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Hi everybody, is there any newer Version of the "DAHUA HTTP API FOR IPC" aviable? The latest Documentation i know is Version 1.67 from the 16.09.2015.
It has the API guide, page 154 has all the parameters for NightOptions.SwitchMode that might give you a clue on the other modes.
It's a really old spec (2020),
@EMPIRETECANDY is there a new Dahua HTTP API doc you can share?
Yeah this camera doesn't follow that API or even the most recent version. It is why it was so much trial and error and why the previous APIs didn't work that brought about your original post about why the previous camera APIs didn't work for this camera.
I have done the GET command and have all the parameters and run them and says ok, but it doesn't work. It is just a matter of finding the right combination.
I mean for this camera to switch from day to night, there is no reason to need "&VideoInOptions[].NightOptions.DayNightColor=0" at the end as the API manual doesn't say to do that, yet it won't work unless you have that command.
Further, the API says the following:
0: NoSwitch, always use day options.
1: Switch depends on brightness.
2: Switch depends on time, switch to NightOptions
3: NoSwitch, always use NightOptions.
4: No switch, always use NormalOptions.
Yet this camera has the following profiles:
Front Light
Back Light
Strong Backlight
Low Illuminance
Custom 1
Custom 2
None of the existing API manuals account for that many different profiles. It needs to be updated based on this new GUI.