China is the factory of the world, this will not change in the later 10-15 years and there is a huge demand for chips. If American companies do not chase this market, European and Asian companies will squeeze American companies out. And American companies can't find an alternative market. The final result is that American companies' revenues are lower, profits are falling, companies invest less in research and development, layoffs, and companies lose. So that is why every country want to protect Taiwan now. China not really will make a war on TW, why ? China earn 500-600 billions USD from USA and buy 180billions USD chips from TW in 2021z And Taiwan use the money to buy weapons and tech from US. Lol
Just go to a public toilet , damn US tech again. US standard, very clean.
Ex-Huawei’s brand Honor now have a very huge new office again, 6 buildings with 40 floors. It’s living again, chips going on supply to them now.
Today talk too much political, time go to do some sport. Anyway , I respect US people’s choice.