Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Not sure why my post triggered a fake news response.
Maybe because it's getting tiring hearing all the "blame Trump" crap since before he was sworn into office. Over and over again for four damn years we've been hearing allegations but nothing ever turns up. It's a "here we go again" scenario. Did you ever stop to think that perhaps Trump isn't to blame?

If anything I blame focused like a laser beam to blame Trump and allege everything including the kitchen sink. It's quite amazing he got anything done.

Do you think he may have been a little distracted? "The impeachment trial of Donald Trump, the 45th and incumbent president of the United States, began in the U.S. Senate on January 16, 2020, and concluded with his acquittal on February 5."

In the news: "Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has launched a new special House committee to oversee trillions of dollars in emergency spending, while other top Democrats are pushing legislation to create a separate 9/11-style commission looking into whether the government properly responded to the outbreak." Yup, liberals are tripping over themselves once again to figure out how they can control moving money to their liberal buddies while the libs not chasing the money are tripping over themselves trying to figure out how they can start another witch trial right in the middle of a global pandemic. They stall legislation to sneak in their non-sense which has nothing to do with helping out the American people. So you want to know why your post "triggered" the response? Seriously? Why are libs triggered with a bad case of TDS with anything having to do with Trump.

Is it Trump's fault that NY is such a hot mess?



Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Yeah, conservatives never tried to get in the way of Obama's presidency either, did they?

Google "The Party of No" re: Republican plans starting immediately after the 2008 election.

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Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Yeah, conservatives never tried to get in the way of Obama's presidency either, did they?

Google "The Party of No" re: Republican plans starting immediately after the 2008 election.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
So I Googled it as you suggested....OMG, those darn Republicans, always saying no to the well intentioned liberals.

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Feb 26, 2017
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IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
We have been leading the world, by a huge margin, in wide scale testing for over 4 weeks now. And it just accelerates every day. And your 3-4 months is fake news exaggerating.
This is a huge load of bullshit, and while @Oceanslider may actually believe this to be true, it's complete and utter bullshit none-the-less.

Ya'll may remember my own attempts to get tested...and later Mrs. Q™'s excellent Covid testing adventure, which began 4-weeks ago (and which I documented here over 3 or 4 posts). For reference here's how Mrs. Q™'s Covid testing adventure culminated...

She arrived at 5:25 PM. Major military and police presence at the test site. NO ONE ELSE IS THERE TO BE TESTED. That's right...NO ONE...she's the only person apparently present to be tested. But even though she's the only person/vehicle present, she still has to drive though multiple Military/Police check points. "DON'T ROLL DOWN YOUR WINDOW LADY!" and "TURN OFF YOU AIR-CONDITIONING!" they direct. There are multiple checkpoints to traverse and her identity is confirmed at each checkpoint. She finally reaches the final stop and a person in full Contagion PPE tells her to roll down her window and does a nasal swab on her. "Results in 24-48 hours...move along!" She needs to create an account to get her test results; her password must be "at least 8 characters, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character"...fuQin' Fort Knox, eh? No results to date; I'll let ya'll know when her result comes in. As I've said previously...she'd be JUST ABOUT DEAD had she been at risk and infected when she first called to get tested many moons ago.
48-hours after this experience she gets her test results posted on the website: "Invalid Test: New specimen required".

The test results web page provides no method to be phone number to nothing except for the test failue message."

Here's a @Q™ special....fuQn ridiculous what it takes to get a test.
FuQin' got that right brother; spot on.

Meanwhile I've called over EIGHT HUNDRED TIMES to validate my previously submitted unemployment application and commence my benefits.

I'm fuQed.

You're fuQed.

We're all fuQed.



Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
This is a huge load of bullshit, and while @Oceanslider may actually believe this to be true, it's complete and utter bullshit none-the-less.
No it is not. Once Trump cut through the red tape, after the CDC error, and got the private sector going, and they were online, we were doing more tests daily than any country had or has been since. We were leading the world in overall daily testing by mid March. And it is just keeps accelerating to this day.

The reason we lead the world in confirmed cases is because of the amount of testing we are doing compared to all other countries.

