What to expect from a Seagate Barracuda Drive?001

Oct 16, 2018
Florida, USA
Our Blue Iris computer has a SSD for the OS and database and a ST3000DM001-1CH166, also known as a Seagate Barracuda drive, for continuous recording. Any idea of expected use time before failure?


Our Blue Iris computer has a SSD for the OS and database and a ST3000DM001-1CH166, also known as a Seagate Barracuda drive, for continuous recording. Any idea of expected use time before failure?


It would be anyone's guess. It will likely last many years as most drives do.
Any idea of expected use time before failure?
Unlikely to be a problem, but easy enough to check just in case :
In the SMART detail, check the count against the attribute 193 'Load / Unload cycle count'.
If this is increasing over time such that it has a chance of heading towards a few hundred thousand, that's a potential wearout mechanism that would lead to a shorter life than media failures.
Normally it would hardly change and not be a problem, but some environments can cause frequent head retractions.
In those cases, the HDD operating parameters can be re-configured to change that behaviour.
Our Blue Iris computer has a SSD for the OS and database and a ST3000DM001-1CH166, also known as a Seagate Barracuda drive, for continuous recording. Any idea of expected use time before failure?



Hi Michael,

Turning HDDs on and off ( as well as other electronics ) puts additional stress on the HDD. As you will be using this continuously - it should do better in terms of time before failure.

Also remember, google did a study for their data centers - and found that keeping temps below 80 degrees F helps.

Back Blaze has done a good job of sharing their experiences, and it will be worth taking a look at their write up.
Backblaze Hard Drive Stats for 2018
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