Whelp... it finally happened to me

May 1, 2019
Reno, NV
Woke up Sunday with 10 tires slashed.
Had cameras and motion detecting security lights out front but didn't phase the person (85% sure I know who did it but that's another story). My biggest worry about a depressed bi-polar with hint of Asperger syndrome person or some random meth head, is that it could happen again.
With this event, I came to learn things.
I've always known camera's are really there for dissuasion and to see what happened, not much in the 'this will stop them cold' camp. So, they served their purpose as intended.
Security lights as well served their purpose (along with my newly installed garage carriage lights) as everything came on as their purpose intended.
But now, I have to up my game. The person must of used a utility blade or something really ultra slim because there were no puncture marks. I only found out what tires were hit by applying soap/water & air compressor.
I thought I would have more time to hone & configure my Blue Iris & camera's and DSC alarm system to perfection, as I have basically left things as default from factory.
However, I will put all my DIY projects on hold I have been accomplishing and 100% work on home security.
The inside of the house is pretty good for that, however the outside just has motion detecting security lights (that do not integrate with Blue Iris or DSC alarm system. A couple months ago, I purchased an outdoor Bosch TriTech (one of those $98 PIR) that I'll be slapping outside for testing to see how that work. Else, may go Guardline.
Took a gander at Amazon for minefields, auto-tracking PTZ machine guns, and a 70v 100db auto-following with 5000w spotlight drone loud speaker, but that is a no go :(
I do use Home Assistant / home automation but really have not dived into it much due to the DIY projects that came about this spring/summer (5 pallets of retaining blocks in driveway forcing me to park 25' distant...mistake #1). My first priority will be to enhance the DSC alarm system, learn everything about Dahua / Blue Iris configurations/bells/whistles/what works/what does not work, before I incorporate HA. And start using common sense such as parking near cameras/lights instead of 25' distant. Color or B&W with IR usage in different positions though I like Color but maybe doesn't have the distance clarity. Etc.
So...get ready for lots of questions :)

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Ouch! sorry to hear that man, thats getting expensive.

In addition to perimeter sensors you might want to look into that new full color cam with the flashing red/blue lights and siren..?

... and one of these

Ouch! sorry to hear that man, thats getting expensive.

In addition to perimeter sensors you might want to look into that new full color cam with the flashing red/blue lights and siren..?

... and one of these
sidenote: my white car in the driveway was due to get new tires anyways. same for my white dodge 1500 pickup.
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Once my 2 killer black panther felines pass on to kitty heaven...yes, I will be getting 2 doggies. Breed? Unknown but it will be researched. For sure, 2 bro's or 2 sis's.
In regards to perimeter sensors... lots of great things to be said for those Bosch TriTech outdoor sensors. I have 3 of the indoor ones and they have done 100% of their job. Have read, some folk put the indoor ones outside (due to the $70 price difference). Might have a try at that to see how the indoor Bosch Tritech G2 sensors hold up outside out of the sun & weather with some silicone or caulking. Hard wiring (trying to say away from wireless) for the perimeter sensors will have temp wires. 2-3" trench in dirt with outdoor Cat6 (only cause I can get for free) but then later on will be in low voltage conduit at correct depth.
This will also escalate some projects to the forefront. Driveway lighting lantern post, LPR camera, yet another general camera, and possibly another Bosch Tritech sensor facing towards front of house.
Too bad this IPCT site didn't have personal blog entries (to follow someone's project from start to finish) like over at my wood working site (www.lumberjocks.com). I'd like to share my journey for home security with others that may be in same situation. Guess I could start a post over in the IPCT alarm section.
But as you can see... I may have had camera's but they are not set up 100% correctly (this 5231 has a faulty IR filter that I meant to fix/replace). Bad parking placement, too many shadows, etc.
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Damn, that's bad & like @bigredfish said, expensive not to mention all the time it's gonna take to get everything back in order.
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Damn, that's bad & like @bigredfish said, expensive not to mention all the time it's gonna take to get everything back in order.
My primary concern was the work vehicle. Had to call bossman over on Sunday after the Dallas/Atlanta game (man...that was a great game) to drive me to tire center. Took 1/2 day off this Monday to clean out parking space in my 2 car garage woodshop to keep this vehicle safely indoors.
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No matter what we do or the expense invested, the odds really aren't in our favor. Smidgens here and there, maybe a little something that could possibly help is all we come away with mostly. But more often than not we are only very slightly better off than not having gone through the trouble of install at all. The odds increase if we're awake and monitoring our cameras like a security guard. That can work. But we can't do that right? So our nifty cameras do it for us while we're oblivious...not. A good watch dog, better. A fortune in unmanned surveillance? Nah. And worst of all...they know it.