According to this graphic (to make it easier to understand for the liberal impared ;)) we made a huge leap in the amount of daily testing on March 17th: 武漢肺炎累計確診病例排名前15名國家-表1

And you know what that Graph tells you? That the CCP knew a lot more than they let the world know about. Look at how much testing they say they did by the first part of February. Again, they let 5 million people leave the Hubei Province when they knew of human to human transmission.
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Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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2.8mil tests in the USA, more than double the next closest Germany/Russia. But, the tests per million shows population wise we have a lot more testing to do. It needs to get to the point where if someone wants to go through the trouble of getting a test because they suspect they were exposed or have a runny nose they should be able to get one.



Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Many of the cases are involving individuals with co-morbidity. Also, the efficacy of vaccines varies from individual to individual. Again, keeping co-morbidity in mind. It not just COVID-19, its in terms of every virus.



Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Many of the cases are involving individuals with co-morbidity. Also, the efficacy of vaccines varies from individual to individual. Again, keeping co-morbidity in mind. It not just COVID-19, its in terms of every virus.
SNIP Media
The developed world leads a decadent life. What you put inside your body is a tremendous factor in your overall health and the factors that lead to the conditions of co-morbidity.
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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Hi guys. Just have a minute to pop in here during lunch, then I won't bother you with my liberal craziness until later in the day. :screwy:

Couple things. My post this morning wasn't intended to be controversial, as it just stated facts that are not in dispute as far as I can tell.

For review:

My first line:

"It's extremely sad that in the country with the most diverse med/biotech capabilities in the world, that we are at 3-4 months into this thing and even today it is hard for many to get tested. "

Fact: Many people are still TODAY having trouble getting tested. See Q's notes throughout the last month, but I have friends in several states getting the same run around. One of them is even a presumptive positive based on symptoms including anosmia. And like myself, some of these people actually work for the private companies now doing the testing.
Fact: For the US, this all started on January 3, and we are now 3-4 months after that, being it is mid April.
Fact: We have the most diverse med/biotech capabilities in the world. We are where much of the world's innovation happens. I've been part of it for my professional life.
Fact: It's my opinion that it is sad that people still are having trouble getting tested.

My second line:

"This story refers to events about two weeks ago but we still haven't gotten where we need to be, testing wise. "

Fact: the link I provided referenced events from the last week of March. Two weeks ago.
Fact: Until we can get everybody tested within a day of their need, we aren't where we need to be. I'll allow this one may be open to some level of fact/opinion debate. But I think it is reasonable.

My third line:

"Until we have rapid large scale testing for both active infections and antibody tests to show who had it (and is thus at low risk for near term reinfection), there's no hope of getting back to work as a nation. " [I edited my spelling typos BTW]

This is forward looking of course, but does anybody think we can go back to work when only a few people have acquired immunity through having the disease, without a vaccine, and without deep insight into the spread that can only come from rapid large scale testing? If we open things up without those in place, we'll be in lockdown again pretty quickly. I don't consider my position to be either controversial or politically loaded.

I agree with many of the things said by others here. We are ramping up testing quickly now (I work for one of the companies involved, though not specifically on this project), and ubiquitous Ab/Infection testing for all who want/need it is in sight. In a few months. That doesn't help us get back to work now, though.


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
The developed world leads a decadent life. What you put inside your body is a tremendous factor in your overall health and the factors that lead to the conditions of co-morbidity.
Truth has been spoken!

American print, television, and Internet advertising media -- in concert with broadcast/cable television and Hollywood -- has spent the past 50-years selling/brainwashing Americans that there are no limits...that Americans can have whatever they want...that we can eat whatever we whatever we want...and we can have it all without limits and without consequence. But the truth is that there are limits and consequences to everything we do, and to every action we undertake, and -- as a result -- we now have a lot of obese/sick Americans, and a lot of folks who believe they are entitled to...and deserve...whatever they want...along with a lot of pissed off Americans who are disillusioned because the message was/and-is complete bullshit. Hard, cold, and ruthless as it is to say...perhaps America needs to cull the societal herd and realize a massive die-off to reset the norm and eliminate those whose lazy, indolent, decadent lifestyles have put our entire country at risk. But I guess that's a bitter pill to swallow if it's your mom, your brother, or your friend who falls to the societal death-cure.

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Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Truth has been spoken!

