Please don't roast me for this. You do a wonderful job with these videos, however, I have a couple of suggestions for improvements for this one.
1. There's a lot of black with tiny pictures in the centre of the screen. It may be the limitation of your editor, but I would be good if you could make the video fill the playback screen more.
2. This maybe the product of you not having an eptz capable NVR, but it would be really good if the Dahua one showed the eptz view as well. This then shows the advantages this has over the hik. ATm it's very close without and so people might swing eithe way, which is fine. But it doesn't really show the extra advantage of the Dahua. An alternative might be to see if you were able to use Andy's eptz video clip in there although it depends where he got it from and who owns copyright.
So far as the cameras are concerned. to my eyes, Initially the Hik looks better as you look as a subject look little dark and undefined on the Dahua. Once the resolution is native though, they're very similar with a slight edge to Dahua in my opinion. Pity you had a snowy day, but at least it shows what these cameras do in far from ideal conditions as not every day is balazing sunshine (espeicially in the UK!).