Hi Roger,
I was hoping you could check what settings you use in your windows phone for the iVMS-4500 app in hopes it might help my problem below -
I have finally connected and powered my camera up (just in the house for now to get things set up before installing it outside) and so far I can view the live camera feed very well thru my LAN WIFI both on the iVMS-4500 on my windows phone nd the iVMS-4200 on my laptop.
What I am trying to do now is to view a live feed on the iVMS-4500 remotely (turning off my phone WIFI and turning on the DATA connection).
I obviously have something not set right as I get the error "
ddns server internal error".
What should go in the various fields that you fill in when adding a new device on iVMS-4500 so I can maybe see what I did wrong.
Alias: (the name I name it)
Register Mode: should it be HiDDNS or IP/DOMAIN or IP SERVER (I used IP/DOMAIN for the successful WIFI setup)
Address: what goes here ?
Port: what goes here ?
Username: already filled in with admin
Password: I use my camera password
Camera No.: seemed to fill in automatically for the WIFI setup
NOTE: info needed is to have a
remote view of the live feed.
NOTE: I do have a hik-connect account that gave me a 9 digit number.
NOTE: I think just the android and the IOS versions of the iVMS-4500 app have a separate "Hik-Connect" option, the Windows Mobile version does not, I think the Windows version needs to use the "HiDDNS" register mode, but I can't get it to work ("ddns server internal error") so there is obviously something I'm not doing right.
Was doing more research after posting this and found a help page at this link that said:
In order to improve your user experience, we recommend you enable the
UPnP function in both your router and device, or configure
Ports Forwarding manually in your router.
You still can use Hik-Connect service even if you don’t enable
UPnP or configure
ports forwarding manually; however, you cannot use Hik-Connect domain name service.
(end of quote)
I read that it's not safe to enable UPnP and forward ports, is it okay in this instance, did you set yours up that way ? (I'm not sure if that would solve the error ("ddns server internal error")
Thanks !