so i have done a few tweaks on some settings and some debugging with the dpc tool. Preliminary tests are basically indicating that one of the sound drivers was causing the latency spikes. I don't want to jump to conclusions but since that sound driver has been disabled I have no longer had any latency spikes. (about 3 hours consistently - obviously i need to give it a little more time and run a few more tests to be sure I identified the right driver) In my camera's settings, it had a network QoS setting. Default was set at normal service, then I initially changed it to high-throughput (options are: normal service, high throughput, high reliability, low-time delay), I have since changed it to high reliability. With all of these changes, and leaving that sound driver disabled, I have not had any pauses in the clips nor any latency spikes. I hope it continues this way - more time will tell if I truly resolved the issue.
Is this the proper solution?
Is this the proper solution?