Recomendations for low budget camera?


Dec 28, 2014
Hello everyone!
I'm looking for two types of camera recommendations.
1) Very simple solution that can email an photo taken in dark when movement is detected
From what I read arround the web the camera-of-the-year is Foscam FI9821W and DropCam but all reviews look biased (and camera apperture looks too high?)

2) An more complete solution that is capable of filming in the woods. I don't mind to install something like tri-illuminator low cost ir illuminator

Thank you all!
Welcome to the forum. Stay away from foscam, their cameras are subpar. Dropcam has an outrageous monthly fee. Consider the hikvision 2432 with a 2.8mm wide angle lens (not the default 4mm). It even has a pir sensor which will eliminate most false alerts. The cam can be had via ali express for about 110 and from US sellers for about 179 (check out our site vendor, Nellys who has a 5% coupon in their vendor section)
Withe respect to #2 we will need more details about what you are trying to do and how far you are going to be from a power source and network connection..
"camera-of-the-year is Foscam FI9821W" and I have some swamp land to sell. Listen to Fenderman and save lots of money. Everyone has a Foscam in their junk drawer.
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I've actually never once even tried a dropcam, or even seen one in person. I feel left out.... :D
The Hikvision 2432 with a 2.8mm lens will have a much wider field of view than the foscam 21w...Unless you are going to sit there panning your camera (except for the first week while you play with it) you are way better off having a wider view 24/7 at a better resolution. The hikvision 2432 also adds a PIR sensor and is POE capable if you wish. It is available from reputable sellers on ali express for about 120 (you need to specify 2.8mm) which is 30 dollars more than the 21w and well worth the addition cost..As others here have learned, saving a few bux and going with foscam is going to cost you in the end.
What camera supports ptz, pir, wireless and 2 or 3mp at a lower price point...
A wide angle is almost always better than a narrow angle and PT
2. Foscam may have not been a good choice in the past for support, when things go bad. But things have changed and they are working very hard to change that image from the past. So, please take my advice and any other advice from others as you see fit and base it on current reality.

Good luck with the changes Don, but from my own personal point of view.... once, twice, three times,four times bitten then there will be no fifth attempt (unless of course Foscam will accept the contents of the junk draw in exchange for cash, lol)

Unless you are going to sit there panning your camera (except for the first week while you play with it)
Sounds like something I'd say.... :D

If you want a "Webcam" ("That just happens to need to be able to view this restricted or that restricted area") there are many cheaper choices. All you need to do is deal with the "Voltage Drop" over distances.

And thereby hangs a tail.... Many many moons ago in another place, I did try to explain life the universe, and ohms law, but had a problem leading the horses to the water, let alone getting them to drink.
After my attempted try at educating you on WHY 5V DC does not travel well over distance. Which failed miserably:

I won't even attempt to take this more complex concept on with you.

You were wrong then and are wrong now... No such camera exists...nice try changing the subject... That said... This thread is wonderful... Because it is exactly why this forum was started... To debate without mods deleting posts.... Anyone can voice their opinion here... Unlike other forums that would ban this discussion...
Any ip camera can support wireless with a mini Wifi bridge... However Wifi is a terrible choice for security cameras... You make it sound like 300 feet is the limit for Ethernet... It is not... All you need is another switch and boom you have another 328 feet... Try going more than 50 feet with a foscam.. You can wire huge homes and never exceed 328 feet... Need more? Fiber...
You keep calling fixed ip cameras Webcams without factoring night vision, the limitations of USB, and most importantly outdoor use...
Wifi is a step backwards when it comes to cameras not forward.... It's 2015 we've moved on from foscams, their crummy cams and unstable Wifi ...
Ok. I am wrong, I accept that from you, as expected. As you have stated here in the past:

Others are more then welcome to ask me. Why I still believe, after your personal evaluation of my statements here, that I am in fact right. As I know I was at the above link, as well.

If you want a "Webcam" that can be far away from your system or want a CCTV system that has no moving parts, save some cash and buy one. Otherwise, soon welcome 2015. At price-points you can afford.

Where cameras CAN move their view and can support wireless as well, as needed/if needed. Sadly, this is not new technology offered in 2015 but has been around for many years. But not so much accepted or even appreciated, by those that feel a need to live in fear, of anything greater than Windows 3.1 technology, in todays time.

One needs to LOVE these statements: : "Trust me....I know about ALL THESE THINGS".

Really? How many IP Cameras have you installed for others in diverse situations. In complex or even unusual situations. Different brands as well.

I know plenty of people that "Try" to play professional sports from their couch while watching "Games" on TV. Even they are usually not bold enough to call themselves "Profession Players" in that sport!



I am NOT making anything "Sound" like anything. My attempt is to remove the current biases, that have been stated as excuses, for all if not most cases. Including NOT purchasing IP Cameras that support wireless and/or PTZ at price-points they can afford or even wish to try.

That's it, get it?

Wrong again. You are making wild assumptions about how many installs I have done. Something you know absolutely nothing about. PTZ (and with foscam most except for one or two high priced models are PT not PTZ) Is absolutely worthless unless A) you are constantly monitoring it B) You have pir sensors or magnetic sensors to trigger the camera to move to presets upon trigger or C) you are trying to monitor two rooms with one camera, but not for security reasons but to watch kids and pets
Option B is not possible with foscam as they loose their preset location pretty easily.
A standard users is WAY better off with a camera that provides 24/7 coverage of a wider area rather than a narrow ptz that must be manually controlled. Wireless is simply unavailable for cams. If a user must have that function the hikvision 2432 is WAY better than foscam ever was/is...
Don when you have a new thought, just create a new post instead of editing each post 10 times...
If you go back and read that thread you will see that I in fact do understand voltage drop and explain that it can be compensated for.
I do not install cameras for a living I feel like you need to schooled in making assumptions. I can say without hesitation that i have installed over 1000 cameras in my lifetime. That includes about 300 IP cameras.. I have been running cable ever since I could speak as my family was long ago, in the alarm and cctv business....It is almost NEVER necessary to run wireless. Second best option is power line and I recommend that with hesitation. When you absolutely need to run wireless, a good bridge is preferred, that way the user can opt for a quality camera and is not stuck with a garbage camera like Foscam. When it comes to cameras, their use and installation, it is you who is the "Couch Expert".

For a person that can't grasp "Voltage Drop" you have a very well "Undocumented IP Camera Install History".

How many alleged IP Camera installs have you done for others. Not friends? TOTAL

I want to be able to "Quote you on this" in other places?

See my post above and you can quote me on that.
Current IP Camera installs for others as of this date. Not being friends please.

Buddy, just admit that you made assumptions that were wildly wrong. What is the difference whether the installs were for friends or not? They each have unique houses and businesses. Their relationship to me is irrelevant. On that subject how many have you done? oh and plugging in a Foscam and connecting to to wifi is not an install.
Hey! I hear there's a game on TV, afterwards you can to the bars of your choice and "Claim" you were a "Player" in it. Get it yet?

Classic answer when you dont like what you hear. Listen, on this forum we allow you to express yourself any way you want. On that same note I will continue pointing users here to options other than foscam, that are better in every possible way.
If 300 is limited then yes, you got me. :rolleyes: Do pro installers install more..sure. Do most users on this site, no. DO you? no.