R0 / DS-2CD2x32 BrickfixV2 brick recovery and full upgrade tool - enhanced.


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
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Oops - I missed the filename there in the cat command to write the replacement mtdblock8
But I expect you noticed that.
Apr 13, 2019
Reaction score
Yes, I've noticed the filename was fogotten! ;-)

I've tried with a SD Card formatted in FAT32. It doesn't seem to be available :
# ls /dev
amb_gadget  loop5       mtd3        mtdblock5   tty14       tty39       tty63
ambac       loop6       mtd3ro      mtdblock6   tty15       tty4        tty7
ambad       loop7       mtd4        mtdblock7   tty16       tty40       tty8
autofs      mem         mtd4ro      mtdblock8   tty17       tty41       tty9
console     mixer       mtd5        mtdblock9   tty18       tty42       ttyS0
core        mtd0        mtd5ro      null        tty19       tty43       ttyS1
dsp         mtd0ro      mtd6        overlay     tty2        tty44       uart1
dsplog      mtd1        mtd6ro      ppp         tty20       tty45       ubi1
edma        mtd10       mtd7        psaux       tty21       tty46       ubi1_0
eeprom      mtd10ro     mtd7ro      ptmx        tty22       tty47       ubi3
event0      mtd11       mtd8        pts         tty23       tty48       ubi3_0
fb0         mtd11ro     mtd8ro      ram0        tty24       tty49       ubi4
full        mtd12       mtd9        random      tty25       tty5        ubi4_0
gdma        mtd12ro     mtd9ro      rtc         tty26       tty50       ubi_ctrl
hikio       mtd13       mtdblock0   snapshot    tty27       tty51       ucode
i2c-0       mtd13ro     mtdblock1   snd         tty28       tty52       urandom
i2c-1       mtd14       mtdblock10  spidev0.0   tty29       tty53       vcs
i2c-2       mtd14ro     mtdblock11  spidev0.1   tty3        tty54       vcs1
iav         mtd15       mtdblock12  spidev0.2   tty30       tty55       vcsa
input       mtd15ro     mtdblock13  spidev0.3   tty31       tty56       vcsa1
iop         mtd16       mtdblock14  tty         tty32       tty57       watchdog
kmsg        mtd16ro     mtdblock15  tty0        tty33       tty58       zero
loop0       mtd17       mtdblock16  tty1        tty34       tty59
loop1       mtd17ro     mtdblock17  tty10       tty35       tty6
loop2       mtd1ro      mtdblock2   tty11       tty36       tty60
loop3       mtd2        mtdblock3   tty12       tty37       tty61
loop4       mtd2ro      mtdblock4   tty13       tty38       tty62
My internet box works as a NAS I'll try to mount a share from it...
Apr 13, 2019
Reaction score
I've been able to mount a share from my NAS using the following sequence:
# ifconfig eth0
# mkdir /mnt/tmp
# mount -t cifs //MyNasIpAddr/MyShare /mnt/tmp -o username=MyUsername,password=MyPassword,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
I've saved the current state of mtd8 before overwriting it with "mtd8_new"
# cd /mnt/tmp/Hikvision
# cat /dev/mtd8ro > ./mtd8_bad
# cat mtd8_new > /dev/mtdblock8
Unfortunately nothing changed after reboot... No more TFTP success nor min-system successful loading...
When I write mtd8 and read it back immediatly I can see that it was not well written by comparing the two files with HxD (they differ):
# cat mtd8_new > /dev/mtdblock8
# cat /dev/mtd8ro > ./mtd8_bad_liveRdBack
By the way I've saved the mtd6. Then applied the patch described in your fix but couldn't write it back to the cam:
# cat mtd6_bad_mod > /dev/mtdblock6
cat: write error: Operation not permitted
Isn't there a filesystem corruption that I should fix before being able to go further?
Thanks for the help!



Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
When I write mtd8 and read it back immediatly I can see that it was not well written by comparing the two files with HxD (they differ):
That should not happen - do they differ a lot, or a little? I see you've attached it, I'll take a look.
I wonder if it's indicative of an underlying problem with the flash.

