That's too bad, but even if that did work it wouldn't be a long-term solution as most don't have static WAN IP addresses.
What I have found is that when notification images work (usually never), by the time I click on the notification, the activity has already passed.. Tap that notification and it's a shortcut to our live porch cam which shows nothing. What works best for me is the SMS text message option in camera properties > alerts. With SMS, I can specify image quality/scale, and it's just as easy to open up app if I need to monitor what's going on based on that pic (I usually don't even do that). And I can go back in that SMS thread and see all the triggers, open up that image to inspect in greater detail. Far as I know you can't do that with notifications.
I'm genuinely curios as to why people need/want notification images vs SMS images? Is it just that tapping it opens up that live cam?