Sorry this happened. Hope it doesn't happen again.
So you did not get a good shot of the PERP ?
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OOoooo. Question. If I had one of those $600-$700 Dahua PTZ with 30x zoom... would such a automatic zoom have helped?
So you did not get a good shot of the PERP ?
no facial. was wearing a hoodie with the hole at face covered up. however, the walking gait/body structure was that of a female. I am 85% sure of who it is (hence the bipolar semi Asperger syndrome comment). Filed a police report but I am sure nothing will come from it. No "comprehensive" car insurance so tires will not be covered. Only 3 out of the 4 vehicles were hit (all mine). My house guest's Jeep Liberty was untouched. So this was a targeted attack from someone who knew of my camera's/lighting.
Yup looks like a girl for sure.....
I would show tapes to Parents...saying you have more. Start buying me tires or Police will pay you a Visit.
Might get them to pay up ?
Yup looks like a girl for sure.....
I would show tapes to Parents...saying you have more. Start buying me tires or Police will pay you a Visit.
Might get them to pay up ?
parents are in Belarus/Russia having their own issues :)
Sorry this happened to you. Realize a dog would have done nothing for you unless you keep it outside and it could see this area.

While I have yet to have a loss from door checkers, I have recorded them a few times but did not realize it until the next morning. So I got pissed off and decided to try and alert me when they are in the driveway. But I do get some cats and racoons that trip the cams in the driveway. So after trying my best to make the motion/tripwire settings as good as possible to both pick up a human and not trip on a cat or racoon, I set a profile for 2-5am only that sends an alert sound to the BI computer. I picked 2-5am as I get very few cats at that time but the door checkers are always operating then. So far since that change (4 months), I have had it wake me up three times. All three times it was the same cat. I need to work on the tripwire a bit more.

Too bad this IPCT site didn't have personal blog entries (to follow someone's project from start to finish)
But there is a way to do that. Much like loony, wildcat1 and bigredfish set up their threads when they review cams, you could set up a thread and post 4-5 blanks right after the first one that you could edit and fill as time went on. I really think a 'case study' type of post would really help out here.
Sorry this happened to you. Realize a dog would have done nothing for you unless you keep it outside and it could see this area.

While I have yet to have a loss from door checkers, I have recorded them a few times but did not realize it until the next morning. So I got pissed off and decided to try and alert me when they are in the driveway. But I do get some cats and racoons that trip the cams in the driveway. So after trying my best to make the motion/tripwire settings as good as possible to both pick up a human and not trip on a cat or racoon, I set a profile for 2-5am only that sends an alert sound to the BI computer. I picked 2-5am as I get very few cats at that time but the door checkers are always operating then. So far since that change (4 months), I have had it wake me up three times. All three times it was the same cat. I need to work on the tripwire a bit more.

But there is a way to do that. Much like loony, wildcat1 and bigredfish set up their threads when they review cams, you could set up a thread and post 4-5 blanks right after the first one that you could edit and fill as time went on. I really think a 'case study' type of post would really help out here.
I am hoping the research and investigation into the outdoor (or indoor...TBD) Bosch TriTech sensors work out. 2nd option is @bigredfish suggestion of Guardline perimeter sensors. However, due to the personal experience with the Bosch's, going to try them out first :) Can hook to my DSC alarm panel.
Keep us posted on how those Bosch PIRs work out. I'm getting frustrated with false triggers, too. I've also been thinking about Guardline but that will take multiple sensors to cover the area I need/want coverage in.
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No matter what we do or the expense invested, the odds really aren't in our favor. Smidgens here and there, maybe a little something that could possibly help is all we come away with mostly. But more often than not we are only very slightly better off than not having gone through the trouble of install at all. The odds increase if we're awake and monitoring our cameras like a security guard. That can work. But we can't do that right? So our nifty cameras do it for us while we're oblivious...not. A good watch dog, better. A fortune in unmanned surveillance? Nah. And worst of all...they know it.

Sorry this happened. Hope it doesn't happen again.
It is very easy to scare someone away. An audible siren or similar will do the job. Even better OP is a blue iris user. He can run a speaker or use a camera with a speaker to the driveway area that plays his voice saying "get the fuck away from my cars". No one will stick around. It doesnt have to be super loud so even if there is a false trigger it wont disturb the neighbors.
maybe consider laser lines? This model works great for me.
Laser line
My photo beam/laser line is 30' long, about 3ft above ground. (it will go to almost 100'). It'd high enough that cats don't trip it, but it trips for coyotes (my intention).
I also have the Bosch tritec. Great device to cover an area. The 2 are different, and work well in concert.

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Sorry for your troubles man hope you get it sorted. I had a friend who was dealing with a woman like that. She cut the tires, the next time she broke out all the windows, the last thing she did was, painted his car with " i hope that bitch is worth it". A restraining order finally got her put in jail for a few days, and she finally left him alone. I have a combination of motion alerts setup at my place. First is simple door chimes on all four corners of the house. They serve the purpose i want just fine.
My second line of defense is the motion detectors that go along with my Ring home security system. I love these as i can place them any where i want and have alexa announce alerts when triggered. I have one in my truck and one in my garage and one at my backdoor. I can customize how alexa alerts me. The one in my truck i place on the dashboard at night pointed towards drivers door. If any one walks past the drivers door it will say on my echo devices which ever ones i choose. "Some one is near your truck". Animals do not set it off because they are not tall enough. Good luck and keep us posted on the rebuild.
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May be time for a little vigilante justice along with some Dahua IPC-T5442T cams with BI push notifications/SMS.
am thinking of a 50cal twin machine gun replica built via my 3D printer mounted on a Dahua PTZ auto-following model might do the trick