By the way I've saved the mtd6. Then applied the patch described in your fix but couldn't write it back to the cam:
It's important not to attempt to re-write mtd6 when running firmware above 5.3.0 (or maybe even 5.3.0).
Hikvision specifically trap this in the kernel and write a 0 to the language byte as a flag that the area has been tampered with.
Whilst not impossible, it's tricky to recover from.
Apr 13, 2019
Reaction score
Here is the "dmesg" log:
# dmesg
dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.924583] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.924913] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.924968] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.925298] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.925352] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.925683] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.925736] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.926072] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.926127] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.926451] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.926505] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.926702] end_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock8, sector 736
[  134.927107] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.927169] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.927518] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.927573] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.927899] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.927956] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.928360] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.928416] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.928770] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.928824] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.929156] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.929210] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.929538] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.929590] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.929917] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.929970] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.930304] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.930356] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.930686] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.930737] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.931064] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.931117] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.931446] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.931501] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.931826] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.931882] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.932213] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.932266] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.932593] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.932646] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.932979] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.933032] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.933355] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.933409] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.933735] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.933788] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.934114] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.934169] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.934501] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.934554] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.934887] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.934941] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.935268] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.935321] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.935655] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.935711] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.936037] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.936091] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.936419] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.936476] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.936801] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.936855] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.937183] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.937235] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.937567] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.937625] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.937957] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.938009] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.938384] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.938438] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.938776] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.938829] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.939162] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.939216] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.939544] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.939598] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.939928] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.939981] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.940308] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.940361] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.940691] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.940746] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.941069] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.941123] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.941452] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.941506] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.941833] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.941888] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.942217] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.942271] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.942606] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.942658] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.942980] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.943031] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.943357] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.943409] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.943734] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.943788] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.944113] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.944166] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.944493] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.944548] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.944873] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.944928] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.945260] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.945317] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.945645] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.945700] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.946031] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.946084] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.946416] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.946468] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.946797] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.946851] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.947183] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.947235] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.947569] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.947623] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.947951] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.948004] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.948377] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.948434] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.948723] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.948776] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.949050] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.949101] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.949374] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.949423] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.949693] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.949742] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.950013] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.950063] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.950327] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.950375] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.950644] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.950691] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.950960] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.951011] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.951166] end_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock8, sector 744
[  134.951428] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.951485] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.951777] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.951828] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.952099] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.952150] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.952424] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.952471] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.952740] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.952792] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.953060] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.953112] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.953382] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.953430] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.953697] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.953747] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.954021] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.954070] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.954340] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.954393] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.954660] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.954711] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.954985] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.955035] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.955305] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.955354] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.955619] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.955669] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.955935] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.955986] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.956253] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.956302] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.956571] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.956621] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.956890] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.956939] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.957205] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.957255] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.957522] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.957572] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.957842] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.957891] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.958160] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.958211] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.958625] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.958683] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.959023] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.959080] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.959412] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.959463] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.959797] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.959850] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.960180] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.960233] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.960559] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.960612] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.960935] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.960988] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.961314] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.961369] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.961696] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.961750] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.962078] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.962129] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.962458] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.962510] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.962843] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.962896] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.963224] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.963276] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.963609] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.963663] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.963990] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.964044] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.964367] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.964419] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.964743] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.964798] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.965130] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.965182] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.965507] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.965559] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.965889] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.965942] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.966271] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.966326] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.966651] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.966704] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.967036] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.967090] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.967419] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.967472] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.967802] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.967855] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.968187] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.968239] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.968658] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.968713] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.969042] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.969095] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.969426] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.969478] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.969809] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.969860] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.970186] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.970240] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.970569] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.970624] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.970949] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.971002] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.971328] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.971380] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.971708] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.971761] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.972090] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.972143] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.972474] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.972527] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.972857] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.972908] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.973236] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.973290] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.973613] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.973666] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.973988] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.974041] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.974368] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.974420] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.974615] end_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock8, sector 752