American print, television, and Internet advertising media -- in concert with broadcast/cable television and Hollywood -- has spent the past 50-years selling/brainwashing Americans that there are no limits...that Americans can have whatever they want...that we can eat whatever we whatever we want...and we can have it all without consequence. But the truth is that there are consequences to everything we do, and to every action we undertake, and -- as a result -- we now have a lot of obese/sick Americans, and a lot of folks who believe they are entitled to...and deserve...whatever they want...along with a lot of pissed off Americans who are disillusioned because the message was/and-is complete bullshit. Hard, cold, and ruthless as it is to say...perhaps America needs to cull the societal herd and realize a massive die-off to reset the norm and eliminate those whose lazy, indolent, decadent lifestyles have put our entire country at risk. But I guess that's a bitter pill to swallow if it's your mom, your brother, or your friend who falls to the societal death-cure.
SNIP Picture
If truth be told, diet is also the reason for this pandemic. It is just not right to be containing in the same area and be eating, with very lax hygiene, exotic wildlife of all types from around the world. But I'm still torn on this one. SARS for sure was diet, wet market related. My gut is telling me this one was possibly a mishap related to that Lab south of Wuhan.

Just like the worlds scientist f__k with GMO food and gene-edited embryos.
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Getting the hang of it
Nov 21, 2019
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Los Angeles
You got the facts wrong. The entire world didn't know about human to human transmission until the very end of January. And South Korea who did get going early, started testing about February 10th and wasn't ramped up until February 17th.

We lagged about 2 weeks behind because our "career officials" in the CDC messed up.
The fact was true only for those believed what WHO said.
Before mid January, after the news of the Wuhan Pneumonia (that was its name at that time) or new SARS, people in China, Hong Kong and Macau started to stock up medical masks. When there were confirmed case in Hong Kong, Taiwan around 1/21, more and more people started wearing masks.
Just think about how it got spread so quick when there was no human to human transmission? (my response when reading the news of WHO was WT...)
No one in the area believed in that joke, not event the HK SAR and Macau SAR government. People had been asking to close the border.
Before Chinese New Year, which was 1/25, government officials already warned about the crisis of people were traveling to go home and told people not to visit relative familiies.
People from China even traveled to Japan and Korean to buy masks (think about they're also spreading the virus).
Taiwan banned export of medical masks on 1/24.
People in US started scooping up masks from stores and Amazon and shipped them back to China or Chinese area around (some for profits , some for their relatives)
By around 1/27, it's already difficult to buy regular price medical masks from Amazon when my dentist friend offered to buy masks from their medical supplies for our friends.
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Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
The fact was true only for those believed what WHO said.
Before mid January, after the news of the Wuhan Pneumonia (that was its name at that time) or new SARS, people in China, Hong Kong and Macau started to stock up medical masks. When there were confirmed case in Hong Kong, Taiwan around 1/21, more and more people started wearing masks.
Just think about how it got spread so quick when there was no human to human transmission? (my response when reading the news of WHO was WT...)
No one in the area believed in that joke, not event the HK SAR and Macau SAR government. People had been asking to close the border.
Before Chinese New Year, which was 1/25, government officials already warned about the crisis of people were traveling to go home and told people not to visit relative familiies.
People from China even traveled to Japan and Korean to buy masks (think about they're also spreading the virus).
Taiwan banned export of medical masks on 1/24.
People in US started scooping up masks from stores and Amazon and shipped them back to China or Chinese area around (some for profits , some for their relatives)
By around 1/27, it's already difficult to buy regular price medical masks from Amazon when my dentist friend offered to buy masks from their medical supplies for our friends.
The Asian world has been mask wearers for quite a few years now compared to the USA and Europe and other parts of the world.

I still saw full pallets of masks at Home Depot locally on February 21st, the last time I went there. I did have a gut instinct saying maybe I should grab a box, but just like the rest of the world, especially Europe, I just did not know that this virus was so infectious.

What got the worlds attention to this virus was Italy, the first week of March. Italy only had 388 confirmed cases on February 28th.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 21, 2019
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Los Angeles
I still saw full pallets of masks at Home Depot locally on February 21st, the last time I went there. I did have a gut instinct saying maybe I should grab a box, but just like the rest of the world, especially Europe, I just did not know that this virus was so infectious.
Those should be the dust masks, not medical grade, I could find still those (unrated) for shipping in Feb or might be Mar. But now even those are long gone.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 21, 2019
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Los Angeles
The Asian world has been mask wearers for quite a few years now compared to the USA and Europe and other parts of the world.
Japanese have the habit of wearing masks when they're sick, that's really considerate for others, but it's not for protecting from others. Also, common practice for allergic to pollens.
Hong Kong and others only started doing that after SARS but far not as common as in Japan.