Video Door bell...


Oct 18, 2014

I am a longtime user of BlueIris and am happy with the product.

My door bell is on the blink and I was considering the ring video doorbell pro. From what I could understand it does not play nice with BI and requires paid for cloud storage which I would like to avoid.

What I would like is a video door bell that:
* works with BI allowing me to record motion detected video
* works with WiFi or is hard wired (RJ45)
* has night vision
* can contact me and other authorised people on an app (Android) allowing two way communication
* is secure <--- very important
* allows 2 way communication
* has a chime function (if I understood correctly with ring this costs extra)
* (optional) allows me to open the door remotely

I don't know if this product exists today.

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Your looking for a gimmick to empty your wallet; just put up a normal camera with a microphone and it'll be 100x more useful..

or give up: night vision, image quality and secure in exchange for 2-way audio with a button you'll be lucky to actually use a couple times a year.

talking to someone at your door when your not home is more likely to backfire right in your face than it is to protect your property.. Is the camera gona answer when someone knocks on the door? cause you cant force people to push a button.. My doorbell is wired to push me video when someone presses it; most of the time they just knock so I had to add a pressure pad under my welcome mat to get any level of reliable presence detection at my door.

Its not going to be long, if not already happening.. that criminals know fully what that consumer off the shelf doorbell camera is capable of and instead knock to see if anyone is home vs purposely triggering a built in camera... its like thinking motion activated lights serve as a deterrant, maybe the first guy to install one in the 70's had that effect.. but pretty much my entire life they have been on the market and nobody has been startled when lights turn them selves on for decades.
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Your looking for a gimmick to empty your wallet; just put up a normal camera with a microphone and it'll be 100x more useful..

or give up: night vision, image quality and secure in exchange for 2-way audio with a button you'll be lucky to actually use a couple times a year.

talking to someone at your door when your not home is more likely to backfire right in your face than it is to protect your property.. Is the camera gona answer when someone knocks on the door? cause you cant force people to push a button.. My doorbell is wired to push me video when someone presses it; most of the time they just knock so I had to add a pressure pad under my welcome mat to get any level of reliable presence detection at my door.

Its not going to be long, if not already happening.. that criminals know fully what that consumer off the shelf doorbell camera is capable of and instead knock to see if anyone is home vs purposely triggering a built in camera... its like thinking motion activated lights serve as a deterrant, maybe the first guy to install one in the 70's had that effect.. but pretty much my entire life they have been on the market and nobody has been startled when lights turn them selves on for decades.

Thanks for your input. I wonder why no one has thought of such a solution as yet. You observation about knocking could be mitigated by using motion detection. I have 7 IP cameras hooked up to BI set like that and they work marvellously.

If there isn't a product that can address my wish list, can anyone maybe suggest a door camera that works with BI. I can live without the door and app if I have to.
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Thanks for your input. I wonder why no one has thought of such a solution as yet. You observation about knocking could be mitigated by using motion detection. I have 7 IP cameras hooked up to BI set like that and they work marvellously.

If there isn't a product that can address my wish list, can anyone maybe suggest a door camera that works with BI. I can live without the door and app if I have to.
Umm, did you look at the post I linked to?
Thanks for your input. I wonder why no one has thought of such a solution as yet. You observation about knocking could be mitigated by using motion detection. I have 7 IP cameras hooked up to BI set like that and they work marvellously.

Thats because your running BlueIris which is doing the Video Analytics, and is quite capable of doing a decent job at that; a standalone camera detecting motion and sending you alerts would give you 20 false alerts for every 1 real alert; or alternatively it will miss 4-5 true event out of 10.. Cameras cant process motion outdoors reliably based on pixels changing.. so nope, unless your running BlueIris thats never going to work out well.. and even then BlueIris is going to give you a few false alarms every once and a while.
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Ring Doorbell = Junk. Tried two in the past, quality of video sucks, quality of product is mid grade, overall experience was a 1 out of 10, both returned.

There are several threads listing all the negatives and additional details WHY to not mess with them.
Ring Doorbell = Junk. Tried two in the past, quality of video sucks, quality of product is mid grade, overall experience was a 1 out of 10, both returned.

There are several threads listing all the negatives and additional details WHY to not mess with them.

I would have thought the matter was something in demand that that there would be a good number of solutions on the market.