[  134.974900] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.974959] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.975298] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.975352] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.975688] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.975744] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.976076] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.976129] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.976454] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.976508] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.976835] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.976886] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.977224] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.977276] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.977605] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.977660] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.977985] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.978039] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.978382] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.978438] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.978772] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.978824] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.979155] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.979209] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.979543] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.979595] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.979920] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.979974] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.980300] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.980354] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.980685] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.980739] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.981061] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.981112] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.981436] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.981488] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.981817] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.981871] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.982199] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.982252] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.982580] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.982633] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.982961] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.983015] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.983339] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.983393] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.983722] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.983777] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.984112] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.984167] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.984495] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.984550] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.984883] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.984936] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.985260] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.985313] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.985644] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.985697] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.986035] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.986089] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.986417] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.986470] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.986797] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.986850] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.987174] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.987229] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.987551] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.987604] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.987938] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.987993] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.988379] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.988436] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.988773] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.988830] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.989160] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.989213] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.989543] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.989595] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.989924] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.989977] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.990306] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.990358] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.990684] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.990736] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.991066] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.991118] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.991449] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.991504] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.991829] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.991884] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.992211] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.992266] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.992594] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.992646] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.992977] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.993031] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.993360] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.993414] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.993737] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.993789] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.994121] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.994176] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.994509] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.994561] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.994888] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.994942] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.995270] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.995323] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.995653] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.995708] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.996040] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.996093] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.996420] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.996473] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.996800] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.996855] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.997183] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.997236] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.997562] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.997614] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.997945] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.997998] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.998368] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.998425] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.998769] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.998825] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.999155] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  134.999212] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  134.999404] end_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock8, sector 760
[  137.768350] eth0: no IPv6 routers present
[  140.340426] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.340489] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.340791] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.340845] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.346725] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.346788] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.347088] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.347142] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.352763] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.352824] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.353183] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.353236] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.361543] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.361604] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.361956] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.362013] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.369938] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.369999] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.370354] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.370411] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.375899] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.375961] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.376319] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.376375] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.381342] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.381407] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.381760] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.381817] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.388011] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.388074] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.388524] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.388582] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.395365] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.395427] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.395779] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.395833] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.400904] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.400966] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.401322] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.401377] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.406979] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.407043] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.407391] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.407446] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.412286] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.412349] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.412698] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.412752] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.421407] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.421470] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.421823] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.421879] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.429618] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.429681] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.430037] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.430092] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.438712] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.438776] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.439078] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.439133] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.444213] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.444276] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.444576] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.444629] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.449469] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.449531] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.449823] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.449875] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.454798] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.454862] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.455165] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.455217] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.459930] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.459992] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.460343] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.460395] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.466342] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.466404] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.466765] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.466821] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.475097] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.475160] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.475514] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.475569] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.480752] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.480811] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.481162] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.481219] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.489382] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.489448] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.489805] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.489859] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.498421] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.498483] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.498846] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.498903] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.502708] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.502771] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.503126] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.503183] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.509220] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.509281] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.509635] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.509689] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.517523] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.517584] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.517936] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.517988] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.521874] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.521938] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.522239] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.522290] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.528948] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.529011] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.529320] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.529372] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.538797] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.538858] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.539159] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.539211] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.544211] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.544273] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.544575] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.544629] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.549424] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.549485] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!
[  140.549843] fio_dma_parse_error: fio dma read error 0x5000800.
[  140.549899] ambarella-nand ambarella-nand: nand_amb_request: cmd=0xe, addr_h!


