More noob questions! Since I'm going to go through the exercise of setting up a network of cameras and likely a Blue Iris computer, it occurred to me that I could also put cameras inside my home.
The thought of capturing what went on during a burglary was going through my mind. Perhaps even...a home invasion attempt? (Shivers...)
The rest of my family was decidedly lukewarm on this idea. They weren't super keen even when I suggested limiting the coverage to just the foyer area just inside the front door. The family is all adults.
Am wondering what others think of this concept.
The thought of capturing what went on during a burglary was going through my mind. Perhaps even...a home invasion attempt? (Shivers...)
The rest of my family was decidedly lukewarm on this idea. They weren't super keen even when I suggested limiting the coverage to just the foyer area just inside the front door. The family is all adults.
Am wondering what others think of this concept.