Why can't I find this camera?

FYI - if you can afford more .. then this looks like it may meet your specs...

UNV 2MP LightHunter Active Deterrence Mini PTZ Dome IP Security Camera (IPC672LR-AX4DUPKC)

a thread here which I noticed..
Why are you insisting on a PTZ? Is your expensive car moving around while parked? :-) better to install two or more fixed cams for the extra vantage points. if you eliminate PTZ from your 'must-have' list, the options are much greater... how about a couple Lorex E891AB's, just as an example? available under <$100 each with decent (8mp 1/1.8") sensor, both white and IR led's, and two-way audio... lots of other options available, if the Lorex's 2.8mm lens is a turn-off...