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Here is the "dmesg" log:
That's not good!
It suggests there are 3 or more bad blocks in mtdblock8 - so not useable for recovery purposes.

I have a suggestion which you could try but at your own risk :
Manually populate the app_pri and krn_pri partitions with some 'donor' data, to get back to a bootable earlier version of the firmware.
The early versions of the firmware would allow the ability to modify mtdblock6 with the 'enhanced mtd hack' as you have done, and write it back to the flash partition.
This should then provide an EN web GUI from which you should be able to do the updates through the various versions of firmware.
The R0 series firmware uses the UBI file system for the app and config partitions, which being r/w will allow files to be changed and replaced.
Attached is a set of mtdblock copies from a camera running the 5.2.3 firmware. I think this may be 'hacked to English' firmware, but I'm not sure.
The app partitions are mtd13,14 and the kernel partitions are mtd9,10

As one experiment, only the _pri partitions should need to be changed, both app and krn need to be done together.
The _sec partitions would be unchanged as a fallback.

As another experiment, the contents of the /dav folder could have the files from the /dav dump attached written into it, and the krn_pri also updated to keep the versions in sync.

I think either of these actions should result in a bootable, running, 5.2.3 version, from which the mtdblock6 update and then firmware updates could be done.

As I said though, be aware that there is some risk in making these changes.
Having said that though, it's something I would certainly try in the same situation.

# ubinfo -a -d 1
Volumes count:                           1
Logical eraseblock size:                 129024 bytes, 126.0 KiB
Total amount of logical eraseblocks:     192 (24772608 bytes, 23.6 MiB)
Amount of available logical eraseblocks: 0 (0 bytes)
Maximum count of volumes                 128
Count of bad physical eraseblocks:       0
Count of reserved physical eraseblocks:  2
Current maximum erase counter value:     2277
Minimum input/output unit size:          2048 bytes
Character device major/minor:            252:0
Present volumes:                         0

Volume ID:   0 (on ubi1)
Type:        dynamic
Alignment:   1
Size:        186 LEBs (23998464 bytes, 22.9 MiB)
State:       OK
Name:        app_pri
Character device major/minor: 252:1
# cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00020000 00020000 "bst"
mtd1: 00100000 00020000 "ptb"
mtd2: 00100000 00020000 "bld"
mtd3: 00100000 00020000 "hal"
mtd4: 00100000 00020000 "ano_ptb"
mtd5: 00080000 00020000 "env"
mtd6: 00080000 00020000 "param"
mtd7: 00100000 00020000 "dpt"
mtd8: 00a00000 00020000 "rcvy"
mtd9: 00800000 00020000 "krn_pri"
mtd10: 00800000 00020000 "krn_sec"
mtd11: 00400000 00020000 "rmd_pri"
mtd12: 00400000 00020000 "rmd_sec"
mtd13: 01800000 00020000 "app_pri"
mtd14: 01800000 00020000 "app_sec"
mtd15: 00400000 00020000 "cfg_pri"
mtd16: 00400000 00020000 "cfg_sec"
mtd17: 01000000 00020000 "dbg"


Apr 13, 2019
Reaction score
Thank you for your help!
