Viewing Remotely from LAN not working, but is via WAN


Young grasshopper
Apr 17, 2016
I have had BI for over a year without any problems. I recently noticed i am unable to view via my phone when I am home connected to my wifi and on the same network as the BI server computer. However, when I disconnect from my Wifi and use the cellular service, I am able to connect. This seems like a more common problem would be the opposite.

I have checked the IP addresses and ports. Since I am able to view from the WAN, my router and firewall would be configured correctly, I assume. I am just stuck on the LAN side. Any ideas?
I have had BI for over a year without any problems. I recently noticed i am unable to view via my phone when I am home connected to my wifi and on the same network as the BI server computer. However, when I disconnect from my Wifi and use the cellular service, I am able to connect. This seems like a more common problem would be the opposite.

I have checked the IP addresses and ports. Since I am able to view from the WAN, my router and firewall would be configured correctly, I assume. I am just stuck on the LAN side. Any ideas?
did you get a new router/modem? are you using a modem router combo unit?
I did get a new router. I was able to configure it correctly and forward the port. It was working unitl a few days ago. I have had the router for about a month. . Where do you suggest I begin looking? Stupid question here... How would it work from the WAN and not the LAN? I am able to login via a web browser on a different computer but on the same home network by inputting the local IP address and Password. The LAN IP address in the mobile app match what I am inputting into the address bar of the web browser.
I did get a new router. I was able to configure it correctly and forward the port. It was working. Where do you suggest I begin looking? Stupid question here... How would it work from the WAN and not the LAN? I am able to login via a web browser by inputting the local IP address and Password. The LAN IP address in the mobile app match what I am inputting into the address bar of the web browser.
its is a combo unit? or do you have a separate router/modem?
Sorry for not answering your question previously. It is a combo unit from At&t for the fiber service.

I was told I need their modem. It is a package unit.

Edit.. Plot twist- My wife's phone is configured exactly the same as mine. Via her phone, she can view both via WAN and LAN... I have updated all apps and software. Restarted both phones and computer.
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Well, I restarted to router and disconnected a wireless bridge and it is now working.. Perhaps an IP address conflict?
if its intermittent it would point to a router the other phone still working ok?
So, a little update: The other phone stops working after a while. I tried switching the SSID on my connection from the 2.4 to the 5.0 ghz (dual band) and I was able to log in via LAN. Same with my wife. However, it stops working. I have a second routher I use in my guest house. It is used as a bridge (cat 5 coming from host router, plugging into guest house router.. Same netowrk, but different SSID.. When I am connected to that, everything works. From what it appears is when connected to either 5.0 or 2.4 band, it begins to not work. Something inside the router is changing. I am able to ping the router from both LAN and WAN IP addresses.

This is very weird.
one or both of the wifi networks on your main router is configured as a guest network and is probably in its own vlan/bridge group. Build straight wifi networks not guest networks or turn off guest network isoltation
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one or both of the wifi networks on your main router is configured as a guest network and is probably in its own vlan/bridge group. Build straight wifi networks not guest networks or turn off guest network isoltation
Thanks for the reply, however I am afraid this isnt the case. I have both bands' guest networks disabled.
but is wifi isolation turned off? Do you have any other devices on the subnet you can test connectivity with such as a printer?
On an ASUS router there is a setting to restrict access to 'INTRANET' Could your router possibly have a similar setting?

I found this out when the EXACT same symptoms occurred, WAN access fine, local nope, think this one was under wifi settings
On an ASUS router there is a setting to restrict access to 'INTRANET' Could your router possibly have a similar setting?

I found this out when the EXACT same symptoms occurred, WAN access fine, local nope, think this one was under wifi settings

Yes this is what I am referring to
You don't HAVE to use the AT&T router. You can disable it's WiFi, add your own router, and either set your router as the "DMZ", forward specific ports to your router, or maybe ask AT&T if their router/modem combo can be set to "bridge mode".

I personally would do that anyway. Having your own router gives you more control. Saves you having to redo your router settings if for some reason the AT&T box needs replacing or gets factory reset to troubleshoot a connectivity problem. With a larger home you may even want to consider one of the new "Mesh" router setups which (mostly) won't directly work with the AT&T WiFi.

You may also have more privacy from AT&T with your own router. Use your own with DNS set to a company you can trust (more) than AT&T. Google, OpenDNS, Level3, etc. Not saying any of them are angels, but AT&T definitely isn't.

You may need to use a mix of the AT&T and your WiFi if your AT&T TV boxes need the AT&T WiFi to connect to. Not a big problem, just set your WiFi to use different channels.