I believe that would be your standard chime...Hi all
the datasheet shows the ability to use a Mechanical Chime ( O p t i o n a l ) but seems vague on any details or compatible chimes
Any one able to provide any additional information or documentation?
thanks in advance
Im having mine delivered tomorrow and also need to connect to a mechanical chime. Im going to have a good play around with it , when i suss it out i will let you know how i managed it....hopefully.
Good to know! thanks for the toolstation link, will pick one of those up. Do you have a link to the 18v transformer your got?
I'm looking to fit one of this for a disabled person I know - has a mains doorbell outputting 14.7v AC from its transformer so might be worth taking a new chime and transformer as a backup incase the Hik doorbell won't power up.