I have the same results as you for commands "ubinfo" and "cat /proc/mtd"
# ubinfo -a -d 1
Volumes count:                           1
Logical eraseblock size:                 129024 bytes, 126.0 KiB
Total amount of logical eraseblocks:     192 (24772608 bytes, 23.6 MiB)
Amount of available logical eraseblocks: 0 (0 bytes)
Maximum count of volumes                 128
Count of bad physical eraseblocks:       0
Count of reserved physical eraseblocks:  2
Current maximum erase counter value:     10
Minimum input/output unit size:          2048 bytes
Character device major/minor:            252:0
Present volumes:                         0
Volume ID:   0 (on ubi1)
Type:        dynamic
Alignment:   1
Size:        186 LEBs (23998464 bytes, 22.9 MiB)
State:       OK
Name:        app_pri
Character device major/minor: 252:1
# cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00020000 00020000 "bst"
mtd1: 00100000 00020000 "ptb"
mtd2: 00100000 00020000 "bld"
mtd3: 00100000 00020000 "hal"
mtd4: 00100000 00020000 "ano_ptb"
mtd5: 00080000 00020000 "env"
mtd6: 00080000 00020000 "param"
mtd7: 00100000 00020000 "dpt"
mtd8: 00a00000 00020000 "rcvy"
mtd9: 00800000 00020000 "krn_pri"
mtd10: 00800000 00020000 "krn_sec"
mtd11: 00400000 00020000 "rmd_pri"
mtd12: 00400000 00020000 "rmd_sec"
mtd13: 01800000 00020000 "app_pri"
mtd14: 01800000 00020000 "app_sec"
mtd15: 00400000 00020000 "cfg_pri"
mtd16: 00400000 00020000 "cfg_sec"
mtd17: 01000000 00020000 "dbg"
I notice that "Count of bad physical eraseblocks" is 0. Does this mean that there's no physical bad block and that mtd8 bad sectors could be recovered?
Before applying one of the 2 options you mentioned, as this part of the job is the tricky one and I don't wan't to do anything bad, could you confirm my understanding of your explanations:
Option 1:
# cd MyMountShare
# cat mtdblock9 > /dev/mtdblock9
# cat mtdblock13 > /dev/mtdblock13
Option 2:
# cd MyMountShare
# cat mtdblock9 > /dev/mtdblock9
# cp -rf dav/* /dav/
The files currently in /dav are slightly different from the files in your zip (see attached file).
For option 1 or 2 could I get the same write permission restriction that I've encountered when trying to update mtd6? If so I'm scared to be in a trap as the system reboots after less than 5 minutes...
By the way here are the results for the "mount", "format_ubifs_prt.sh" and "mount_ubifs_prt.sh" commands (I saw that you suggested to use those commands in one of your other posts)
# mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type ext2 (rw,relatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
ramfs on /home type ramfs (rw,relatime)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
/dev/ubi1_0 on /dav type ubifs (rw,relatime)
/dev/ubi3_0 on /davinci type ubifs (rw,relatime)
/dev/ubi4_0 on /config type ubifs (rw,relatime)
# format_ubifs_prt.sh
Usage: format_ubifs_prt.sh [mtd_num] [ubi_num] [ubi_vol_name]
Example: format_ubifs_prt.sh 13 1 app_pri
# mount_ubifs_prt.sh
Usage: mount_ubifs_prt.sh [mtd_num] [ubi_num] [mount_point]
Example: mount_ubifs_prt.sh 13 1 /dav
As an alternative to option 1 and 2 any chance to get mtd8 partition clean again using thoses tools?
Thank you again for your help!!!