The GBF solution suggested by @randytsuch comes closest to my original needs. I need to check whether the company makes their solution available in Europe (220V, European plugs, etc) and if it is secure.

Having a concept of a door bell is important for me.

If I cannot find a solution I will probably stick to a "traditional" (unconnected, non-recording, simple) bell with camera and internal monitor unit - Pity as the camera could be used to record motion!
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I think my setup is quite a bit more effective than any consumer options, see my How-To: PTZ Control via DoorBell & NVR

Results are even better with my pressure mat and front door also wired directly to my new Dahua Starlight Recessed Dome PTZ (SD52C225U-HNI)

Wow! that's great. I can probably manage 50% on my own but have a relative who can do the 100% so I'm OK with the circuitry. I only need to see if any components need to be adjust to 220-240V.

If the camera has a mic in it would it be possible to have two way conversation with the caller via BI?
I find it unlikely that even in Europe that doorbells would be high voltage, proabibly the same 16-24vac were using here.. there is nothing 120v about my wiring.

Camera would need more than a mic; it would need a speaker too.. and then I still dunno; im not a heavy BlueIris user and authough my camera supports audio output I have no desire to wire a speaker up to it for something i'll never use.
I have been searching for the same thing - a project that makes a PiDoorbell. I haven't found a solution yet - just lots of similar inquries about the same.
I want to leverage BI for the video and audio as far as looking and listening. My cams do not support 2-way audio so this is where I was hoping to find a solution to make a PI serve as the Doorbell. Press the button sends a trigger to BI and an SMS message (facilitated thru IFTTT). The stumbling block I see it the 2 way communication with the person who pressed the doorbell and me - presumably via an iOS app. I'm looking into Linphone which is an opensource VOIP solution. It's free and Linphone offers a free SIP account. So far this is the closest thing I've found for 2-way communication. So if I can get the Pi doorbell to maybe trigger BI and make a Linphone call, that might be a way. But it sounds comlex and not very integrated. I then thought about incorporating a Pi Camera. This might actually be simpler. I could still have the PI trigger BI to record, but rely on the Linphone solution to do the 2 way comm.

Still looking

There is a facebook page on it, but so far just information gathering like the rest of us.

If you find a solution, please share.

I've given up on integrating the door phone into BI. It would have been great but I can't find a solution that incorporates "out of the box" functionality with aesthetics. My house is wired but it is a pity a video doorbell solution does not exist.
Although it uses its own proprietary cloud service via Amazon, Skybell HD works relatively well. It has been reviewed quite favorably as well too. I have one of these, and the video quality is surprising sharp - especially at night. That said, the LIVEVIEW can be a bit hit and miss. In otherwords - I'm notified of doorbell press / motion, and I click into LIVEVIEW to ascertain who is at the door - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. When it works - I've had successful 2 way communication with the person at the door.

Despite, the inconsistent performance of the LIVEVIEW, it ALWAYS captures a clear video of who is at the door. I'm quite impressed with the clarity of the video from this little low voltage device. The cloud service is free and unlimited.

The doorbell itself produces a chime when the user presses the button, and it also triggers the chime (if you have one connected) inside the house. I currently use IFTTT to schedule when to silence the indoor chime as I have a toddler who takes naps during the day. Conversely, I also use IFTTT to trigger SKYPE bot messages to my HTPC/laptops/computers in the house so we are alerted - when the indoor chime is silenced.

Despite it's shortcomings, I'm pretty happy with the doorbell - espcially with the scheduled silencer.
I have 4 original Ring doorbells and they have worked flawlessly. The video quality is excellent, so I'm not sure why you say differently. Most people with issues that I have seen, have weak WiFi connections to the doorbell?
I will feel remiss if I didn't tell you the solution that I found. It is called the Doorbird. It's a British product. I have the D101s in silver. I have a CAT5 cable and the RJ45 doorbell cable running to the actual doorbell. My CAT5 goes to where my router is. Doorbird support has really picked up with Blue Iris and my setup is working great. I truly think this is what you want. Please look into that.
I will feel remiss if I didn't tell you the solution that I found. It is called the Doorbird. It's a British product. I have the D101s in silver. I have a CAT5 cable and the RJ45 doorbell cable running to the actual doorbell. My CAT5 goes to where my router is. Doorbird support has really picked up with Blue Iris and my setup is working great. I truly think this is what you want. Please look into that.
Welcome to the forum....there is a thread discussing the seems to have some issues...