflation falling while showing chart of unprecedented inflation after taking office.

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I'm still paying $5 a gallon. During Trump it got as low as $2.70. They are to blame for the rise in gas prices. Gas prices affect everything. So much for the low and middle income earners.
What a bunch of idiots, thinking that we are a bunch of idiots.

No, inflation is NOT at the lowest level. The rate of change of inflation is at a lower level, but the overall effect of inflation is cumulative.
What a bunch of idiots, thinking that we are a bunch of idiots.

No, inflation is NOT at the lowest level. The rate of change of inflation is at a lower level, but the overall effect of inflation is cumulative.

Ya just gotta wonder. Trump truly has got all the evidence. He said it many times, and although he's often known for boasting, he's also been proven to be telling the truth many times. What I'm wondering is, what is the timing of exposing all this evidence? It's become crystal clear how corrupt is the government, and even more clear how corrupt are the MSM. The majority of the US knows this to be true, and more evidence is being exposed every week. The Overton window has been smashed long ago. So many of us are ready for everything to drop. Are they really going to make us wait for the next so-called "free election"?
"It's deja vu all over again" was said by Yogi Berra. In just a few months it will be 61 years in October, when
my Dad came home and kissed us all Good Bye. We, at that time, lived in Denver Colorado and he worked
at Lowery AFB. We would not see him for a few weeks. The event was the "Cuban Missile Crisis".

So, here we go again. As usual, it is all President Trumps fault. So what was the 50 or so intelligence "orifices" that
signed the "Russiagate letter" doing? If we are real lucky, Colonel Cathcart will be put in charge of the de-Chiniafication
of Cuba.:clap:

Col. Cathcart will be played by Hunter this time.;) He will equip all of our fighting forces with only the best equipment.

As usual one is going to have to depend on oneself to get out of the "pickle"

things that make you go "hmmmm .. "

Dershowitz: Why Donald Trump Cannot Get A Top-Tier Lawyer
Dershowitz: Why Donald Trump Cannot Get A Top-Tier Lawyer | ZeroHedge

Former President Donald Trump has now been arraigned and pleaded not guilty. He was represented by two lawyers, neither of whom he apparently wants to lead his defense at trial. He has been interviewing Florida lawyers, and several top ones have declined. I know, because I have spoken to them. There are disturbing suggestions that among the reasons lawyers are declining the case is because they fear legal and career reprisals.

There is a nefarious group that calls itself The 65 Project that has as its goal to intimidate lawyers into not representing Trump or anyone associated with him.

They have threatened to file bar charges against any such lawyers.

When these threats first emerged, I wrote an op-ed offering to defend pro bono any lawyers that The 65 Project goes after. So The 65 Project immediately went after me, and contrived a charge based on a case in which I was a constitutional consultant, but designed to send a message to potential Trump lawyers: if you defend Trump or anyone associated with him, we will target you and find something to charge you with. The lawyers to whom I spoke are fully aware of this threat -- and they are taking it seriously.