Last edited:


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
I notice that "Count of bad physical eraseblocks" is 0. Does this mean that there's no physical bad block and that mtd8 bad sectors could be recovered?
No, that ubinfo command was for the app_pri partition, where the /dav files are held under the UBI file system UBIFS.
mtdblock8 is not a UBI partition, it's a uImage kernel with a built-in initramfs file system.

could you confirm my understanding of your explanations:
Yes, your examples of Option 1 and 2 are correct.
I'd try Option 2 first.

The files currently in /dav are slightly different from the files in your zip (see attached file).
Yes, that's correct.
The files currently in your /dav are those from the brickfixV2 firmware, based on the 5.4.0 firmware version.
The files from /dav that I attached are from a camera that was running the old 5.2.3 firmware.

For option 1 or 2 could I get the same write permission restriction that I've encountered when trying to update mtd6?
I don't believe so.

As an alternative to option 1 and 2 any chance to get mtd8 partition clean again using thoses tools?
No, mtdblock8 does not hold a UBIFS file system, it holds a kernel image.
Apr 13, 2019
Reaction score
It didn't work…
The system loops rebooting now
U-Boot 1.3.4-100728 (Nov 11 2014 - 13:58:34)
ARM Clock: 480MHz
DDR Clock: 336MHz
Hit Ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 0
|RCV UDP pack timeout|
Unknown command:null
nand booting ...
load kernel...
load ramdisk...
init started: BusyBox v1.19.3 (2016-05-23 16:23:55 CST)
starting pid 378, tty '': '/etc/init.d/rcS'
Starting udev:      [ OK ]
UBI device number 1, total 192 LEBs (24772608 bytes, 23.6 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 129024 bytes (126.0 KiB)
waiting for /dev/ubi1_0.
pri_iUpgSuccCnt:0x1, sec_iUpgSuccCnt:0x1
UBI device number 3, total 32 LEBs (4128768 bytes, 3.9 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 129024 bytes (126.0 KiB)
waiting for /dev/ubi3_0.
Check dir /davinci ok! (0)
UBI device number 4, total 32 LEBs (4128768 bytes, 3.9 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 129024 bytes (126.0 KiB)
waiting for /dev/ubi4_0.
Check dir /config ok! (0)
diagnose_way = 15, repair_way = 1, interval = 30
route: ioctl 0x890c failed: No such process
map_size = 0x300000
nr_item = 3
addr_offset = 0x0 filename = orccode.bin
addr_offset = 0x200000 filename = orcme.bin
addr_offset = 0x2a0000 filename = default_binary.bin
mmap returns 0x4038e000
loading ./orccode.bin...addr = 0x4038e000, size = 0x19f02d
loading ./orcme.bin...addr = 0x4058e000, size = 0x36374
loading ./default_binary.bin...addr = 0x4062e000, size = 0x40000
u_code version = 2013/10/24 3.0
ln: /dev/rtc: File exists
=====check_config start=====
===main db is ok===
start unix bus daemon
netprocess version: In branch 5.2.3: 1.2.4 [11:28:53-Oct 13 2014].
[04-23 22:58:16][pid:833][IPC][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[04-23 22:58:16][pid:833][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[04-23 22:58:16][pid:833][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
[04-23 22:58:16][pid:828][IPC][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
==================PPPoE is disable!!!
No need to recover kernel pri partition.
No need to recover ramdisk pri partition.
[04-23 22:58:17][pid:842][CAPA][ERROR]resolution_num_temp = 0
[04-23 22:58:17][pid:842][CAPA][ERROR]resolution_num_temp = 0
[04-23 22:58:17][pid:842][CAPA][ERROR]resolution_num_temp = 0
[04-23 22:58:17][pid:842][CAPA][ERROR]resolution_num_temp = 0
[04-23 22:58:17][pid:828][IPC][ERROR]daemon can not find Dst process.load_type 0x10012 is_need_ack 1
[04-23 22:58:17][pid:833][IPC][ERROR] from daemon ack, dst not work  len 0 , load_type is [10012]
[04-23 22:58:17][pid:833][UNI_IF][ERROR]65554:ipc_unix_call_service failed, ret = -3.
[04-23 22:58:17][pid:833][UNI_IF][ERROR]communicaite_to_davinci failed!!!
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
 ========capture_mode_pal=0, capture_mode_ntsc=0===============.
powerLineFrequencyMode = 0
[04-23 22:58:19][pid:842][UNI_IF][ERROR]ptzIssueCmd error.
[04-23 22:58:19][pid:842][UNI_IF][ERROR]ptzIssueCmd error.
[04-23 22:58:19][pid:842][UNI_IF][ERROR]ptzIssueCmd error.
[04-23 22:58:19][pid:842][UNI_IF][ERROR]ptzIssueCmd error.
@@@motion PAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[04-23 22:58:19][pid:842][UNI_IF][ERROR]stream request out range 3(2)
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
get samplerate [2]
get samplerate [2]
get samplerate [2]
get samplerate [2]
get samplerate [2]
get samplerate [2]
get samplerate [2]
get samplerate [2]
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
get 0-0-0-0.000000-0-0-0
[04-23 22:58:21][pid:842][HW_IF][ERROR]<INIT485>:x=9,maxBaudIdx=15,/dev/uart1
[04-23 22:58:21][pid:842][HW_IF][ERROR]<INIT485>set...baudrate=9600,data=3,stop=0,parity=0,flowcontrol=0
IEfile uncompressed.
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
<DSP> DBG:init_dsp_lib() begin
<DSP> DBG:init_dsp_lib() end
[04-23 22:58:27][pid:842][DSP][ERROR][1]g_pdsp->audioTBShare.frameLen=160, g_pdsp->audioTBShare.totalFrame=64..
[04-23 22:58:27][pid:842][SYSINIT][ERROR]max_fps=0...
[04-23 22:58:27][pid:842][SYSINIT][ERROR]max_fps=0...
[04-23 22:58:27][pid:842][SYSINIT][ERROR]max_fps=0...
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
mknod: /dev/snd/controlC0: File exists
mknod: /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c: File exists
mknod: /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p: File exists
dsp_init: Unsupported viType=0
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
starting pid 896, tty '': '-/bin/psh'
BusyBox v1.2.1-171136 Protect Shell (psh)
Enter 'help' for a list of davinci system commands.
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
# davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
[04-23 22:58:38][pid:842][SYSINIT][ERROR]hwif_dsp_init error force sys reboot,ret=-12!!!!
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param
davinci receive cmd_query_davinci_param.
S: cmd_query_davinci_param


