Again you missed the point. Senile biden was not talking about 20 year old miners. He was talking about all miners. You lie when you state that mining is not cost effective anymore. It that was true there would be no mining anymore. This is basic economics and not up for rational debate. The young miners dont need career advice from you or a senile nursing home patient in the white house. Stop pretending that they are dumb and dont know any better. You are not their savior. We know from history that every time government attempts to control industry it wrecks havoc. Stop pretending that your brilliance will work this time.
Well, I said that we would not be mining coal for energy (power) production, at least not in the US. Mining for various things including coal may continue, but even the mining industry in modern times has embraced technology. It is not impossible to imagine a miner sitting in a control room on the surface using a robot to do dangerous tasks underground. This already happened in the Air Force with pilots in Nevada controlling drones in the Middle East.
I am not suggesting coal miners are in any way stupid or simple minded. They probably don’t need career advice from me or the president, but I am suggesting they probably would benefit from understanding the changing landscape of energy production, technology, and how it relates to coal mining.
If they want to be a coal miner in the US for the rest of their life, I don’t think there will be jobs for them, because it is not economically viable. Unless the government subsidies coal for energy (which is hardly a capitalist supporter’s ideal outcome), I think it makes sense to be talking and thinking about alternative careers.
Coal production has been in decline in the US for the past 15 years or more, and will continue, and it has little to do with politics and more to do with practical business concerns. Energy companies in the US are not building new coal powered plants and are converting existing power plants to natural gas, and this has been happening well before Biden any other favorite president to hate on took office or had influence. Natural gas, especially shale gas is plentiful and available within the US.
If the coal miners in the US want to continue mining coal, they probably need to relocate to China or India or somewhere else where they continue to build new coal power plants. I am not sure that these countries (especially China) would want to gamble their national security of power production on US coal exports, much like the US should not be dependent on other countries for energy production. So the US coal miners should consider something like learning to code (or something else, not everyone wants to do that) and work from home in their coal mine towns, perhaps even on automation for coal mining.
In my opinion, to think that everything has to remain unchanged forever ignores: (1) the realities of profit seeking businesses as a core function of capitalism; (2) ignores the realities of technological advancement in society; (3) lacks imagination for future opportunities when change occurs.
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