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
That's not the 5.2.3 firmware, it looks like 5.4.x
I'll check in more detail tomorrow.
Maybe it's running the secondary partitions.
Apr 13, 2019
Reaction score
Modifing the u-boot bootargs parameter to start init=/bin/sh I could prevent the CAM from rebooting!
HKVS # setenv bootargs console=ttyS0 initrd=0xc0a00000,0x400000 rw root=/dev/ram dbg=0 init=/bin/sh
HKVS # boot
Then launching all but the last line of /etc/init.d/rcS manually I've got access to my mount share and to the /dev/mtdxxx
# /bin/mount -t proc proc /proc
# /bin/mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
# /bin/mount -t ramfs ramfs /home

I could then patch the mtd6 part with the "mtd_hack"
# cat mtd6 > /dev/mtdblock6
After reboot I get the cam detected by SADP and the WebServer ready!!!

Thanks a lot Alastair!!!!!
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Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
After reboot I get the cam detected by SADP and the WebServer ready!!!
Well done indeed, for persisting and succeeding. I am most impressed.
Especially as the camera appears to have a failure in the flash partition that holds the all-important min-system recovery environment.

The system loops rebooting now
That's because, based on the console log characteristics, the CN camera was now running the EN 5.4.0 firmware with the original mtdblock6 which identifies the camera as CN language and region.
This is the common cause of 'bricked' CN cameras when any EN/ML firmware is applied.
The later firmware is built to object to the devType values as built into the camera, and used by the earlier firmware.
dsp_init: Unsupported viType=0
But you'd figured out how to boot up to a basic shell, complete the initialisation excluding the davinci app which triggers the reboot, and then apply the modified mtdblock6 that converts the camera to language=EN.
You've done really well, and even better for sharing your journey for the benefit of others on this forum.
Apr 13, 2019
Reaction score
Hello Alastair.
Thanks again for your help. Without you I would not have been able to get my cam back!

"Just for fun" :) now that the cam works, I'm wondering if I could get a recovery mode available. I see several potential options:

Option 1: Find a way to "recover" mtdblock8.
As far as I know, it's not unusual to get bad blocks in a NAND flash but they have to be marked not to be used, am I right? Is it only done at factory or could it be updated later?
If so how could I "update" the bad blocks list (under linux or u-boot)?
Does the command used to restore the partition matters (would "dd" do it a better way than "cat" does, for example?)

Option 2 (which seems maybe more realistic…) : run the recovery uImage from memory from u-Boot
I've seen that I was able to retreive "digicap.dav" from uboot using tftp. Could I retreive "uImage" the same way then boot it from memory?
It could looks something like
HKVS # setenv bootfile uImage
HKVS # tftp
[ INFO][BLD]TFTP: MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[ INFO][BLD]TFTP: TFTP from server; our IP address is
[ INFO][BLD]TFTP: Filename: 'uImage'
[ INFO][BLD]TFTP: ##############################################################
[ INFO][BLD]TFTP: ##############################################################
[ INFO][BLD]TFTP: ##############################################################
[ INFO][BLD]TFTP: File size is 22224258 bytes (21703 KB)
HKVS # setenv bootfile digicap.dav
HKVS # bootm
If so how do I extract "uImage" from a reference "mtd8" file image?

Does anyone see any other smarter ideas ?


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
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it's not unusual to get bad blocks in a NAND flash but they have to be marked not to be used, am I right?
Yes, but (for that model of flash chip) by the file system that resides on the partition.
mtdblock8 is used raw - there is no file system used on that partition that can accommodate the existence of bad blocks.
Could I retreive "uImage" the same way then boot it from memory?
Yes, it's possible to boot an external uImage - it can be a useful way to circumvent restrictions in the stored uImage.


Young grasshopper
May 17, 2015
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Thanks to Alastair, I've been able to recover a bunch of r0 cameras and get them upgraded to 5.4.41 firmware! (Got hacked by backdoor)
However, after the upgrade to 5.4.41, ssh access no longer seems available. I can't find where to enable it on the web interface.
Any clues? Thanks! Doug